The National Anthem (Gimn Sovetskogo Soyuza)


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American Nobility Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: In your mind
Posts: 2,288

Michael you rule.

This is Grade-A awesome trolling.

Keep it up.

You like that one, eh, epi? Good, I gots lots more. BTW, does "epicurus" mean you're over 500 pounds, or that you like to eat? I mean, I love to eat, I'm half Italian, and to us, food, women, music, song (not neccesarily in that order) are the things that make life worth living. And the first things Socialists will tell you are "subversive", "no good for you" and then "Outlawed and Illegal". Well FOOD won't be Illegal, we will just have to wait in block-long lines for bread, potatoes, and toilet paper(another nice thing to have). So you just keep enjoying food, 'cause if Hillary gets in, she just may tell you what you CAN and CANNOT eat. I'm being ridiculous? Well, we don't even HAVE an Ultra-Liberal in Oval Office yet, and they're ALREADY talking about "Special Taxes" on foods that "are not good for you", like Beef, Pork, Butter, and many others. You WILL tow the Party Line. You WILL eat Lemon Grass, and LIKE it!
:readit:It just so happens that Epi's response to my previous post is a PERFECT segue into my most important Thought for the Day: What is going on in 4 AMERICAN(hard to believe) CITIES! Toledo, Ohio; Berkely,California; Boulder, Colorado, and my hometown of New Haven, Connecticut. In Toledo and Berkely, as strains of The Red Army can be heard singing the chorus of Gimn Sovetskogo Soyuza (C'mon, Water, Socrtease, desh, don't pretend you don't know it!: Da Daaaaa Duh Da-da Duh, Da Daaaaa Duh Da-da Duh), while that Great Proletariat Anthem cries a WARNING to the bourgois, Toledo and Berkely are busy KICKING THE UNITED STATED MARINES OUR OF THEIR CITIES!! That's right, they don't have any potholes to fix, or sand barrels to fill, or streets to sweep. THEY are busy trying to pass laws to KICK THE ROTC, ORGANIZATIONS WHICH HELP PREPARE VOLUNTEER YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN THAT WANT TO JOIN THE MARINES, ARMY, ETC. The VERY Organizations that help keep them SAFE they want to KICK OUT of their "Liberal Paridise", (HA! Have you ever BEEN to Toledo?)

In Boulder,CO, they ALSO have NO streets to fix, zoning or planning to do, or speeders to catch. THEY are busy drafting and voting on BULLSHIT, MEANINGLESS DOCUMENTS to send to Washington, DEMANDING THE IMPEACHMENT OF OUR PRESIDENT!

In MY town of New Haven(Blood-in-the-Streets, in-the-Town-of New HA-ven)
, WE have a Mayor John DeStefano,:BKick: a two-bit hack who got TROUNCED, when he tried to run for Governor against a Republican Grandmother, Jodi Rell, a truly nice woman. DeStefano has been caught with his hand in a Real-Estate Cookie Jar, had a "freind", Sal Brancati, who brings SHAME to the nationality of Italians, along with DeStefano. So the local radio personalities have dubbed him "Prince John in the Palace, in the Kingdom of John." The REASON for this, is that he has decided that HE is BETTER that the Federal Government and a majority of his OWN citizens, HE is MORE WISE, and HE can MAKE UP HIS OWN LAWS, REGARDLESS OF WHAT AMERICA'S LAWS ARE!!]
In violation of Fedreal Immigration Laws, "Prince John",:BKick: a Democrat "machine" politician that has been entrenched for SO long, and has his fingers in SO many pies, that he would have to be caught committing pedophilia to be voted out(and with Democrats, you never know), he has decided that HE can pass a LOCAL LAW that says ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHO BREAK AMERICA'S LAWS, AND TAKE NEW HAVEN CITIZEN'S JOBS, can do whatever they FEEL like, in HIS KINGDOM. He has passed an ordinance whereby HE GIVES THEM VALID, ACCEPTED IDENTIFICATION CARDS, so that they can "do business" in HIS KINGDOM. I wonder if the ILLEGAL that SHOT AND KILLED A BOY, OVER A CRACK DEAL, showed oneof Prince John's Identification Cards, before he pulled the trigger. You know, like his gun, "Don't Leave Home Without It".

So these four AMERICAN CITIES, who think they can make their OWN LAWS, regardless of what the American People say or think, they MUST be overhauled. The MAJORITY of PEOPLE of these cities DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE "NEW LAWS". There must be an IMMEDIATE Referendum and RECALL of the MAYORS and the CITY COUNCILS of these 4 cities. :BKick: