The new blacks

I'd noticed this, but didn't know others had. Thanks for posting, OP. :good4u:

“If you spend time in hardscrabble, white upstate New York, or eastern Kentucky, or my own native West Texas,” writes Kevin Williamson for National Review, “and you take an honest look at the welfare dependency, the drug and alcohol addiction, the family anarchy. The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die.”

His colleague David French echoed the assessment. “Simply put, Americans are killing themselves and destroying their families at an alarming rate. No one is making them do it. The economy isn’t putting a bottle in their hand.”

In the past, this is how conservatives have talked about struggling blacks.

If inner cities and rural black communities were poor and dysfunctional, it was because of cultural deficiencies, not broad economic problems.

With more effort, went the argument, they could overcome economic isolation and social stigma. And the evidence was success among low-income white Americans who’d overcome their station.

But now, more whites than ever are sinking toward the bottom, living in the same conditions that have faced black Americans for decades. And suddenly, conservatives are talking about them in the same way.

Stay on topic, or this thread will be moved to the war zone, where you will find all threads that devolve to back and forth insults.
But now, more whites than ever are sinking toward the bottom, living in the same conditions that have faced black Americans for decades. And suddenly, conservatives are talking about them in the same way. We’ve seen this dynamic before.

an honest poster would have acknowledged this is proof that conservatives were therefore never actually racists as liberals claimed.......white or black, when conservatives said they opposed welfare dependency, addiction and the breakdown of the family unit they meant exactly what they said........
an honest poster would have acknowledged this is proof that conservatives were therefore never actually racists as liberals claimed.......white or black, when conservatives said they opposed welfare dependency, addiction and the breakdown of the family unit they meant exactly what they said........

We’ve seen this dynamic before.

“The chief characteristic of Rag Tag and Bobtail, however, is laziness. They are about the laziest two-clogged animals that walk erect on the face of the Earth,” wrote Alabama lawyer and secessionist Daniel R. Hundley in Social Relations in Our Southern States, a widely cited volume published on the eve of the Civil War.

“Rag Tag and Bobtail” is Hundley’s moniker for the poor whites of the South, whom he also calls “poor white trash.”

He describes them as “working habitually in company with Negroes,” and in some sense as being black themselves.

“Even their motions are slow, and their speech is a sickening drawl, worse a deal sight than the most down-eastern of all the Down-Easters while their thoughts and ideas seem likewise to creep along at a snail's pace. All they seem to care for, is, to live from hand to mouth; to get drunk, provided they can do so without having to trudge too far after their liquor,” Hundley wrote. “We do not believe the worthless ragamuffins would put themselves to much extra locomotion to get out of a shower of rain; and we know they would shiver all day with cold, with wood all around them, before they would trouble themselves to pick it up and build a fire.”

Stay on topic, or this thread will be moved to the war zone, where you will find all threads that devolve to back and forth insults.
oh gosh, Lesion found a racist (who was a Confederate and thus probably just another Democrat) to quote......that must mean everyone who ever voted Republican is racist.......I am trembling under the weight of Lesion's awesome logic......oh wait.......Lesion's a dumbfuck......I don't have to be impressed........
oh gosh, Lesion found a racist (who was a Confederate and thus probably just another Democrat) to quote......that must mean everyone who ever voted Republican is racist.......I am trembling under the weight of Lesion's awesome logic......oh wait.......Lesion's a dumbfuck......I don't have to be impressed........

Did I say any of that? :dunno:

If you think I did, prove it.

I'll understand if you can't.

Stay on topic, or this thread will be moved to the war zone, where you will find all threads that devolve to back and forth insults.
an honest poster would have acknowledged this is proof that conservatives were therefore never actually racists as liberals claimed.......white or black, when conservatives said they opposed welfare dependency, addiction and the breakdown of the family unit they meant exactly what they said........

Honest cons would admit that when the discussion involves welfare dependency, addiction and family breakdown they invariably mean blacks.....
Honest cons would admit that when the discussion involves welfare dependency, addiction and family breakdown they invariably mean blacks.....

Honest Libs would admit that when such a discussion occurs, their automatic and only thought is that it's about blacks. We both know there is no such thing as a honest Lib.

Honest Libs would admit that their go to response is "more white people are on welfare than blacks" and refuse to accept that when things are explained using proportions that they're wrong despite being shown the truth. Again, we both know there are no honest Libs.
When was that?

Cite it.

I'll understand if you can't.

Stay on topic, or this thread will be moved to the war zone, where you will find all threads that devolve to back and forth insults. just used your lame assed dynamic again and need it cited.......

I'll understand if you're too simple minded to understand the "dynamic" I am referring to is your "I'll understand if you can't" meme...........
Statistics tend to be over cfans head. I recommend the use of pie charts to help her digest statistical data points as regards any particular demographic you are discussing.