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Michelle Obama's hospital: On senator's wish-list
by Mike Dorning

Among the pork-barrel spending requests Barack Obama has made since arriving in the U.S. Senate is $1 million for the hospital where his wife worked at the time and $8 million for weapons technology made by a big defense contractor with close ties to a major fundraiser.

Obama released on Thursday a list of all his requests for earmarked federal spending in 2005 and 2006. He already had released a list of spending requests made in 2007.

In among them was a request for $1 million in federal funding in 2006 for a new pavilion at the University of Chicago Hospitals, where his wife, Michelle Obama, was a vice president at the time. The request was not ultimately included when Congress passed spending legislation that year, according to the Obama campaign.

That same year, Obama requested $8 million in funding for “High Explosive Air Burst Technology” made by General Dynamics, a military contractor with close ties to a major fundraiser.

Obama’s Illinois Finance Chairman, billionaire James S. Crown, a longtime Obama supporter who has raised at least $200,000 for his presidential campaign, is a director of General Dynamics, and his family has a large investment in the company. The request ultimately resulted in $1.3 million in funding for the project.

Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, said the senator did not discuss the requests with either his wife or Crown. Vietors also said that Michelle Obama never lobbied for her employer and noted that the University of Chicago hospitals is the largest Medicaid provider in Chicago.

After Obama released his earmark requests, his campaign challenged rival Hillary Clinton to do the same.

“Bringing real change requires changing the way we do business in Washington,” Obama Communications Director Robert Gibbs said in a press release e-mailed to reporters with the list. “If Senator Clinton will not agree to join Senator Obama in releasing her earmark requests, voters should ask why she doesn’t believe they have the right to know she wants to spend their tax dollars.”

But Clinton spokesman Phillipe Reines noted that any funding requests she made were subjected to scrutiny by other members of Congress and that projects that successfully were incorporated in legislation are disclosed.

"Senator Clinton is proud of the investments in New York that she has secured as Senator," Reines said. "All of her requests have been considered as part of the legislative process and were subject to debate and accountability. She has made public the funding she has helped to secure and will make public the requests she submits this year."
What this informative article from the Chicago Tribune LEFT OUT, is that shortly after Obama was elected Senator(2 months), his wife's SALARY WAS ALMOST TRIPLED, FROM $121,000, TO $328,000! Smell fishy? Wait, it gets worse. Shortly after his wife's SALARY BEING TRIPLED, was when Barack voted for the $1 MILLION DOLLAR "GIFT" to the hospital WHERE HIS WIFE WORKS? A "New Breed" of politician? "Hope"? "Change"? Yeah, I "HOPE" that the American People wake up, before we get a "CHANGE" in the White House to an Even Slipperier Character than Bill Clinton. Who hates White People! Read what his fellow Illinoians had to say, below. BTW-Here's your "link", so you don't have THAT excuse to FACE THE TRUTH.
I am not shocked at all - this is the "Illinois Way". His whole career in politics is here and he is not about hope and change at least not when it comes to politics and political favors.

When are you people going to wake up his actions are in direct opposition to his stump speeches.

Obama's lack of experience does not mean he hasn't been involved in politics long enough to be just as tainted as Clinton. The more digging, the more he looks like any other. The majority of Americans who are voting for him need to wake up and realize that he does not come with a "clean slate" and his promise of change will be very hard for him to fulfill.

And the Obama Zombies will chime in with their denials! There is no difference between Barack and Hillary except for gender and skin color. There is no difference between McCain and Obama except skin color. They are all politicians and they all look out for their number one - themselves! Period!!!

Why did Dorning leave out the most important part, the possible quid pro quo?
Michelle Obama's salary at UC Hospitals when her husband won the US Senate seat was $121,000. Within weeks of his swearing in, the salary went to over $320,000. She's now VP for Community Affairs.
So did the taxpayers end up paying for Michelle's pay raise for Barack's six year term?
The only answer I see is: DUH!

CHANGE: The movement of your money to the governments pockets. NEVER FORGET that YOUR stupid. YOU NEED your governemnt to think for you. YOU NEED your government to spend YOUR money becuase YOU are stupid. Stupid is as stupid does...Vote for Obama.

Remember that the hospital tripled Michelle Obama's salary right about the time that Barack was elected to the U.S. Senate.

Nothing new here. Obama is just another run-of-the-mill Cook County hack.
I see the republican machine has cranked into high gear, they must have decided that Obama will be the nominee and that he is a threat.
I see the republican machine has cranked into high gear, they must have decided that Obama will be the nominee and that he is a threat.
Right. It's the Rs who are his biggest competition at the moment, it must be them. Nobody else could do that.. :rolleyes:
Right. It's the Rs who are his biggest competition at the moment, it must be them. Nobody else could do that.. :rolleyes:

I don't think jollie is a Dem.

The main network pushing this story is Fox; Chris Wallace wouldn't let it go yesterday.

Frankly, I think the story might help him with Dem primary voters (though there is no way to tell), especially the more Fox plays it up. You have to consider the source. Also, I think he handled himself well, and they like to see that heading into a general, when attacks will be fast & overblown.
I don't think jollie is a Dem.

The main network pushing this story is Fox; Chris Wallace wouldn't let it go yesterday.

Frankly, I think the story might help him with Dem primary voters (though there is no way to tell), especially the more Fox plays it up. You have to consider the source. Also, I think he handled himself well, and they like to see that heading into a general, when attacks will be fast & overblown.
I think jollie could read articles where information was gathered by Dems and given to the "right" people just as much as anybody. Or do you believe that his opponent never would play politics?
I think jollie could read articles where information was gathered by Dems and given to the "right" people just as much as anybody. Or do you believe that his opponent never would play politics?

THat does not explain Fox News and Chris Wallace's furvrur over it!
whats funny is that bush is the king of handing friends pork. Now that the pubs actually have a fiscally conservative (besides the war issue) candidate.. they are going to do a 180.
Right. It's the Rs who are his biggest competition at the moment, it must be them. Nobody else could do that.. :rolleyes:

rep worthy. It's too funny watching the one side of the democrats trying to blame the republicans, when it's obvious who the combatants are. :cool:
Hey Jollie, sir make your posts easier to read, please. Otherwise stop posting dumbass because you are not helping the cause.
Damo, don't be disengenious (sp?). heh

It's all over Republican talk radio. Glenn Beck, Hannity, Rush, Savage... all these guys are talking about it for hours on end, trying to blow it up. It will anger the Republican base, getting them all behind McCain, and sway some independents. They have been waiting for the right moment to release this stuff. I knew about it 6 months ago.
Damo, don't be disengenious (sp?). heh

It's all over Republican talk radio. Glenn Beck, Hannity, Rush, Savage... all these guys are talking about it for hours on end, trying to blow it up. It will anger the Republican base, getting them all behind McCain, and sway some independents. They have been waiting for the right moment to release this stuff. I knew about it 6 months ago.
Again, it doesn't matter that they pick it up and talk about it now that it is out, that isn't evidence that he Right were the ones to expose it.

The Rs would not have put this out until they were sure he was the nominee, there is only one person who is going to benefit from this if it sticks (I predict it will), I don't think his speech will be enough to overcome 20 years of membership and the reality of the "US of KKK A" as it was so eloquently said all of "white America" is....

Whoever put it out is what I am talking about, and there is only one camp that benefits from it getting out now.
Again, it doesn't matter that they pick it up and talk about it now that it is out, that isn't evidence that he Right were the ones to expose it.

The Rs would not have put this out until they were sure he was the nominee, there is only one person who is going to benefit from this if it sticks (I predict it will), I don't think his speech will be enough to overcome 20 years of membership and the reality of the "US of KKK A" as it was so eloquently said all of "white America" is....

Whoever put it out is what I am talking about, and there is only one camp that benefits from it getting out now.

While I think you are likely correct, I would put out there it could benefit the Reps. They would prefer to match up against Hillary, so it would benefit them for her to win. It is also a way for them to take a shot at Obama at a time when the natural assumption is that Hillary would be behind the attack and not them.
While I think you are likely correct, I would put out there it could benefit the Reps. They would prefer to match up against Hillary, so it would benefit them for her to win. It is also a way for them to take a shot at Obama at a time when the natural assumption is that Hillary would be behind the attack and not them.
True, but they would be smart enough to distract in the same way by controlling where it was released by them.