The last debate Trump had with Chris Wallace while Biden watched.

This is why Trump is always the weakest link in every debate he has ever participated in.

Because he lies, and tries to talk over everyone else, and then insults people, and without answering the questions asked of him.

What a loser and impossible person to have to deal with!

Thanks for posting this example of such a horrible person!
This is why Trump is always the weakest link in every debate he has ever participated in.

Because he lies, and tries to talk over everyone else, and then insults people, and without answering the questions asked of him.

What a loser and impossible person to have to deal with!

Thanks for posting this example of such a horrible person!

Another delusional rant from a laughably stupid low IQ dullard who thinks Biden is awesome. :laugh:
The last time Trump debated Chris Wallace while Hitlery watched.

That's the problem with using a reporter / journalist / newscaster as the "moderator." They aren't impartial in the least, don't know how to stay out of the debate, and once they inject themselves, essentially lose the debate for the side they jump in on.

The most egregious example of that was Candy Crowley in the Romney - Obama debate.

The most glaring example in that comes just at the end of the clip.

If I were Romney, I'd have snapped at Crowley, "Who am I debating here, him" pointing at Obama, "Or you? Why don't you go over there," pointing next to Obama, "and join him? I'll debate you both!"

That would have shutdown that debate right then and there. The media bias was so bad it hurt.
That's the problem with using a reporter / journalist / newscaster as the "moderator." They aren't impartial in the least, don't know how to stay out of the debate, and once they inject themselves, essentially lose the debate for the side they jump in on.

The most egregious example of that was Candy Crowley in the Romney - Obama debate.

The most glaring example in that comes just at the end of the clip.

If I were Romney, I'd have snapped at Crowley, "Who am I debating here, him" pointing at Obama, "Or you? Why don't you go over there," pointing next to Obama, "and join him? I'll debate you both!"

That would have shutdown that debate right then and there. The media bias was so bad it hurt.

That is your delusional opinion snowflake. Supporting Biden is a sign of ignorance and stupidity.

Sorry asshole but Biden was picked by the audience as well as the media as having won both of them. Trump acred like the fucking juvenile that he is.

Debate-watchers say Biden won first debate,​

In the first presidential debate between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden, voters who watched Tuesday night said Biden won the debate

Majority of viewers say Biden won final debate​

Joe Biden outperformed President Donald Trump in Thursday’s final presidential debate
Joe thinks that the KC Chiefs are from he welcomed their governor yesterday...He'll do well in the debates...;) He should start wearing that helmet everywhere...;)
Sorry asshole but Biden was picked by the audience as well as the media as having won both of them. Trump acred like the fucking juvenile that he is.

Sorry shit-for-brains but Trump mopped the floor with Bidens lying balding head and Mathews empty head.

But keep banging those tiny insignificant little fists on the table. It's funny to watch. :laugh:
I'd like one example of that... perhaps I'll ask him...

I wouldn't engage an idoit like that. They will only attempt to drag you down to their low level and then beat you with experience.

It's best to point at idiots like that and laugh at them. ;)