The Mahdi Army Controls Southern Iraq


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Our old "friend" Muqtada Al Sadr (yeah, the guy Bush said he was going to arrest) and his Mahdi army control large parts of southern Iraq.

Its never too late for President Bush to finally learn about a country, that he went into not even knowing there were two sects of islam there - sunni and shia.

Some groups President Bush might want to educated himself about:

The Mahdi Army
The Sadr Brigade
Seems a good thing that the Iraq army is standing up to the militias. But why fault Bush for the poor behavior of Iraq Muslims? He gave them the benifit of the doubt that they could act in a rational manner. Maybe they can't.
Good analysis tobster Yeah, the Iraqi army is performing “well”. They couldn’t defeat the militia, let alone disarm them. The Iraqi Army were forced to come crawling to the militia for “negotiations” to hand back the city…hey, I don’t like it, man. But, I told you the bad news before you went into iraq. You refused to listen…

Iraqi Troops Battle Shiite Militiamen In Southern City

20 Iraqi Soldiers Are Killed

The more-than-12-hour battle in Shiite Muslim-dominated Diwaniyah, about 100 miles south of Baghdad, illustrates the growing strength and confidence of the Mahdi Army militia of anti-U.S. cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who is increasingly challenging the authority of the Iraqi government and, by extension, the United States.

Some Iraqi soldiers were captured and beheaded, Iraqi army officials said.

By late afternoon, the fighting had subsided. It was soon clear who had won.

"The city is fully controlled by the militia of Jaish al-Mahdi now,"
said Ahmed Fadhil, 45, a school teacher living in the center of Diwaniyah, using the Arabic term for Sadr's militia. "There are no police or Iraqi army in the streets of the city. I can see only the gunmen of Mahdi Army in the streets."