The Magic of Conservatism, of the conservative movement????



Folks, stay with me on this. A little thinking outside the box.

What the FUCK has the conservative movement ever done for this country and for our way of life?

(Did he really say that? I thought he was a Republican, a conservative Republican who listened to Rush and thought Ronald Reagan was the greatest.)

Let's even break it down MORE.

What the FUCK have conservative voters ever done for this country? HMMMM?

The Republican House from 2002 to 2005 was the lone voice standing against a liberal President Bush wanting to give Amnesty to over 12 million illegal aliens.

Guess how conservative voters showed their gratitude? They had an attack of PMS and sat out the 2006 elections. They GAVE the House to Nazi Pelosi and her fellow brownshirt brigade. Yeah, that was really helpful, wasn't it?

The RINO Republican establishment told the country that in 2007 the BEST and most qualified candidate for president on the Republican side would be the liberal John McCain. How did conservatives react? You guessed it. They had another fucking temper tantrum and sat the fuck home and let the KENYAN VILLAGE IDIOT become president. And we got the WORST economy in history, Obamacare, the HIGHEST NATIONAL DEBT IN HISTORY and the lowest job participation in history.

Four years later, the Republican establishment told the country that in 2012 the BEST and most qualified candidate for president on the Republican side would be the liberal Mitt Romney. (And this with Obama's numbers tanking and the Democrats LOSING the House in 2010 because the country was so pissed off at Obamacare not being overturned.) Oh, and to make it even funnier, Mitt Romney had signed into law the health care bill that the Kenyan Village Idiot claims was the model for Obamacare. How did conservatives react? Did they decide to grow up, save the country from four more years of Obama? Nope. Those idiots SAT THE FUCK HOME AGAIN and Obama won with fewer votes than in 2008.

Now the most conservative candidate in the race (and he's a good man, I might add) is Ted Cruz. He represents the alleged "conservative movement." And he's only won ONE state.

Tell me again the value of wagging your finger at everyone and telling them we need to return to conservative values. Tell me again the wisdom in trusting a VERY flaky electorate that has already shown us they'll sit home and let America be ass fucked by Democrats again and again.

In some ways, I just gotta laugh my ass off at the Rush Limbaughs and the Mark Levins of the alleged conservative movement. I'm sorry, fellow conservatives, but our group has a pretty piss poor record of changing things.

(By the way, to set the record straight, I DID vote for McCain and for Romney. I didn't sit home and pout. I recognized that even these LIBERAL Republicans were still better than the KENYAN VILLAGE IDIOT.)

And conservatives are acting surprised that Donald Trump is steamrolling towards an easy nomination?

You liberals have been chuckling for the last few years about there being a civil war being waged in the Republican Party? Well, chuckle away. Everything you predicted has come true. And the shit and the fur will be flying.