The JPP Debate Championship Official Start

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Were about the start the JPP Debate Championship. Grind, will the debates be scheduled here or in The War Zone?

[edit by grind: ]

First I'm going to list the seedings. Then the pairings, debate topics, who as what side of a debate and then the actual debate schedule for the first round.

Since there are 16 competitors there will be 15 one on one debates in a single elimination tournament until we have a champion. I will post the rules for the debate in my next post.

The Seedings.

The Seedings were created using a number of factors. The #1 Seed will be last years winner of the JPP Best Debator award. The #2 Seed will be the runner up in last years JPP Best Debator award. That means I am the #1 Seed and Damo is the #2 seed (may the yelling commence!). The #15 and #16 seeds were also easy to pick out. The #16 seed was chosen on his consistent and lazy debate philosophy of "All conservatives must die". That would be Watermark as seeded last in the field. Next to last with his conistantly erratic and paranoid approach concerning jewish zionism and the one world order is Asshatzombie. They are the two biggest longshots to win. The remainder of the field was very even and therefore very difficult to seed so I sued a number of criteria, such as, proven skills at analysis and presenting facts. Defending an argument, Rep points, body of work and strength of pairings to make the debate interesting to a broader audience. So the final seeding is as follows;

#1. Mott The Hoople
#2. Damocles
#3. Winterborn
#4. SuperFreak
#5. Yurt
#6. Southernman
#7. Thaichiliberal
#8. Bender (aka Captain Billy)
#9. Zappa's guitar
#10. US Loyal
#11. US Free
#12. Beefy
#13. Liberty
#14. Bravo
#15. Asshat Zombie
#16. Watermark


Liberal Judge - Apple
Moderate/Independent Judge - Grind
Conservative Judge - Annie

In the grand scheme of things this seeding doesn't mean a whole lot. Everyone has an equal chance to win and ones reputation does not really reveal ones debating skill so don't get your panties in a wad if you don't feel you should be seeded where you are. The seeding was specifically meant to create interest and controversy so don't take it personal. It is not intended that way.
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Southernman above me? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!. Ok Mott, whatever you say.

This was the best laugh of the week.
Southernman above me? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!. Ok Mott, whatever you say.

This was the best laugh of the week.
I actually made an exception for you because your going on vacation so in order to have you last in the first round you had to be seeded #8 or #9. Having said that. If someone doesn't like their seeding, they will have their chance to prove that seeding wrong.
So here are the pairings and schedule for the first round of 8 debates.

Debate #1 Monday, Aug 9. Mott the Hoople vs. Watermark
Debate #2 Wed, Aug 11. Damocles vs. Asshat Zombie
Debate #3 Fri, Aug 13. Winterborn vs. Bravo
Debate #4 Tues, Aug 17 Super Freak vs Liberty
Debate #5 Thurs 19. Yurt vs Beefy
Debate # 6 Mon Aug 23. Southern Man vs. US Freedom
Debate #7 Wed Aug 25. Thaichi Liberal vs. US Loyal
Debate #8. Fri Aug 27 Bender vs Zappa's Guitar
Here are the Debate topics and who will defend which side of that topic. I'm posting these now so that the competitors will have plenty of time to prepare. I chose the topics but who they were assigned to and which side of the topic a competitor defends were chosen completely at random. That makes Debate #6 really ironic. Topics were mostly politically related but were from different areas of discussion such as science, economics, philosophy, current politics, history, religion, something fun and miscellaneous.

Debate #1. At what point does human life begin, birth or conception?
Human Life begins at conception - Mott
Human Life begins at birth - Watermark

Debate #2. Do the American people owe Native Americans compensation for acts of genocide committed against them?
Yes they do - Asshat Zombie
No they don't - Damocles

Debate #3. Is Rap music torture?
Yes it is - Bravo
No it isn't - Winterborn

Debate #4. Cats or Dogs?
Cats - Liberty
Dogs - Superfreak

Debate #5. Should pot be legalized?
Yes it should be - Yurt
No it shouldn't - Beefy

Debate #6. Is homosexuality a mental illness?
Yes it is - Southernman
No it isn't - US Freedom

Debate #7. Is the theory of macroevolution true?
Yes it is - US Loyal
No it isn't - Thaichi Liberal

Debate #8. Was George H. W. Bush wrong to leave Sadam Hussein in power in 91?
Yes, he was wrong - Zappa's Guitar
No, he was right - Bender

ref. Props to Conservapedia for debate topics.
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I would think either Damo or Superfreak should be #1. Also, I think you have seriously underrated Beefy... :cool:
Your entitled to your opinion but I was elected best Debator on JPP last year and not Damo or SF. Damo was runner up and that is why he is #2. Well that and I voted for Damo as best debator last year so I'd be a hypocrit not to have him as #2. As for SF, he'll certainly have his chance to prove me wrong the same with Beefy.
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Your entitled to your opinion but I was elected best Debator on JPP last year and not Damo or SF. Damo was runner up and that is why he is #2. Well that and I voted for Damo as best debator last year so I'd be a hypocrit not to have him as #2. As for SF, he'll certainly have his chance to prove me wrong.

Ah, the awards. I was like, WTF is he talking about? Now it all comes rushing back to me! Okay, that's a pretty decent way of getting started. :clink:
Rules of the debate.

The debate will consist of 4 parts. Each Debate will begin at 9am EST on the designated date. Each competitor will have 24 hours to complete all 4 parts of their debate.

Part 1. Opening statement. Must be at least 100 words but not more then 500.
Part 2. Rebuttal. You must rebut your opponents opening statement in 100 to 500 words.
Part 3. You must ask you opponent 1 question relevant to your topic.
Part 4. You must answer your opponents question in 100 to 500 words.

Judges will deduct from your effort if you are under or over the word limit. If you fail to complete all 4 sections in the alloted time, you are disqualified.

Each judge will score on a 3 pt must system. They will award one point for the best opening statement. 1 pt for the best rebuttal and 1 pt for the best question/answer combination. The judges will tally their scores and the competitor with the highest score is the winner of that debate. It is completely up to the judge to decide why they think a particularly competitor won any given point.

Note - if a competitor is unable to complete his 4 parts because his opponent did not make an opening statement or ask him a question and there for they could not answer, they will be the winner via disqualification of their opponent. Opening statements and questions to your opponent must be done on a timely basis. Judges will have a wide latitude to deal with those who wait till the last minute to post opening statements, rebut or ask their competitor a question up to and including disqualification.
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Here are the Debate topics and who will defend which side of that topic. I'm posting these now so that the competitors will have plenty of time to prepare. I chose the topics but who they were assigned to and which side of the topic a competitor defends were chosen completely at random. That makes Debate #6 really ironic. Topics were mostly politically related but were from different areas of discussion such as science, economics, philosophy, current politics, history, religion, something fun and miscellaneous.

Debate #1. At what point does human life begin, birth or conception?
Human Life begins at conception - Mott
Human Life begins at birth - Watermark

Debate #2. Do the American people owe Native Americans compensation for acts of genocide committed against them?
Yes they do - Asshat Zombie
No they don't - Damocles

Debate #3. Is Rap music torture?
Yes it is - Bravo
No it isn't - Winterborn

Debate #4. Cats or Dogs?
Cats - Liberty
Dogs - Superfreak

Debate #5. Should pot be legalized?
Yes it should be - Yurt
No it shouldn't - Beefy

Debate #6. Is homosexuality a mental illness?
Yes it is - Southernman
No it isn't - US Freedom

Debate #7. Is the theory of macroevolution true?
Yes it is - US Loyal
No it isn't - Thaichi Liberal

Debate #8. Was George H. W. Bush wrong to leave Sadam Hussein in power in 91?
Yes, he was wrong - Zappa's Guitar
No, he was right - Bender

ref. Props to Conservapedia for debate topics.

Rules of the debate.

The debate will consist of 4 parts. Each Debate will begin at 9am EST on the designated date. Each competitor will have 24 hours to complete all 4 parts of their debate.

Part 1. Opening statement. Must be at least 100 words but not more then 500.
Part 2. Rebuttal. You must rebut your opponents opening statement in 100 to 500 words.
Part 3. You must ask you opponent 1 question relevant to your topic.
Part 4. You must answer your opponents question in 100 to 500 words.

Judges will deduct from your effort if you are under or over the word limit. If you fail to complete all 4 sections in the alloted time, you are disqualified.

Each judge will score on a 3 pt must system. They will award one point for the best opening statement. 1 pt for the best rebuttal and 1 pt for the best question/answer combination. The judges will tally their scores and the competitor with the highest score is the winner of that debate. It is completely up to the judge to decide why they think a particularly competitor won any given point.

Note - if a competitor is unable to complete his 4 parts because his opponent did not make an opening statement or ask him a question and there for they could not answer, they will be the winner via disqualification of their opponent. Opening statements and questions to your opponent must be done on a timely basis. Judges will have a wide latitude to deal with those who wait till the last minute to post opening statements, rebut or ask their competitor a question up to and including disqualification.
