The NFL is going to be as unwatchable as the NBA soon


Moderate Republican
Staff member
Defenses are being placed in untenable positions with little to no chance to stop anyone.

Look cross eyed at a receiver while the ball is in the air … PI
Don’t drop your head when making a tackle even if it is for leverage or your own protection

Now, don’t you dare tackle someone and use your weight to bring them down…aka drop tackle

Might as well put flags on everyone
Defenses are being placed in untenable positions with little to no chance to stop anyone.

Look cross eyed at a receiver while the ball is in the air … PI
Don’t drop your head when making a tackle even if it is for leverage or your own protection

Now, don’t you dare tackle someone and use your weight to bring them down…aka drop tackle

Might as well put flags on everyone

From an entertainment standpoint, you make a very valid point, Rev.

The reality is, however, that in America football,
chronic traumatic encephalopathy is the good result as opposed to paraplegia.

My favorite sport, boxing, was one of the big three pro sports with thoroughbred racing and baseball in my grandfather's time.
Even in my own childhood, I read the results of major matches on the front page.
Now it's essentially dead.

I don't see parents putting up with football much longer.
It's a no cut sport in local high schools around here
because they can't scrape together forty kids to play.
Fewer parent will sign consent forms.

If anything, it might end up a strictly red state sport on the amateur level.

I did watch the Patriots as a guilty pleasure when Brady was still around.
Now I don't watch any football at all.
Football needs to return to one platoon football, ain’t happening, but would be interesting, only sport where the defense doesn’t play offensive and vice versa. Would cut down on injuries, and limit the supersized linemen and specialized positions

But as long it is the major sport betting venue, offenses are only to get better
From an entertainment standpoint, you make a very valid point, Rev.

The reality is, however, that in America football,
chronic traumatic encephalopathy is the good result as opposed to paraplegia.

My favorite sport, boxing, was one of the big three pro sports with thoroughbred racing and baseball in my grandfather's time.
Even in my own childhood, I read the results of major matches on the front page.
Now it's essentially dead.

I don't see parents putting up with football much longer.
It's a no cut sport in local high schools around here
because they can't scrape together forty kids to play.
Fewer parent will sign consent forms.

If anything, it might end up a strictly red state sport on the amateur level.

I did watch the Patriots as a guilty pleasure when Brady was still around.
Now I don't watch any football at all.

Used to like boxing, nothing like a Golden Gloves competition, Olympics, and professional until showmanship took emphasis.

And I still enjoy thoroughbred horse racing, liked Suffolk Down even in its down years, can remember when Suffolk summer shippers were sleepers at Saratoga
Used to like boxing, nothing like a Golden Gloves competition, Olympics, and professional until showmanship took emphasis.

And I still enjoy thoroughbred horse racing, liked Suffolk Down even in its down years, can remember when Suffolk summer shippers were sleepers at Saratoga

With Suffolk, Rockingham, and Narragansett all gone, there aren't any local tracks with thoroughbred racing.
Defenses are being placed in untenable positions with little to no chance to stop anyone.

Look cross eyed at a receiver while the ball is in the air … PI
Don’t drop your head when making a tackle even if it is for leverage or your own protection

Now, don’t you dare tackle someone and use your weight to bring them down…aka drop tackle

Might as well put flags on everyone

That's not the way I see it.

The way I see it, is the defensive back coaches are telling their defensive backs- "NOW YOU GET OUT THERE AND DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO PREVENT THE WIDE RECEIVERS FROM CATCHING THE BALL- Whatever it takes- just don't get caught"! ;)

And all the while the offensive line coaches preach to their offensive line- "HOLD OR DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO KEEP THESE GUYS OFF OUR QB- oh, and just don't get caught"! ;);)

Well, enough of that crap!

Don't make rules if can't live up to them.

These officials are caught in-between the rules and the violations that happen on EVERY SINGLE DOWN NOW. They have adapted to just looking the other way now, just to keep the game moving.

But I see passing interference and holding on every down now, AND NO FLAGS ABOUT HALF THE TIME!

The game is ruined with all of the violations- BY PLAYERS THAT ARE BEING COACHED TO VIOLATE THE RULES!

And every game looks rigged from the perspective of the fans, just because of the non-flagging!

Football has finally become like politics, where it is no longer how you play the game- just as long as you win! Winning is all that matters anymore.

And there is no way to track the penalties, as for example Dallas Cowboys look like one of the worst offenders in the stats, if you look at the number of penalties they get- but, most of Dallas's penalties come from self-inflicted wounds of movement before the snap, and jumping off sides.

It's because the only stats the NFL tracks are TOTAL YARDS PENALIZED. They do not track penalties by the type of violations. Dallas was penalized over a 100 times last year for jumping off sides or because an offensive lineman moved before the snap.

This is also why the Dallas Cowboys win so much at home, BECAUSE OUR FANS DO NOT MAKE THAT MUCH NOISE- WE DON'T REALLY HAVE A 12th man like Kansas City or San Fran has!

When they are on the road they can't hear shit! They can't hear the snap count, and they can't even hear the play being called in the huddle half the time.

Who has the loudest stadium- Kansas City Chiefs- Super Bowl winners 2 out of the last 3!

Read up on it
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Defenses are being placed in untenable positions with little to no chance to stop anyone.

Look cross eyed at a receiver while the ball is in the air … PI
Don’t drop your head when making a tackle even if it is for leverage or your own protection

Now, don’t you dare tackle someone and use your weight to bring them down…aka drop tackle

Might as well put flags on everyone

If they really care about player safety they should force teams to get rid of the terrible artificial turf. But to your point, yeah, it's going to be difficult for officials to be consistent on the calls for this new rule between what's legal and what isn't. There's going to be a lot of complaining.
Defenses are being placed in untenable positions with little to no chance to stop anyone.

Look cross eyed at a receiver while the ball is in the air … PI
Don’t drop your head when making a tackle even if it is for leverage or your own protection

Now, don’t you dare tackle someone and use your weight to bring them down…aka drop tackle

Might as well put flags on everyone

You can thank leftists and the pussification of America for this. What's the #1 sin in America today? Hurting someone's feelings. People who are that fragile emotionally sure as shit don't want to tolerate anything as painful as a broken bone. Playgrounds are all plastic with mulch or some shit on the ground so no one cuts themselves or scraps a knee.
Defenses are being placed in untenable positions with little to no chance to stop anyone.

Look cross eyed at a receiver while the ball is in the air … PI
Don’t drop your head when making a tackle even if it is for leverage or your own protection

Now, don’t you dare tackle someone and use your weight to bring them down…aka drop tackle

Might as well put flags on everyone

The new rules on kick-offs may make it more interesting but somewhat complicated to understand.
Guno צְבִי;5956621 said:
Aqueduct Racetrack

They run a winter schedule, don't they?
I haven't been keeping up.
As provincial as I am, I never considered New York tracks to be "local tracks.":laugh:

I like New York, but its about 200 miles away. Albany is a lot closer if that counts.
Defenses are being placed in untenable positions with little to no chance to stop anyone.

Look cross eyed at a receiver while the ball is in the air … PI
Don’t drop your head when making a tackle even if it is for leverage or your own protection

Now, don’t you dare tackle someone and use your weight to bring them down…aka drop tackle

Might as well put flags on everyone
Agreed. In fact, I've already found it unwatchable as a "fan" for numerous years now.

The last time that I watched the NFL as a true "fan" was Brett Favre's final year in the league (with the Vikings). After that, I've only ever watched it for pure entertainment purposes, making fun of the 'rigged'/'manipulated' nature of the games while doing so. As you said, basically anything that a defense tries to do is a penalty, plus penalties are applied very inconsistently (I'd say on purpose).

The NBA, on the other hand, I quite literally cannot watch it, even for entertainment purposes, (and haven't watched it as a "fan" since the "twin towers" days with the Spurs in the early 2000s). They've made it almost impossible to play defense (and many players don't even try to play defense anymore) and offensive plays aren't really run anymore (it's basically just a ball screen or two and chuck up a three pointer). It's more or less three pointers and un-defensed layups/dunks. Travels aren't called, and flops are called as fouls. Almost all offensive charges are called as blocking fouls. Penalties are applied very inconsistently (again, I'd say on purpose).
Players playing at weights unnatural to their body/frame/ joints. THAT is one of the main drivers in the massive amount of injuries combined with artificial turf. You dont even have to go all that far back in time to see the difference. 1970's and early 80's the average weight of an offensive linemen was only about 26. Big strong men playing football in great shape. The O linemen could really move back then. Now they are all well over 300 pounds with a hell of a lot of fat on them. Average O linemen goes around 310, Slow and immobile. All that extra weight puts a ton of stress on your joints. This is why as soon as many of them retire they go back to their natural weights and end up dropping anywhere from 50 to 75 pounds. Same thing is happening at the other positions as well but in their cases its due to BULKING in weight training. They look great but its hell on the joints and ligs playing a contact sport like football.
For my own amusement, I sometimes engage in "What if I could control events with my mind?" fantasies.

A couple of the things I'd do just for fun, is end all scoring in all pro sports.

Every football, basketball, baseball, soccer and hockey game would end in 0 - 0 ties.

No matter how many quarters or innings or halves or overtime periods they played.

No score.

Every NASCAR race would end with every car being wrecked and out of commission within the first dozen or so laps.

Same with formula racing, and motorcycle racing and every other type.

The reaction from the public would be hilarious. :rofl2:

After a season or two of that, everyone would just give up and go find something better to do with their time.

I'd just sit back and laugh my ass off as all the sports assholes howled and cried in indignation over the loss of their precious raison d'être.


What would really be fun though, is when I started making all guns blow up in the hands of everyone (except cops and the military).

No serious injuries or lost digits for non-criminals, just some uncomfortable minor burns and unusable guns.

The gangsta thugs would lose fingers.