The Motto Of Confusion


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The motto of confusion for today comes from Jeb Bush, “America doesn’t have to be the world’s police force, but we sure better be ready to lead.”

I would like the so-called conservatives to interpret that slogan for those of us who are confused as to what Jeb Bush’s “leadership” roll would contain. Is Jeb’s leadership “boots on the ground?” He already has reveled it incorporates a No Fly Zone. What amount of American force, blood and treasure does Jeb’s leadership entail, and for how long does Jeb calculate America can afford his leadership?

If I were a moderator for last night’s Republican debate, I would have ask Jeb Bush to articulate in-depth the difference between his American Leadership Policy and the American World Police Force.

Oh yeah! Will Jeb seek the advise of brother George W. Concerning leadership? Wasn’t he the Presidential candidate that said he didn’t believe in “nation building?”
Yep; better to let a buffoon like Putin play the leadership role.
