The Meaning Of Communion


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Eucharist (noun)

1. a. A sacrament and the central act of worship in many Christian churches, which was instituted at the Last Supper and in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed in remembrance of Jesus's death; Communion. b. The consecrated elements of this rite; Communion.

2. Christian Science. Spiritual communion with God.

Eucharistic or Eucharistical (adjective)


Jun 23
Why do some Catholic bishops want to deny Joe Biden communion?
By Giulia Heyward

Then-Senator Biden always supported killing babies disguised as a woman’s Right to choose. Giulia Heyward’s title question should be Why did Catholic bishops take so long?

Biden ain’t Catholic because he never could figure out that babies are alive at the minute of conception:

No Democrat in the government want black babies to survive —— least of all in Texas:

Then-Senator Biden always supported killing babies disguised as a woman’s Right to choose. Giulia Heyward’s title question should be Why did Catholic bishops take so long?

A commentary writer who recently labeled President Biden "Viper Joe" for his support for unrestricted abortion for all now has created a name for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who like Biden claims to be Catholic but disregards the church teachings on abortion.

It's "Grandma Death."

I prefer the name “Diarrhea Mouth” because everything that comes out of her mouth is shit.

"She has five children and nine grandchildren, but her real devotion is to the practice of killing babies before they are born. Who is this woman? Her name is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and her game is murder," writes American Life league President Judie Brown.

Ms Brown is right on the money with one exception: She fails to suggest that the Roman Catholic Church should not take tax dollars from Democrats who advocate murder.

"Oh, we know that many folks are turned off when we say that direct abortion is an act of murder, but really, what else would you call it? A human being is alive and growing within her mother one moment, and the next moment she is dead. Why? Because she is murdered."

Brown explained "in Pelosi's world," abortion is called, instead, "Women's Health Protection."

"Then you, along with your Democrat cronies, pass a bill that enshrines abortion into law from one end of the nation to the other. The pro-aborts call it protection for the right to access abortion care throughout the nation. We call it the right to murder members of the human family on demand."

Brown pointed out that Pelosi admits to having a "disagreement" with the archbishop, Salvatore Cordileone, in her home district.

Pelosi claimed God has provided "free will" regarding children, but "It's not our business how other people choose the size and timing of their family."

Explained Brown, "This woman, who claims to be Catholic, believes that in matters of life and death God’s laws do not apply. And while it is true that every human being has the freedom to make bad or good decisions, it is equally true that someone who cherishes life and abides by her faith would never support killing babies."

"Grandma Death’s comments callously disregard truth, and she has convinced herself that abortion is not the act of killing people but rather a political and/or personal matter that has nothing to do with human beings, killing, or child safety prior to birth. Sadly, Grandma Death has been infected with the sin of pride," Brown wrote.

"When it comes to abortion, Pelosi has allowed the will of the world to matter more than the laws of God," Brown said. "Grandma Death tells the media that when the Supreme Court refused to undo the Texas abortion law, it brought shame on the court because its members 'were embracing something which was counter to the precedent of the court that’s upheld Roe v. Wade as constitutional.' So, for her, aborting a child is a constitutional right that should not be limited in any way."

Brown said prayers are needed for "Grandma Death" to be experience a "conversion."

Brown earlier aimed what would be her pro-life Catholic group's biggest weapon at Biden.

"Viper Joe and his buddies are no match to the power of Our Heavenly Father," she said only days earlier.

At issue are the extreme pro-abortion positions of the Biden administration, and the fact that Biden continues to claim to be a Catholic, even though he's in direct conflict with the church's beliefs.

For example, when the Supreme Court decided to let stand – for now – a Texas abortion restriction, Biden immediately suggested that the federal government would overrule what the state did.

Of course, the bigger picture is that the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments within weeks, or months, on a dispute that could be used to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade opinion that created the right to abortion in America.

Even its author pointed out that should the personhood of the unborn be established, as many consider it now has, the Constitution would protect the unborn, not allow their destruction.

Brown explained, "So when we refer to Biden as a viper – 'a vicious or treacherous person' – we are being quite precise. Biden has created an atmosphere in which the very idea of defending the preborn is viewed as a threat to humanity."

She said the position for Catholics and other Christians hasn't changed.

"Abortion is murder, and to our dying breath we will strive to expose every viper who thirsts for the bodies of our fellow preborn family members, trusting in the power of God to overcome this evil with His good. Fight on, my friends, and never be discouraged."

Pelosi gets labeled 'Grandma Death'
American Life League chief blasts speaker's demand for right to 'murder'
By Bob Unruh
Published October 2, 2021 at 5:22pm

NOTE: Roe v. Wade (1973) is responsible for approximately 60 million murders. China murdered 336 infants from 1973 thru 2013:

Communist China has performed an estimated 336 million abortions over the past four decades as part of its enforced family planning policy, according to figures recently released by the country’s health ministry. The numbers were published in the March 15 Financial Times, which reported that since China first began “encouraging” couples to limit the size of their families, it has also performed 196 million sterilizations and has inserted 403 million intrauterine devices, “a normal birth control procedure in the west but one that local officials often force on women in China,” reported the Times.

China Reports 336 Million Abortions in Last 40 Years
by Dave Bohon
March 20, 2013

Finally, I can only hope that Christian women like Ms. Brown remind everyone that:

. . . it was male white Christian missionaries who devoted their lives to stopping governments from throwing girl babies in the river in many parts of the world. Today, Democrats claim they are the party of women while they slaughter millions of infants of both sexes. Democrat women are leading the slaughtering in case you have not noticed.

Nothing is faster than infanticide when it comes to transforming the national character into a nation of brutal people.
Eucharist (noun)

1. a. A sacrament and the central act of worship in many Christian churches, which was instituted at the Last Supper and in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed in remembrance of Jesus's death; Communion. b. The consecrated elements of this rite; Communion.

2. Christian Science. Spiritual communion with God.

Eucharistic or Eucharistical (adjective)


Jun 23
Why do some Catholic bishops want to deny Joe Biden communion?
By Giulia Heyward

Then-Senator Biden always supported killing babies disguised as a woman’s Right to choose. Giulia Heyward’s title question should be Why did Catholic bishops take so long?

Biden ain’t Catholic because he never could figure out that babies are alive at the minute of conception:

No Democrat in the government want black babies to survive —— least of all in Texas:

To Frank Apisa: Is a personal attack your best defense of infanticide?

ANSWER: Assholes like you cannot take the chance that live babies will grow up and vote against Democrats.

I am not a I do not care about that.

A zygote or a fetus is a "baby" the way an egg is a chicken...or an acorn is an oak tree.

If you truly are concerned about concerned about actual babies...not zygotes or fetuses. But you are an American conservative, so you do not give a shit about actual babies. You just want to pretend you are so that you can rail against a woman deciding she wants to terminate a pregnancy occurring in her own body.

Get off your phony.
an egg is a chicken...or an acorn is an oak tree.

To Frank Apisa:
Asshole. You and your kind are not killing eggs or oak trees.

You just want to pretend you are so that you can rail against a woman deciding she wants to terminate a pregnancy occurring in her own body.

To Frank Apisa:
As usual, you and your kind always invoke the lie about a ‘Right’ legislated by 7 butchers on the SCOTUS:

Here are quotes from two articles about population controls that I posted many times over the years. Every time Libs read those messages they responded with all of the hatred for the truth that liberals excel at:

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM


But Kerry has gone what in better days would have been universally held to be one bridge too far. In a speech last year to the NARAL Pro-Choice America Dinner, he gave an intellectually suicidal summary of his views.

He began by saying that "there is no overturning of Roe v. Wade." He went on: "There is no outlawing of a procedure necessary to save a woman's life or health." That statement of course begs the question on which the entire Congress and the state legislatures and the Supreme Court have been stalled for years, namely, Is the invocation of "health," if made by the woman alone, conclusive in authorizing abortion? If so, Roe v. Wade, which did not authorize willful third-trimester abortions, stands to be revised as the Roe-Wade-Kerry decision.

Kerry continued: "There (shall be) no more cutbacks on population control efforts around the world."

This endorses abortion Chinese-style. Too many people? Too few abortions.

But the eye-popper was still to come: "We need to honestly and confidently and candidly take this issue out to the country and we need to speak up and be proud of what we stand for."

But Kerry says he personally opposes abortion. Where is he exhibiting his pride in what he stands for? Whom has he counseled against abortion? A nun somewhere, out of earshot?

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004

p.s. The only difference between your prevailing cult leader:

The Cult of Abortion Under Biden
Its celebration is a defining mark of his presidency.
by George Neumayr
October 2, 2021, 10:02 PM

and Jim Jones is that babies in the womb do not have to drink Kool-Aid:


To Frank Apisa:
Asshole. You and your kind are not killing eggs or oak trees.

To Frank Apisa:
As usual, you and your kind always invoke the lie about a ‘Right’ legislated by 7 butchers on the SCOTUS:

Here are quotes from two articles about population controls that I posted many times over the years. Every time Libs read those messages they responded with all of the hatred for the truth that liberals excel at:

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM


But Kerry has gone what in better days would have been universally held to be one bridge too far. In a speech last year to the NARAL Pro-Choice America Dinner, he gave an intellectually suicidal summary of his views.

He began by saying that "there is no overturning of Roe v. Wade." He went on: "There is no outlawing of a procedure necessary to save a woman's life or health." That statement of course begs the question on which the entire Congress and the state legislatures and the Supreme Court have been stalled for years, namely, Is the invocation of "health," if made by the woman alone, conclusive in authorizing abortion? If so, Roe v. Wade, which did not authorize willful third-trimester abortions, stands to be revised as the Roe-Wade-Kerry decision.

Kerry continued: "There (shall be) no more cutbacks on population control efforts around the world."

This endorses abortion Chinese-style. Too many people? Too few abortions.

But the eye-popper was still to come: "We need to honestly and confidently and candidly take this issue out to the country and we need to speak up and be proud of what we stand for."

But Kerry says he personally opposes abortion. Where is he exhibiting his pride in what he stands for? Whom has he counseled against abortion? A nun somewhere, out of earshot?

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004

p.s. The only difference between your prevailing cult leader:

The Cult of Abortion Under Biden
Its celebration is a defining mark of his presidency.
by George Neumayr
October 2, 2021, 10:02 PM

and Jim Jones is that babies in the womb do not have to drink Kool-Aid:

Your ilk is finished in this world. Your pretenses to holiness and morality are done...becase people like you wouldn't recognize true holiness or morality if you fell over it.

A woman has a right to terminate a pregnancy occurring in her own body. She has that right now...and she will have that right after the current court has its say.

And you people can continue your charade of caring about "babies" even though it is obvious you could not give a shit less about them.

So...other than are things with you, Flanders.
Some Men just aren't happy unless they can tell women what to do and not what to do with their pussies!

It's like the Taliban or something!
Making abortion illegal doesn't stop abortion, it just sends it back underground to coathangers in a apartment.

To Kakaka Ketchup: Get your numbers straight before you resurrect the coat hanger (back alley) lie:

Socialists will never admit that close to sixty millions babies aborted since Roe v. Wade was a high price to pay for halting back alley abortions. I always said that the number of women who died in back alley abortions is minuscule when compared to legal infanticide.

The repeated claim by the president of Planned Parenthood that “thousands” of women died before the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling because they lacked access to safe abortion is a “big lie” that was spread by activists a half century ago, according to a co-founder of the leading pro-abortion group NARAL.

In a 1990 interview with WND Vice President David Kupelian, Bernard Nathanson, M.D., who once was head of the nation’s largest abortion clinic, observed that “repeating the big lie often enough convinces the public.”

It turns out that minuscule was an overstatement:

He said that he and other abortion activists prior to the Roe decision “constantly fed to the media” the figure of 10,000 women dying annually from illegal abortions. The actual figure, he said, was about 200 to 250 annually.


Planned Parenthood chief spreads 'big lie' planted by activists
Posted By Art Moore On 05/29/2019 @ 7:39 pm

NOTE: The big lies were told before Planned Parenthood began selling baby body parts.
I am not a I do not care about that.

A zygote or a fetus is a "baby" the way an egg is a chicken...or an acorn is an oak tree.

If you truly are concerned about concerned about actual babies...not zygotes or fetuses. But you are an American conservative, so you do not give a shit about actual babies. You just want to pretend you are so that you can rail against a woman deciding she wants to terminate a pregnancy occurring in her own body.

Get off your phony.

no zygote has ever been aborted.....

Kerry continued: "There (shall be) no more cutbacks on population control efforts around the world."

Kerry’s wife has the money; so I do not know if he got an invite:

t’s May 2009, the world’s billionaires secretly get together at Rockefeller University, a graduate school of biological and medical sciences in Manhattan. They’re having drinks, the finest cognac and wines, dinner, the best of everything, with people scurrying to grant them their every need. But, their purpose was not social. It was a strategy meeting, an important discussion…a discussion on the world’s population. As they see it,...the definitive crisis of the millennium.

The headline was reported by The Wall Street Journal and The Sunday Times of London. Very few news gathering outlets showed interest.

“Shrink the World’s Population”: Secret 2009 Meeting of Billionaires “Good Club

In attendance were Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller (now deceased), Eli Broad (now deceased), George Soros, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, Oprah Winfrey, and others. Globalists and Liberals all. The Wall Street Journal reported the meeting of the “Good Club” as they called themselves, on May 26, 2009. It is only now that the meeting is beginning to see the light of day.

The meeting was instigated by Bill Gates. According to the Sunday Times of London, they joined forces “to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.”

It has been reported that a guest explained that…“They wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying that anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting them as an alternative world government,” he said. (Sunday Times)

A consensus was reached. “Nothing as crude as a vote” occurred, but a consensus emerged that they would back a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat. (Covert Geopolitics)

When the meeting WAS reported it was done to just show a commitment to slow the growth of the population.

But, that was not the emphasis of the meeting. It was determined that there were only two ways to solve the ‘problem’ either decreasing the birth rate (increase infertility) or increase the death rate or BOTH! The emphasis was not on slowing population growth, but on depopulation, the reduction of the world’s population.

So, was depopulation the primary objective of the Good Club? Several months later, Bill Gates, in a presentation pertaining to vaccination, confirmed the following; “And if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [the world population] by 10 or 15 percent.” That would mean (in 2010) decreasing the population by 680 million to 1.02 billion people. Gates previously espoused population control through vaccines.


The H1N1 Hoax

I know, many people hate history. But if there is anything that can prepare you for the future, it’s history. There was the threat of a pandemic in 2009 spreading across the globe. It had the potential to kills millions, or so we were told. It was the H1N1/09 Swine Flu. The CDC was calling for everyone to take an experimental Swine Flu vaccine.

In the summer of 2009, the CDC mysteriously, and contrary to their purpose, stopped counting deaths and cases while continuing to warn Americans of the danger. They had learned that almost none of the cases they counted as Swine Flu was the Swine Flu or any flu at all. So, the people that took the vaccine that was pushed hard by the government and the media, was probably unnecessary. This important story was not covered by the media. The story was shut down (2014 interview of Sharyl Attkisson). In Europe, they had their own experimental vaccine, Pandemrix, that caused incurable narcolepsy in over a thousand adults and children, destroying their lives.

Like the Swine Flu of 1976, the government over-reacted. The 1976 vaccine program was halted after 3 deaths. In 2009, it was found there was no Swine Flu epidemic. But, the CDC doubled down and said there were 22 million cases of the Swine Flu in the U.S. So, anyone who thinks the CDC, or the World Health Organization (WHO), does not lie is fooling themselves. They lie all the time, especially if it makes them look more credible.

Why did the news media bury the hoax? The media likes provocative or alarming stories. They don’t like reporting for weeks on a huge fire only to find out it was a burning trash can. The meeting of the ‘Good Club’ took place at the H1N1’s height, almost immediately after the CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center, and the WHO declared H1N1 a public health emergency. Did the ‘club’ see an opportunity, an idea?

In 2009, Professor Neil Ferguson, of Imperial College, was advising Bill Gates and the WHO that should the pandemic hit the UK, there could be a 40% infection rate. Ferguson is the same person that designed the COVID lockdown model (March, 2020).

Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population


The ‘Good Club’ Today

The same ‘Good Club” has been active from the outset of COVID-19, designing lockdown policies, the vaccines, and The Great Reset. The mRNA vaccine is not a government or UN project. It is a private initiative by the billionaire eugenicists around the world (as Gates was warning in 2015 of pandemics to come).

Now, a third model by Ferguson is being used to justify the contemplation of a fourth lockdown. Remember, the media does not like canceling emergencies, otherwise what are they going to talk about…their reporting screw-ups? The media is hanging on to the COVID story like grim death (no pun intended). The media was told by the CDC months ago that only 6% of the COVID deaths were actually caused by COVID-19 alone, but the media still reports the original numbers. It’s more dramatic. All while the eugenics ‘Good Club’ is using the fake media gleefully to spread all the fear they can put together. Why? To justify the lockdowns, the masks, the government tyranny, the devastation of our economy, the vaccines that are killing thousands of people, hidden by the media, and, according to many eminent scientists and doctors, are sure to kill many more people in the near future. But, most of all, to finally put an end to the greatest nation that ever existed, the nation that holds the free-world and Western civilization together, and initiate their New World Order.

Anyone with any brain cells can see that society is changing rapidly. Democrat strongholds are infected with a political and cultural disease that is infecting the rest of the country. Shootings, even if on video, are ignored by authorities. Freedoms, rights, and privacy are being taken away while most people are distracted by a pandemic. COVID-19 has been used to steam-roll over every American. Everything started to fall apart in earnest the day Biden took the oath. We have a president who is being blackmailed by the CCP to cooperate, so he will do nothing to rock the boat. Anyway, the real president is Barack Obama who said plainly to Stephen Colbert a few years ago, that, instead of a third term, he would rather have a stand-in, and tell him what to say.

Did the ‘Good Club’, these heinous and sociopathic demigods, think they could manufacture a pandemic with the help of the Chinese, and have the press and the government go along and cover their tracks? Did they think they could use a pandemic as cover to destroy Western civilization, launch The Great Reset, initiate depopulation, and be rid of a meddling president? History shows there was no reason to think otherwise.

Billionaires Try to Shrink World's Population
By Ray DiLorenzo
October 9, 2021

QUESTION: Why do so many old men and old women want to kill the young?