The Next Election Topic...Fact....Either do homework on it or fail


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
If you want to be prepared for the next election, you need to watch this clip no matter what party you are in. Next election, as I stated before, is going to entirely based on this topic. This is a VERY significant video.

The inequality of wealth is always directly connected to the size and scope of government. Government creates poor people and loves being bribed by rich people. The BIGGER the government the BIGGER the bribery the BIGGER the number of poor.

Reduce government to its constitutionally authorized size and scope. Problem solved!
The inequality of wealth is always directly connected to the size and scope of government. Government creates poor people and loves being bribed by rich people. The BIGGER the government the BIGGER the bribery the BIGGER the number of poor.

Reduce government to its constitutionally authorized size and scope. Problem solved!

Government creates the poor huh lol.......You're sure it has nothing to do with your Free Market?
Implement salary caps like they do in the NFL. Problem solved.

The problem with that is the extremeists scream "slippery slope" and jump to Socialism, even when it's no where near the same thing. Salary caps would be an entire discussion on it's own. Do you cap the amount or the % of profit?
So when the richest in our country don't work . . . Salary caps.

I would say something under the lines of forced profit sharing with the team that helped them get the profit.

Of course this would not be necessary at all if the system wasn't being abused. Employers should know their employee's are part of the reason they are making so much money. Instead we see employers lately viewing their employees as a leech to the company and their biggest expense. In fact it's all over social networking that companies are cutting benefits. They do this claiming "hard times" when business is great and it's simply so the top can keep more. A direct spit in the face to the workers getting them rich.

The people are catching on. The movement has begun.
I have to give it to the Daily Show, they took this topic on only a couple weeks after I did. Jon Stewart doesn't feel like a giant very often, but did here;

I'm not stating that I agree with their fix. I'm proud that they are exposing this current Capitalist Kingdom.

If you wonder what I'm talking about, who built the pyramids? The king in charge that disrespected the workers or the workers?
Government creates the poor huh lol.......You're sure it has nothing to do with your Free Market?

Like I said financial inequality is always directly connected to the size and scope of government. Markets are never really free as long as there is government. The BIGGER the government the lesser free the markets.

Conclusion: Big government hinders & abolishes freedom in the markets thereby creating economic inequality among the masses.

Free markets create wealth. Governments create social and economic inequality and injustice. BIG governments create bankruptcy and eventual revolutions.
the dream time republicans want to take this country back too had a 90% tax rate on the top tier.

This is easy as fuck to solve.

Do what we did back in 1950.

tax the rich at high rates and reinvest in the countrys schools and infrastructure.

He introduced the concept of Pareto efficiency and helped develop the field of microeconomics. He was also the first to discover that income follows a Pareto distribution, which is a power law probability distribution. The Pareto principle was named after him and built on observations of his such as that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. He also contributed to the fields of sociology and mathematics.
Fascism and power distribution[edit source]

Benoît Mandelbrot writes:

One of Pareto's equations achieved special prominence, and controversy. He was fascinated by problems of power and wealth. How do people get it? How is it distributed around society? How do those who have it use it? The gulf between rich and poor has always been part of the human condition, but Pareto resolved to measure it. He gathered reams of data on wealth and income through different centuries, through different countries: the tax records of Basel, Switzerland, from 1454 and from Augsburg, Germany, in 1471, 1498 and 1512; contemporary rental income from Paris; personal income from Britain, Prussia, Saxony, Ireland, Italy, Peru. What he found – or thought he found – was striking. When he plotted the data on graph paper, with income on one axis, and number of people with that income on the other, he saw the same picture nearly everywhere in every era. Society was not a "social pyramid" with the proportion of rich to poor sloping gently from one class to the next. Instead it was more of a "social arrow" – very fat on the bottom where the mass of men live, and very thin at the top where sit the wealthy elite. Nor was this effect by chance; the data did not remotely fit a bell curve, as one would expect if wealth were distributed randomly. "It is a social law", he wrote: something "in the nature of man".
At the bottom of the Wealth curve, he wrote, Men and Women starve and children die young. In the broad middle of the curve all is turmoil and motion: people rising and falling, climbing by talent or luck and falling by alcoholism, tuberculosis and other kinds of unfitness. At the very top sit the elite of the elite, who control wealth and power for a time – until they are unseated through revolution or upheaval by a new aristocratic class. There is no progress in human history. Democracy is a fraud. Human nature is primitive, emotional, unyielding. The smarter, abler, stronger, and shrewder take the lion's share. The weak starve, lest society become degenerate: One can, Pareto wrote, 'compare the social body to the human body, which will promptly perish if prevented from eliminating toxins.' Inflammatory stuff – and it burned Pareto's reputation.
Now guess what else he discovered even though he was a complete asshole as a human being?

That you push that balance too far and you get revolution.

Most of you business people know the 20 80 rule but don't know where it really came from.

It came from this guys studies of the balance of power and wealth.
If you want to be prepared for the next election, you need to watch this clip no matter what party you are in. Next election, as I stated before, is going to entirely based on this topic. This is a VERY significant video.

guess what you idiots are about to face?

just what Reich said.

the balance is tipping and your about to get fucked big time.

The funny part is most of you smucks we talk to will be far better off after what you fear the most happens