The John Birch Society....Some History


Makes the ganglia twitch.
Some here are too young to remember, know or care about these facts, but they should.

The 2012 GOP is the naked Emperor, but covered with tattoos reading "John Birch Society," "Koch Industries," and "I heart Bull Connor." The "subjects" are the media, which thinks the GOP is clothed in the raiments of a respectable political party.

When I grew up, the John Birch Society were the crazies -- heirs to McCarthy, finding communism in any government program, seeing the Civil Rights Movement as just another arm of the communist party. They were crazy enough to be repudiated by William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater.

The 2012 Republican Party is barely distinguishable from the John Birch Society. It is funded in large part by the Koch brothers, the heirs of Fred Koch, one of the Birch Society's founding members. The Kochs may not be members of the Society, but their ideas -- extreme laissez-faire capitalism with communism lurking in any regulation, unions, health care and even Civil Rights laws -- are virtually the same. (One of the current right's few attempts to avoid looking like Birchers is morphing communism into "socialism." No need to explain to the faithful that they're really the same.)

Remember Sarah Palin being stumped as to what journals she reads ("all of 'em")? Apparently, she didn't remember that picture of herself with the John Birch Society newsletter prominently displayed on her desk. And while Sarah is now in the background, there is hardly a difference between the Republican leadership, the Eric Cantors and Jim DeMints, and the merely more openly loony Steve Kings, Michele Bachmans and Allen Wests.


Definition of OLIGARCHY

: government by the few
: a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes; also : a group exercising such control

Some of you need to read some history so you can get a grip on what's going on in this country. This is a good place to start...a little history lesson about the Koch family and The John Birch Society.

It's filled with links to sources and references so you can check what it says at the link. Have questions about something on the link and read.

Methods Of Control Oligarchs Use to Gain Power

Posted on March 29, 2012 | Leave a comment
By Kourosh Behnam
March 28, 2012

Using the Koch Brothers as a symbol of oligarchic power.

Astroturf Organizations: Bankrolling the radical rights economic agenda has been a tradition in the Koch family for decades. In 1958 Fred Koch was one of the founders of the John Birch Society, an American political advocacy organization that “supports anti-communism, limited government, a Constitutional Republic, and personal freedom.” In 1984 David Koch established Citizens for a Sound Economy, whose sole mission is to fight for less government, lower taxes, and less regulation. However, in 2004 Citizens for a Sound Economy split into two entities: Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity. The Koch’s remain active in Americans for Prosperity and the individual in charge of FreedomWorks is Dick Armey (Republican Party GOP House majority Leader from 2003 to 2005). The Koch brothers use Americans for Prosperity to stimulate the Tea Party, and AFP organized the first national Tea Party movements in 2009. These organizations have the ability to mobilize, educate, and train people. From Koch donations, American for Prosperity was able to create a $5 million anti-healthcare campaign.

Wealth Defense Industry: A political action committee of Koch Industries, KochPAC (Koch Political Action Committee), has played a tremendous role lobbying in Washington D.C. Lobbyists of Koch Industries have spent much of their time shaping new policy for financial regulation. The Dodd-Frank Act was passed by Congress under the Obama Administration “to craft new rules to subject traders in the energy industry to increased regulation and transparency” according to the Koch Web of Influence by John Farrell. Congress and regulators are still detailing the necessary changes to implement this new law and Koch lobbyists have spent a considerable amount of time shaping the bill. A few weeks, after the bill was passed, Koch lobbyist Gregory Zerzan held a covert meeting with SEC Commissioner Troy Paredes and his counsel, Gena Lai to see how the government would apply the law. According to Greenpeace’s 2011 update report of Koch Industries, the KochPAC spent $2,645,589 in 2009-2010. KochPAC is also the number one oil and gas contributor in the U.S., out spending Exxon Mobil. American oligarchs use many specialized professionals to prevent wealth from being taken, and their wealth defense industry is comprised of lawyers, accountants, wealth management consultants, tax avoidance consultants, and lobbyist. When oligarchs hire them, their main purpose is to defend as much wealth as possible, and only oligarchs would have enough wealth to purchase these services. The industry is global, some of the key players are Whithers, Clifford Chance, Linklaters, White & Case, Milbank Tweed Hadly and McCloy, Weil Gotshal and Manges, and Freeman Freeman and Smiley are known as the “magic circle” firms.

Legislatures and Elected Officials
: Mike Morgan, the previous Director of Public and Governmental Affairs of Koch Industries, played a significant role in promoting legislation for the Koch brothers. As of December 2011, Mike Morgan still sits on the Private Enterprise Board of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC is an organization that promotes limited government, free markets, and federalism. According to the American Association for Justice “ALEC campaigns have covered many issues, but all have either protected or promoted a corporate revenue stream.” ALEC has proposed legislation that benefits Koch Industries and is undermining climate change proponents. Major campaign contributions from the billionaire brothers can be seen in the makeup of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Koch Industries is the largest oil and gas donor, giving $279,500 to 22 Republicans on the committee and $32,000 to five of its Democrats, according to the Los Angeles Times. In 2010 KochPAC gave political donations to freshman members of Congress, such as Gardner Cory (R-CO) $10,000, Griffith Morgan (R-VA) $5,000, and Pompeo Mike (R-KS) $10,000.

Courts and Judges: Citizens United v Federal Elections Commission is a landmark case that will go down in history for poisoning our electoral process. This case has allowed corporations to flood our political marketplace and corrupt our democracy and the Koch Brothers themselves played a significant role in enabling this case to advance. Three years ago, Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Scalia attended a political retreat organized by Charles and David Koch in Palm Spring California for wealthy conservatives. There is more speculation that Justice Thomas stayed on a four-day retreat which was paid by the Federalist Society. The Citizens United case that was supported by Justice Scalia allowed corporations to spend limitless amounts of money on elections with little public disclosure.

Read the rest here...

LoL! Asking wingnuts to read and understand history!!? History went down the memory hole around 1980.

Any attempt to understand the modern conservative movement will eventually
lead to billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch. Using their vast wealth and
connections, the Koch brothers are key players in bankrolling right-wing political
action groups, think tanks, and individual politicians, using this array of political
power to advance their ideological agenda of limited government and less regulation.
Chances are they are part of any recent right-wing attack you have seen lately.

The first paragraph is about all their conditioning will let them read. I've given up on them and their stupidity.
You never know. I can say I managed to get someone to rethink their position on abortion once. He changed his mind and no long opposed it after much talking. He actually began to see why making it illegal and or hard to get was the wrong thing to do. I have little hope for most of the mouth breathers here but some come to read who never post. Information is never wasted, however I know what you mean and you're correct in my view.