The MOST Important Thing- Who we ARE. My Best Yet.


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I will tell you all some things that will shock and amuse you. I'd like to make some admissions, some POV Truth- about MY motivations. Since I was in my mid 20's, having to drive 40 miles to work, I started listening to Talk Radio, both Conservative and Liberal, because at that time, 20 yrs. ago, I was Politically naiive. I didn't understand the MOTIVATIONS of pols, both Left and Right. So I listened. THEN, I went out and found the TRUTH, from Voting Records, Bills proposed, previous speeches, etc. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc., are Conservative Talk Hosts. They are paid to give their OPINION. Do they use hyperbole? On occasion, do they stretch the point? Of COURSE. I have ALSO listened to Al Franken, Lionel, and a couple female Far Left Talk Hosts, also, even though they were hard to find, because they usually fail to stay on the air long. And they are even MORE prone to hyperbole, and sorry, but Outright Lies. Ok. They both are rabid. I, however, am NOT paid, I say what I SEE, HEAR, and BELIEVE.

What did or did not influence me, is only Talk Radio, for those 20 years. But when you go to the Church of your CHOICE, for Twenty Years, the Pastor, Reverend, Preist, or Rabbi is not LOOKED at as a "paid opinion-giver", even though some ARE. When you go to YOUR Church for Twenty Years, THAT is being Spiritually Mentored. As if the GOD you were taught about as a child was talking THROUGH this Man at the Pulpit.
Now we have Opposing Statements on what the TRUTH is, between Barack Obama, and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his Pastor of 20 yrs. I listened to a ONE HOUR SERMON this week, a sermon of Rev. Wright's, from 2005. A tape was recently found, of this sermon, where Barack Obama was said to be in attendance. It was a "typical" Wright sermon, where some of his statements were the ABSOLUTE TRUTH! He also told about the U.S. Govt. bringing AIDS to America, to Infect the Black Man. He also said "America does the SAME THING as Al-Qaeda, only we do it under a different flag!" He also said how America was EVIL, and was Damned to Hell, because of the slavery we STOPPED 150 YEARS AGO, AND FOUGHT A BROTHER-AGAINST BROTHER WAR OVER. Of course, his congregation was yelling and cheering wildly, at every one of his pauses, in his Virulent, Race-Baiting Speech.

Now is slavery Abhorrent and Immoral? Of COURSE! But Rev. Wright, like ALL good propagandists, only tells PART of the story, and the part he DOES tell is twisted. He tries to take the EVIL that is capable in the Hearts of ALL MEN, MEN, and call it the "Evil of AMERICA". There is STILL slavery going on, in some countries, in MAY of 2008! Did Rev. Wright explain to his cheering crowd, that America is the one who STOPPED SLAVERY, AND THAT THE ENGLISH BROUGHT IT HERE, IN THE 17th CENTURY, NOT THE FOUNDING FATHERS? As He, and other America-Haters would have you believe? No, of COURSE not.

See, no one checks the FACTS, the RECORDED HISTORY. Does Rev. Wright, and Leftist Anti-Capitalist America-Haters tell you, that AFRICAN Tribal Nations ORIGINALLY STARTED SLAVERY, when the White Man went into Africa for exploration and trade, the More Powerful Tribes, who had TAKEN SLAVES FROM DEFEATED TRIBES IN THEIR WARS WITH THEM, OFFERED THESE HUMAN BEINGS TO THE WHITE EUROPEANS, IN TRADE. The Europeans took the captured warriors back with them to Europe. That was THEIR sin. And of course, it GREW, and got WORSE, because of PROFIT, for Europeans, AND the Powerful Africans. And THAT is how the Disgusting and Abhorrent Slave Trade got STARTED. But does Rev. Wright, or Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson, or ANY "Black Leaders" speak of these TRUTHS? No, because these "Black Leaders" make a LIVING out of Race-Baiting, and "Race-Hustling", as it is more accurately called. Make a GOOD, 3-piece suit, Limosine living, out of Lying, by Hyperbole or Omission, to their "flock". THAT'S what REALLY burns me. They call themselves "Reverend"!
I ABHOR, and have only Contempt, for ANY man who uses the Word of God, to make LIES more acceptable or palatable, be they Black, White, or PURPLE.

It is not just what they SAY, but their REASONING AND CONCLUSIONS that are so insulting. World War One DECIMATED the German People. Cause Untold Suffering. THAT is TRUE. But a man named Adolf Hitler USED that One Truth, to whip the germans into a FRENZY, and blame "those hook-nosed Jews", for their suffering, and made it possible for them to ignore, and HELP HIM MURDER SIX MILLION JEWS! Now we ALL Abhor those actions (except maybe AssHat Zombie, Blackascoal, who are always yelling about "mouthpieces for those Dirty Jews", and "Zionist infiltrators", they probably think the History of the Holocaust is an "Jew Conspiracy").
But the point IS, Hitler took a TRUTH (WWI), and found a SCAPEGOAT for it, just like these "Race-Hustlers" do. The Race-Hustlers NEVER MENTION that Founding Fathers like John Adams, and Ben Franklin were VEHEMENTLY AGAINST SLAVERY, and SOWED THE SEEDS FOR ITS EVENTUAL DEMISE.

But let me say something about Wright. I don't believe he is like Jackson and Sharpton. I put them one strp above Con Men. Rev. Wright FULLY BELIEVES these things he says.He has ALWAYS been CONSISTENT. He has been giving these SAME STATEMENTS for 20 yrs., and just THIS WEEK, he is STILL giving them. He is NOTHING, if not CONSISTENT AND HONEST, about what HE BELIEVES, even if it is WRONG. He says that "Barack is only doing what a politician must do, when he has trouble" In other words, LIE, and HIDE THE FACTS. Obama tells us, NOW,(after 20 years of listening to Wright's Sermons), that "this is not he man I knew", and I disavow him, and all of his outrageous statements", like, he hasn't seen him in YEARS, or something. JUST LAST WEEK, he was STILL saying, "Sure, I may not agree with everything, but I CANNOT DISAVOW him, he is like FAMILY, he is my SPIRITUAL FATHER." JUST LAST WEEK! He NOW, ONE WEEK LATER, says, I do not know THIS Rev. Wright, that he has NEVER heard these sermons, that Wright has been PREACHING TO OBAMA AND HIS FAMILY FOR TWENTY YEARSmarried him, baptized his kids, wrote books and speeches with him, etc.

NOW, because of the Political HEAT of THIS WEEK, he is "disavowing" him, throwing him down the stairs. WHY didn't he disavow him 20 YEARS AGO? Or 19 yrs? Or 18, or 15 yrs? I'm SURE that ONE YEAR with THIS Rev., who has been CONSISTENT for 20 yrs, would be enough to see his TRUE colors.

Oprah Winfrey left his church IMMEDIATELY after she heard Wright's virulent, rabid racism. WHY? BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT BELIEVE THOSE THINGS, and inside, where he's afraid to have people SEE, Barack Obama DOES. And she cared MORE about WORSHIP, than "looking Black enough". Rev Wright says Barack is "doing what Pols DO." (lie). Obama says "He NEVER HEARD Wright say these things." They can't BOTH be telling the TRUTH. ONE is LYING. Which is more CONSISTENT? The Racist Rev., who has said the SAME things for 20 yrs, even going ON TV THIS WEEK, and not apologizing, but FORTIFYING his opinions, or a Chicago Pol, who REFUSES to wear an American Flag pin on his lapel, the Flag that thousands. maybe millions, of young people GAVE THEIR LIVES, to fight for its Symbol of Freedom and Liberty, a Chicago Pol who told us he was a "NEW" politician, that would NEVER lie to the American People, that he was "above race", and has USED race, to stop ANY attack against him?
Which one is more consistent? And Thank God, Rev. Wright is NOT trying to be the Most Important and POWERFUL man on EARTH, capable of starting a War, or Signaling our Weakness, by ANYTHING he Might, or MIGHT NOT, do.