The liberal agenda has no boundaries- any perversion, at any age

This mag, apparently written by adults, is advising about sex for teens. Are these writers basically engaging in pedophilia?

its common sense, actually. despite the whole idiotic notion that prudish conservatives believe if you teach abstinence, then all teens will practice is abstinence, at least this article attempts to provide some sort of safety with teens who will ignore abstinence.
its common sense, actually. despite the whole idiotic notion that prudish conservatives believe if you teach abstinence, then all teens will practice is abstinence, at least this article attempts to provide some sort of safety with teens who will ignore abstinence.

So you're all for teaching kids how to sodomize each other.
So you're all for teaching kids how to sodomize each other.

it's like drugs. some people are going to do them regardless. some kids are going to have sex, regardless. some kids are going to do anal sex, regardless. if teaching them the safest possible means to do so results in them not getting pregnant, sick, or dead, then yes........i'm all for it.
it's like drugs. some people are going to do them regardless. some kids are going to have sex, regardless. some kids are going to do anal sex, regardless. if teaching them the safest possible means to do so results in them not getting pregnant, sick, or dead, then yes........i'm all for it.

The retard wants them to die...
Seriously, he does...
It's part of his religious convictions...
it's like drugs. some people are going to do them regardless. some kids are going to have sex, regardless. some kids are going to do anal sex, regardless. if teaching them the safest possible means to do so results in them not getting pregnant, sick, or dead, then yes........i'm all for it.

You should read the article before you comment further. It encourages this practice. Should we encourage drug use?
LOL conservatives always find something to rant about and then act as if this is going to bring on end times. Grow the heck up, suppose I were to find an article that shows how one could be happy in life and then posted it, would happiness suddenly blossom.... life is too complex for wingnuts.

"The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets." Al McGuire