The march to kill democracy.

Yea, these idiots at TYT think--using that world loosely--that federal bureaucrats somehow are the paragons of just and sane decisions. They often aren't experts in anything, simply bureaucrats that have been promoted far beyond their level of competence. Most have little or no idea what their decisions are really based on.

Yet, these fools in power are promulgating rules and regulations left and right (pun intended)--but mostly left--to rule over all of us without any supervision or checks and balances. They are unelected turds bent on obtaining and keeping power within their meaningless fiefdoms of the bureaucracy.

For an outside government view on this look no further than The March of Dimes. This became a bureaucratic charity built on the premise of eliminating polo worldwide. Well, that's happened and the charity no longer had a purpose. It met its goal. Do you think it simply disbanded and went away?

Hell no! It repurposed itself because all the bureaucrats in it wanted to keep their jobs and expand their power. No different than government.

The Supreme Court ruling smacks this down and corrals bureaucrats. That's a good thing. Of course, the Left HATES that because they seek just the opposite. They love unaccountable bureaucrats and politicians concentrating power into a dictatorship.
Yea, these idiots at TYT think--using that world loosely--that federal bureaucrats somehow are the paragons of just and sane decisions. They often aren't experts in anything, simply bureaucrats that have been promoted far beyond their level of competence. Most have little or no idea what their decisions are really based on.

Yet, these fools in power are promulgating rules and regulations left and right (pun intended)--but mostly left--to rule over all of us without any supervision or checks and balances. They are unelected turds bent on obtaining and keeping power within their meaningless fiefdoms of the bureaucracy.

For an outside government view on this look no further than The March of Dimes. This became a bureaucratic charity built on the premise of eliminating polo worldwide. Well, that's happened and the charity no longer had a purpose. It met its goal. Do you think it simply disbanded and went away?

Hell no! It repurposed itself because all the bureaucrats in it wanted to keep their jobs and expand their power. No different than government.

The Supreme Court ruling smacks this down and corrals bureaucrats. That's a good thing. Of course, the Left HATES that because they seek just the opposite. They love unaccountable bureaucrats and politicians concentrating power into a dictatorship.
Whole world is corrupt. Only Trump can save us.
Touchy Libtard is goose stepping for Socialist dictatorship, and wants "Palestine's" border to be from the River to the Sea. :palm:

SCOTUS removed Immunity for gov't bureaucrats, ... and returned civilian rights back to the American citizens ... that were stripped from them 40 years ago by the court.
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Touchy Libtard is goose stepping for Socialist dictatorship, and wants "Palestine's" border to be from the River to the Sea. :palm:

SCOTUS removed Immunity for gov't bureaucrats, ... and returned civilian rights back to the American citizens ... that were stripped from them 40 years ago by the court.
U Do Know that U R driving Me Crazy with likes/dislikes!
Yep, the ultra-conservatives have worked for decades to get this SCOTUS aligned with their agenda. Here it is:

But what about that radical, Woke Darkie that was appointed to the SC Bench ? You know the one who is female, but could not define the term "woman"? The same one who was a big fan of the ground-breaking, children's book: "Anti-racist Baby", by Ibram X. Kendi (the former best-selling, Racial Marxist, author, who now seems to have disappeared from the public spotlight (?) And the same woke Darkie, who LIED and OBFUSCATED all the way through her Senate confirmation hearings - and was even caught LYING, red-handed, on numerous occasions - but there were no consequences, of course (because if anyone had said - "YOU LIED" !!- to a Darkie - esp a Darkie woman with a funny hair-cut - they'd be condemned as a racist).

That was a neat example of American democracy in action - Right ?

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!k
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Yea, these idiots at TYT think--using that world loosely--that federal bureaucrats somehow are the paragons of just and sane decisions. They often aren't experts in anything, simply bureaucrats that have been promoted far beyond their level of competence. Most have little or no idea what their decisions are really based on.

Yet, these fools in power are promulgating rules and regulations left and right (pun intended)--but mostly left--to rule over all of us without any supervision or checks and balances. They are unelected turds bent on obtaining and keeping power within their meaningless fiefdoms of the bureaucracy.

For an outside government view on this look no further than The March of Dimes. This became a bureaucratic charity built on the premise of eliminating polo worldwide. Well, that's happened and the charity no longer had a purpose. It met its goal. Do you think it simply disbanded and went away?

Hell no! It repurposed itself because all the bureaucrats in it wanted to keep their jobs and expand their power. No different than government.

The Supreme Court ruling smacks this down and corrals bureaucrats. That's a good thing. Of course, the Left HATES that because they seek just the opposite. They love unaccountable bureaucrats and politicians concentrating power into a dictatorship.
See, that's the problem with the MAGA mook mentality .... it constantly either gets things wrong or purposely misconstrues what is being said to suit their preferred narrative. NO WHERE in the video did any of the TYT guys stated "that federal bureaucrats somehow are the paragons of just and sane decisions." FYI: federal agencies can be examined, reviewed and have personnel changes via YOUR CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES. The rest of your first paragraph is just pure "out of your ass" babbling.

It's truly pathetic how proud you are of your ignorance on a subject: For your education:

The latest SCOTUS ruling is just another brick in the wall between the public and business/corporate accountability. Do yourself a favor and google "Merck, Vytorin". Maybe then you'll understand how you're being screwed.
Whole world is corrupt. Only Trump can save us.
:ROFLMAO: And our resident Maga mooks actually believe that!
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See, that's the problem with the MAGA mook mentality .... it constantly either gets things wrong or purposely misconstrues what is being said to suit their preferred narrative. NO WHERE in the video did any of the TYT guys stated "that federal bureaucrats somehow are the paragons of just and sane decisions." FYI: federal agencies can be examined, reviewed and have personnel changes via YOUR CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES.
It was clearly implied. I guess higher brain functions than those of an amoeba are something you lack. For YOUR information, you likely never look at any of the regulations or rules federal agencies make or question any of them.
But what about that radical, Woke Darkie that was appointed to the SC Bench ? You know the one who is female, but could not define the term "woman"? The same one who was a big fan of the ground-breaking, children's book: "Anti-racist Baby", by Ibram X. Kendi (the former best-selling, Racial Marxist, author, who now seems to have disappeared from the public spotlight (?) And the same woke Darkie, who LIED and OBFUSCATED all the way through her Senate confirmation hearings - and was even caught LYING, red-handed, on numerous occasions - but there were no consequences, of course (because if anyone had said - "YOU LIED" !!- to a Darkie - esp a Darkie woman with a funny hair-cut - they'd be condemned as a racist).

That was a neat example of American democracy in action - Right ?

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!k
Ahh, the Nazi Dog from down under is barking again!

Now you know our little goose stepping git has no rational response when he starts his screed with pure racist BS that is totally off topic? Some one pull that dummy aside and explain to him that the OP is about the latest SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES decision regarding regulation and accountability of corporations an businesses.

That our pointy hooded weiner dog has NOTHING to say regarding the OP, he just sputters and fumes in a bigoted meltdown. I wonder if he applies the same nonsense to his local politics, and how the discussions go on those local sites? I'm sure he'll tell us he's a paragon of virtue there. (maybe he stays on topic? :LOL:

Carry on, you clod!
It was clearly implied. I guess higher brain functions than those of an amoeba are something you lack. For YOUR information, you likely never look at any of the regulations or rules federal agencies make or question any of them.
1. No, YOU clearly (and erroneously) interpreted it.

2. Projection of a drunk with no rational or logical or fact based retort.

3. See #2.
1. No, YOU clearly (and erroneously) interpreted it.

2. Projection of a drunk with no rational or logical or fact based retort.

3. See #2.

Watch Cenk's convoluted explanation starting at about 2:50. He's wrong. The regulators are supposed to enforce laws passed by congress. He then uses a series of logical fallacies that are just nonsense. Then he tries to smear the Right for the excesses that the Left has pushed in regulation.
Watch Cenk's convoluted explanation starting at about 2:50. He's wrong. The regulators are supposed to enforce laws passed by congress. He then uses a series of logical fallacies that are just nonsense. Then he tries to smear the Right for the excesses that the Left has pushed in regulation.
Think! if a company challenges a law and it reaches SCOTUS, why cut regulation precedent out of the loop to the point of future ineffectiveness? Remember, Congress created regulatory agencies for a reason (i.e. Love Canal, Vytorin).
See, that's the problem with the MAGA mook mentality ....

WTF is MAGA mook? Dumb. :palm:

it constantly either gets things wrong or purposely misconstrues what is being said to suit their preferred narrative.

Projection. You just defined the Democratic Party.

NO WHERE in the video did any of the TYT guys stated "that federal bureaucrats somehow are the paragons of just and sane decisions." FYI: federal agencies can be examined, reviewed and have personnel changes via YOUR CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES. The rest of your first paragraph is just pure "out of your ass" babbling.


It's truly pathetic how proud you are of your ignorance on a subject: For your education:

More stunning that you believe you have a grasp in the topic and even know what you are whining about.
The latest SCOTUS ruling is just another brick in the wall between the public and business/corporate accountability. Do yourself a favor and google "Merck, Vytorin". Maybe then you'll understand how you're being screwed.

That is nothing more than a massive pile of bovine bile. You seem to be quite full of it.

:ROFLMAO: And our resident Maga mooks actually believe that!

It is hard to take seriously someone acting like a child and calling people MAGA mooks. Grow up for fucks sake. :palm:
Ahh, the Nazi Dog from down under is barking again!

Ahhh yes. When all the lies and flailing doesn't work, run to the Nazi meme. You look stupid and pathetic.

Now you know our little goose stepping git has no rational response when he starts his screed with pure racist BS that is totally off topic? Some one pull that dummy aside and explain to him that the OP is about the latest SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES decision regarding regulation and accountability of corporations an businesses.

That our pointy hooded weiner dog has NOTHING to say regarding the OP, he just sputters and fumes in a bigoted meltdown. I wonder if he applies the same nonsense to his local politics, and how the discussions go on those local sites? I'm sure he'll tell us he's a paragon of virtue there. (maybe he stays on topic? :LOL:

Carry on, you clod!
