The Latest Democrat Liar Got Caught


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The lying sack of shit’s first AG should have been impeached and imprisoned.



And let’s not forget the sack of shit’s second AG:

Take this one to the bank. Democrats will impeach AG Robert Barr before they lose the House in November.


Parenthetically, I cannot verify this but I think it was JEWISH Lenny Bruce who asked “Did you ever see a Jewish villain in a movie?” (Shylock is the exception, and an exceptional villain, regardless of his most memorable line "If you prick us, do we not bleed?")

Oddly enough, Hollywood portrays black Americans as the noblest creatures on God’s green Earth who would rather die than lie. In reality, black Americans in high places embody every liar in government. The question is WHY? In my opinion lying has long been the Democrat Party’s rendering of:

Taqiyya and Kitman: The role of Deception in Islamic Terrorism

Tradecraft. Persona. Deception. Disinformation. Cover: Western operational terms and techniques. But, Islamic terrorists have their own terms: taqiyya (pronounced tak-e-ya) : precautionary dissimulation or deception and keeping one's convictions secret and a synonymous term, kitman: mental reservation and dissimulation or concealment of malevolent intentions...

Taqiyya and kitman or 'holy hypocrisy' has been diffused throughout Arabic culture for over fourteen hundred years since it was developed by Shiites as a means of defence and concealment of beliefs against Sunni unbelievers. As the Prophet said: 'he who keeps secrets shall soon attain his objectives.'

The skilful use of taqiyya and kitman was often a matter of life and death against enemies; it is also a matter of life and death to many contemporary Islamic terrorists. As so often in the history of Islam, a theological doctrine became operational.

During the Spanish inquisition, Sunni Moriscos attended mass and returned home to wash their hands of the 'holy water'. In operational terms, taqiyya and kitman allowed the 'mujahadeen ' to assume whatever identity was necessary to fulfill their mission; they had doctrinal and theological and later jurisprudential sanction to pretend to be Jews or Christians to gain access to Christian and Jewish targets: 'the mujahadeen can take the shape of the enemy'.

According to Christian ethics lying is a sin; In Islamic jurisprudence and theology, the use of taqiyya against the unbelievers is regarded as a virtue and a religious duty.

Like many Islamic concepts taqiyya and kitman were formed within the context of the Arab-Islamic matrix of tribalism, expansionary warfare and conflict. Taqiyya has been used by Muslims since the 7th century to confuse and split 'the enemy'. A favored tactic was 'deceptive triangulation'; to persuade the enemy that jihad was not aimed at them but at another enemy. Another tactic was to deny that there was jihad at all. The fate for such faulty assessments by the target was death.

Throughout the last century Democrats worked long and hard to acquire the governing authority so they could protect their religion —— Communism/Socialism.

Governing authority came to fruition under Obama, a self-proclaimed black Muslim.

Governing authority is why Democrats like Tomeka Hart, James Clapper, John Brennan, etc., will never be punished when they get caught. Indeed, big name Black Americans lie all of the time, while FDR’s fair-haired boy, Alger Hiss, was the last top Democrat who went to jail for committing perjury.

Finally, President Trump will catch holy hell from the Democrats and their media mouthpieces if he pardons Roger Stone. He might as well pardon Stone. If he does not pardon Stone he will catch worse from conservative Americans in November.

Bottom Line: It is better for Trump be hanged as a lion rather than let Democrats hang him as a lamb.

Please read the article if you still believe this:

It is ironic that just as the Democrats are losing their cookies (for the umpteenth time in the past few weeks) over a Trump tweet regarding the absurd sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, the DOJ says it is dropping charges against Andrew McCabe, the proven liar, leaker, and hoax conspirator who was part of the coup cabal at the FBI along with Comey, Strzok, Page, et al. It seems also that Lt. Col. Vindman will not be investigated by the military.

There is one form of justice for Democrats — no charges ever — and a harsh form for any Republican. Roger Stone is mostly a figure of fun, a wannabe player who exaggerated his proximity to actual players. He is guilty of virtually nothing that warrants nine years in prison, but because the prosecutors, all attached to the Mueller team, had to have something to show for the $32M spent on their Russia hoax, they want him sent away to die in jail.

Is letting McCabe off the hook for lying and leaking a ploy? Are there more serious charges coming? He sure doesn't think so. He's so self-absorbed that he is complaining about what his family has been through for two years! His family! He and his cohorts have ruined numerous lives with their baseless witch hunts; the families of all of them have endured far more hardship than the weasel McCabe. Some have lost everything. It is doubtful that McCabe and his team of traitors have ever given a thought to what they have put the president and his family through except perhaps with glee. This bunch that tried to take down a candidate, then a president they decided should not hold that office are arrogant beyond belief; they're smug, elitist white-collar criminals all, and it's beginning to seem as if they are all going to get away with their treasonous crimes.

We are told that A.G. Barr and John Durham are getting to the bottom of this grand scheme. We've just learned that Barr has assigned a special investigator to revisit the Michal Flynn case, the other beleaguered man the FBI and the Mueller team set out to destroy. Barr, on his own, without any interference from the president, decided to look into the ridiculous sentence recommendation for Stone. The prosecutors apparently lied to the DOJ, told them one thing and the judge another. As Monica Showalter wrote here, quoting Brian Cates, about what happened in November:

1) Trump suddenly nominates US Attorney Jessie Liu to a top Treasury Dept. job, she accepts; Trump nominates Timothy O'Shea to replace her. She is the one who has been guiding the Stone case.

2) all 4 prosecutors suddenly agree amongst themselves they will brief the DOJ one sentencing recommendation, but then actually file a far more lengthy recommendation with the court.

With me so far?

There is only one reason these prosecutors would do this.

They expected to get COVER from both the US ATTORNEY overseeing the case and from THE JUDGE presiding over the case in court.

Despite DOJ complaints about the tactic, Liu & Judge Jackson have their backs.

We also just learned that the judge in Stone's case, Amy Berman Jackson, allowed a viciously partisan woman onto the jury who became the forewoman. Jackson refused Stone's lawyers' bid to exempt several jurors who never should have been seated. Activist or incompetent? (Incompetents invariably make trouble for people other than themselves.) It is more likely that she is an anti-Trump activist and not an impartial jurist.

Either way, something is very, very wrong at the DOJ. Jeff Lord sums up the corruption that enveloped the Stone trial. The truth however rarely, if ever, matters to the talking heads at CNN and MSNBC. As with moths to a flame, Trump's tweet was instantly the next reason to impeach the President...again. Like a Greek chorus, every anchor and every leftist guest was "outraged" at Trump's interference with the Stone trial even though they all surely knew he did no such thing. They continue to believe that the American people are easily misled and will swallow their lies and propaganda, but most Americans no longer pay any attention to CNN or MSNBC. The impeachment crowd have learned nothing from their impeachment fiasco, not one thing. They are the Wile E. Coyote, and Trump is the Roadrunner.

It is by now undeniable that it was the Obama administration that weaponized the FBI, CIA, and DOJ. Barr is tasked with cleaning up the mess Obama left behind, to rid the DOJ of all the human IEDs among the personnel, people like Vindman, Yates, McCabe, and the rest of our self-appointed betters. Barr and Durham cannot let McCabe skate and, at the same time, send Stone and Flynn to prison. That would be an enormous miscarriage of justice and would forever render those agencies untrustworthy and so untrusted, only to be feared. The nation cannot survive the institutionalization of two-tiered law enforcement, one that is soft on real criminals, as NYC, S.F., and L.A. certainly are; soft on political schemers like Hillary Clinton and her phalanx of opposition researchers; and lethal for those deemed problematic or inconvenient for those with power. "There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice" (Montesquieu).

I have no trust in AG Barr. See this thread for my reasons:

It is way past time for the good guys to take over. Let us hope Barr and Durham will clean the Augean stables and that these tainted law enforcement institutions can be rehabilitated. For that to happen, the thugs who orchestrated this despicable coup must suffer the consequences of their illegal acts. The most serious political scandal in American history cannot go unpunished.

February 15, 2020
Is the DOJ the US Department of Injustice?
By Patricia McCarthy

Please read the article if you still believe this:

It is ironic that just as the Democrats are losing their cookies (for the umpteenth time in the past few weeks) over a Trump tweet regarding the absurd sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, the DOJ says it is dropping charges against Andrew McCabe, the proven liar, leaker, and hoax conspirator who was part of the coup cabal at the FBI along with Comey, Strzok, Page, et al. It seems also that Lt. Col. Vindman will not be investigated by the military.

There is one form of justice for Democrats — no charges ever — and a harsh form for any Republican. Roger Stone is mostly a figure of fun, a wannabe player who exaggerated his proximity to actual players. He is guilty of virtually nothing that warrants nine years in prison, but because the prosecutors, all attached to the Mueller team, had to have something to show for the $32M spent on their Russia hoax, they want him sent away to die in jail.

Is letting McCabe off the hook for lying and leaking a ploy? Are there more serious charges coming? He sure doesn't think so. He's so self-absorbed that he is complaining about what his family has been through for two years! His family! He and his cohorts have ruined numerous lives with their baseless witch hunts; the families of all of them have endured far more hardship than the weasel McCabe. Some have lost everything. It is doubtful that McCabe and his team of traitors have ever given a thought to what they have put the president and his family through except perhaps with glee. This bunch that tried to take down a candidate, then a president they decided should not hold that office are arrogant beyond belief; they're smug, elitist white-collar criminals all, and it's beginning to seem as if they are all going to get away with their treasonous crimes.

We are told that A.G. Barr and John Durham are getting to the bottom of this grand scheme. We've just learned that Barr has assigned a special investigator to revisit the Michal Flynn case, the other beleaguered man the FBI and the Mueller team set out to destroy. Barr, on his own, without any interference from the president, decided to look into the ridiculous sentence recommendation for Stone. The prosecutors apparently lied to the DOJ, told them one thing and the judge another. As Monica Showalter wrote here, quoting Brian Cates, about what happened in November:

1) Trump suddenly nominates US Attorney Jessie Liu to a top Treasury Dept. job, she accepts; Trump nominates Timothy O'Shea to replace her. She is the one who has been guiding the Stone case.

2) all 4 prosecutors suddenly agree amongst themselves they will brief the DOJ one sentencing recommendation, but then actually file a far more lengthy recommendation with the court.

With me so far?

There is only one reason these prosecutors would do this.

They expected to get COVER from both the US ATTORNEY overseeing the case and from THE JUDGE presiding over the case in court.

Despite DOJ complaints about the tactic, Liu & Judge Jackson have their backs.

We also just learned that the judge in Stone's case, Amy Berman Jackson, allowed a viciously partisan woman onto the jury who became the forewoman. Jackson refused Stone's lawyers' bid to exempt several jurors who never should have been seated. Activist or incompetent? (Incompetents invariably make trouble for people other than themselves.) It is more likely that she is an anti-Trump activist and not an impartial jurist.

Either way, something is very, very wrong at the DOJ. Jeff Lord sums up the corruption that enveloped the Stone trial. The truth however rarely, if ever, matters to the talking heads at CNN and MSNBC. As with moths to a flame, Trump's tweet was instantly the next reason to impeach the President...again. Like a Greek chorus, every anchor and every leftist guest was "outraged" at Trump's interference with the Stone trial even though they all surely knew he did no such thing. They continue to believe that the American people are easily misled and will swallow their lies and propaganda, but most Americans no longer pay any attention to CNN or MSNBC. The impeachment crowd have learned nothing from their impeachment fiasco, not one thing. They are the Wile E. Coyote, and Trump is the Roadrunner.

It is by now undeniable that it was the Obama administration that weaponized the FBI, CIA, and DOJ. Barr is tasked with cleaning up the mess Obama left behind, to rid the DOJ of all the human IEDs among the personnel, people like Vindman, Yates, McCabe, and the rest of our self-appointed betters. Barr and Durham cannot let McCabe skate and, at the same time, send Stone and Flynn to prison. That would be an enormous miscarriage of justice and would forever render those agencies untrustworthy and so untrusted, only to be feared. The nation cannot survive the institutionalization of two-tiered law enforcement, one that is soft on real criminals, as NYC, S.F., and L.A. certainly are; soft on political schemers like Hillary Clinton and her phalanx of opposition researchers; and lethal for those deemed problematic or inconvenient for those with power. "There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice" (Montesquieu).

I have no trust in AG Barr. See this thread for my reasons:

It is way past time for the good guys to take over. Let us hope Barr and Durham will clean the Augean stables and that these tainted law enforcement institutions can be rehabilitated. For that to happen, the thugs who orchestrated this despicable coup must suffer the consequences of their illegal acts. The most serious political scandal in American history cannot go unpunished.

February 15, 2020
Is the DOJ the US Department of Injustice?
By Patricia McCarthy

Finally, President Trump will catch holy hell from the Democrats and their media mouthpieces if he pardons Roger Stone. He might as well pardon Stone. If he does not pardon Stone he will catch worse from conservative Americans in November.

Bottom Line: It is better for Trump be hanged as a lion rather than let Democrats hang him as a lamb.

Finding out if President Trump hangs like a lion is more spellbinding than finding out which Democrat clown gets the party’s nomination?

Roger Stone sentenced to three years, four months for witness intimidation, lying to Congress
By Mark Moore and Bob Fredericks
February 20, 2020 | 12:35p,

No surprises from a lying sack of shit’s judge:

Corrupt Obama-appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson was snarky in court Thursday morning and signaled she would not go easy on Roger Stone as she prepared to hand down his sentence.
Governing authority is why Democrats like Tomeka Hart, James Clapper, John Brennan, etc., will never be punished when they get caught. Indeed, big name Black Americans lie all of the time, while FDR’s fair-haired boy, Alger Hiss, was the last top Democrat who went to jail for committing perjury.

I am hoping a few young Americans will go deeper after reading David Gayvert’s piece:

First published nearly 70 years ago, Whittaker Chambers’ Witness provides relevant, instructive, and inspiring encouragement for those currently engaged in the fight against today’s ascendant Left. Although there is a wealth of useful insights within its covers, two stand out as central.

First, Leftist ideologies are always and everywhere about acquiring power to wage an assault upon liberal (in the classical sense) values and institutions. Second, individual redemption after falling under the sway of these or any other malign influence is indeed possible by dint of reason, faith in a transcendent power, and the courage to follow those lights.

Witness is most well known as the firsthand account of Chambers’ exposure of and subsequent testimony against members of the communist Ware Group, which led to the 1949-50 espionage trials of Alger Hiss, then a high-ranking State Department official. Hiss was ultimately found guilty of perjury and sentenced to prison.

. . . Democrats know they will never get out from under Alger Hiss’ stigma until they find a way to trivialize his treason.

But Witness is more than just that story. It is a poignant autobiography of a young man born at the turn of the twentieth century, coming of age in the wake of the devastation of World War I. He became obsessed, as did many contemporaries, with what they saw as “the crisis of history” in the 20th century. It was despair generated by this fixation that drove Chambers to become a communist at the age of 24. He first served in the open American Communist Party as a (mostly) unpaid writer and editor for various communist publications. Later (1932-38), he was recruited into and served as an underground operative in the Soviet espionage network in New York and the federal government in Washington, D.C.

Gradually learning of the ruthlessness of Stalin’s consolidation of power during the mid-1930s, and particularly the Great Purge of 1936, Chambers became increasingly disillusioned with communism, and eventually came to see it as the earthly manifestation of “absolute evil.” After much soul-searching and careful preparation, he decided to break with the party and did so in 1938. In fear for their lives, he and his family went into hiding. They lived covertly for nearly a year, until the 1939 signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact convinced Chambers that he must combat materially the malevolence that led to such an alliance against the Allied Powers. He decided he must inform upon the Soviet apparatus within which he had once worked.

He did so via an arranged meeting with Assistant Secretary of State Adolf Berle where he described the depth of communist penetration into key U.S. institutions, including the departments of State and the Treasury. Berle in turn quickly informed President Roosevelt on what Chambers had disclosed to him. FDR however, dismissed Berle’s information and concerns. Thus, for essentially a decade -- throughout World War II -- communist infiltration of American government institutions continued apace through the naivete, indifference, or political calculation of senior political elites.

Serious investigation of Chambers’ allegations by congressional committees and eventually the Department of Justice did not take place until almost ten years after Chambers initially came forward.

Witness is an intelligent and compelling, if sometimes overwrought history of the early years of the Cold War and the decades running up to it, replete with names, places, and specific events. More important are the central themes running through it, the first of which is the implacable war waged by the totalitarian Left upon the values, traditions, civil institutions and the people who hold them imperfect but dear.

The book makes clear that whether one is talking about the Jacobins of the 18th century, the various revolutionaries and anarchists of the 19th, the communists, Nazis and other assorted fascists of the 20th century, right down to our contemporary Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists, their goal is never to amend, correct, improve through persuasive argument, or positive law. Their enduring determination is only to rage against and destroy by any means necessary, the root and branch of existing “power structures.”

To the leftist mind (or better, emotions) these structures constitute the only obstructions to their goal of bringing about the truly just, egalitarian societies that history demands. Never mind that history shows that every such time those ends have been achieved, the net result is destruction of the freedom, agency, and dignity of the human persons involved through vastly increased death, destruction, and material and spiritual misery.

This does not mean that elite promoters of these ends are blind to the consequences. It means only that 1) they believe that societies must go through a necessary period of “cleansing” before they can rebuild a new and better social order; and 2) that elites (like them) will always be the ones doing the cleansing and never be among the cleansed. History, once again, proves both theses false (just ask Leon Trotsky).

As conservative philosopher Roger Scruton has put it, it is axiomatic that leftist intellectuals and those whom they infect with their doctrines of resentment see leftist purposes, motives, and methods as innately and self-evidently morally superior; it falls to those who may disagree to demonstrate otherwise -- which of course is impossible, as those making such arguments are by definition morally corrupt by virtue of their divergence from leftist orthodoxy. That such ideology has no foundation in reality is either irrelevant, or perhaps a desired feature; reality, after all, has a nasty habit of eventually rendering all utopian fantasies just that.

Thus rather than substantively address objections to their designs, the leftist response is invariably condemnation, ridicule, slander, libel and increasingly in our time, physical violence against any who may point out the basic unworkability of leftist ideology and the damage its pursuit inflicts on actual human beings and societies. Such people are to be “cancelled.”

This was the fate of Whittaker Chambers when he had the courage to openly speak out against the evil in his time; such is the fate of any who do the same in ours. Chambers lost his job -- senior editor at the once-great Time magazine -- his reputation and friends, at least in the literary circles he until then inhabited -- and suffered severe health problems due to the prolonged strain associated with his exposure of communist subversion. In an era lacking our social media, the sheer volume of vituperation heaped upon Chambers was not perhaps as great as that directed today against opponents of the Left, but it certainly was no less severe or damaging. The only response today is Chambers’ then: don’t give in and keep punching back. Among others, our current president has learned this lesson well.

It is telling that when as a young man, Chambers rejected the Christian faith of his upbringing, the void created was filled with communist ideology. Once he broke with that false religion, Chambers avers that only his recovery of the faith of his youth (Quakerism) made him whole again and provided the ultimate strength that brought him through his proximate crises and indeed sustained him throughout the rest of his life.

Therein lies the second great lesson of Witness. Chambers willingly entered and for years abetted a deeply evil cause. Throughout that time however, he consciously and sincerely sought truth. Through this consistent application of conscience, he came to recognize the lies and wicked agenda he was helping to advance. That conscience ultimately led him back to its higher source and if not to where he started in life, then to where he surely belonged.

Interestingly, Chambers relates how when he decided to defect from his Soviet taskmasters, he remarked to a friend that he feared he was leaving “the winning side.” Until his premature death of a heart attack in 1961, Chambers apparently continued to hold to that unhappy resignation. Nonetheless, he never expressed regret over his rejection of communism, nor what he had done and suffered in his fight against it. Although America in fact defeated the Soviet Union, that achievement has done little in itself to extinguish the perpetual allure of the destructive ideology which animated it.

For those who continue to see America as founded as the last best hope for humanity, the battle proceeds apace. But it must proceed with a clear vision of the challenges ahead (and behind) and the faith and strength required to ultimately vanquish them. Witness is a valuable aid in that pursuit.

October 24, 2020
The Enduring Relevance of Whittaker Chambers’ Witness
By David Gayvert