The Obama Recession


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Conservatives are a joke - an absolute joke. After years of complaining that liberals never gave Bush a chance and blamed him for everything from day one of his taking office, they've decided to take it a step further.

Rush keeps hammering it home every day, and I'm hearing more & more conservatives take the same line: the market doesn't care about record job losses, or companies failing, or the big 3 going bankrupt, or consumer confidence tanking, or retail taking a beating, or 10's of thousands of new foreclosures. No, no - the reason the market is going down is because Obama got elected. Why, just look at the market since Nov. 5th! The evidence is clear as day. The economy was going to be just fine before Obama won.

I hope these idiots enjoy a nice, long stay in the wilderness.
That's part of the reform that Republicans will painfully have to make. They will have to discredit and distance themselves from the extremist talking heads.
you get the bullshit from both sides of the coin. there is democrat tv on pbs that sounds like utter socialism to me. Both parties have the extremists.
you get the bullshit from both sides of the coin. there is democrat tv on pbs that sounds like utter socialism to me. Both parties have the extremists.

Shhhhh! You can't say that. You have to pretend that one side is all lies and the other is pure truth.
Conservatives are a joke - an absolute joke. After years of complaining that liberals never gave Bush a chance and blamed him for everything from day one of his taking office, they've decided to take it a step further.

Rush keeps hammering it home every day, and I'm hearing more & more conservatives take the same line: the market doesn't care about record job losses, or companies failing, or the big 3 going bankrupt, or consumer confidence tanking, or retail taking a beating, or 10's of thousands of new foreclosures. No, no - the reason the market is going down is because Obama got elected. Why, just look at the market since Nov. 5th! The evidence is clear as day. The economy was going to be just fine before Obama won.

I hope these idiots enjoy a nice, long stay in the wilderness.

Not me, the markets are not controlled by the president. He'll own the problems on 1/20/09, not before. Until then he is responsible for what he says and does.
My boss made an interesting point the other day.

Does everyone remember the economic disastor after 9/11/01? And does everyone also remember the push to spend money so the terrorists wouldn't win?

The housing market was a huge part of that push.

This economic mess is simply delayed payment for the "repair" to the economy after 9/11.
That's part of the reform that Republicans will painfully have to make. They will have to discredit and distance themselves from the extremist talking heads.

Well if they do that they will lose about half of their followers. About half of their followers ally with the extremist side of the party. Not the old core republican values.
Reagan started the play to the religious right and the Rs have used it to win ever since (well that and cheating).

Now about all they have left is this religious right.

Its not enough to win elections even with cheating so now they are fucked,

Too keep the RR following they have to lose everyone else.

They cant win with or without them now.

They need to completely rebuild the party.
Well if they do that they will lose about half of their followers. About half of their followers ally with the extremist side of the party. Not the old core republican values.

Dude, the 'old' republican values are held BY the extremists now. Didn't you know that it was the 'centrists' and neocons that hijacked true conservative values?
My boss made an interesting point the other day.

Does everyone remember the economic disastor after 9/11/01? And does everyone also remember the push to spend money so the terrorists wouldn't win?

The housing market was a huge part of that push.

This economic mess is simply delayed payment for the "repair" to the economy after 9/11.
We have been on a credit economy a hell of a lot longer than that, which both parties have been pushing on the people in one form or another, from regulations requiring increased loans in poor sectors to opening the market to decrease the risks of those lending practices, all the while posing for photo ops to show their methods of increasing credit spending (thus boosting the economy and "bringing the American Dream to All") work the best.

But, yes, we are paying for all those years of house-of-cards economic policies. Considering the challenges ahead, to include the high probability things will continue to get worse for several years before we can engineer an upswing, it makes me wonder if the republicans losing bid for the presidency under McCain was not a calculated bit of long-term strategic planning.
We have been on a credit economy a hell of a lot longer than that, which both parties have been pushing on the people in one form or another, from regulations requiring increased loans in poor sectors to opening the market to decrease the risks of those lending practices, all the while posing for photo ops to show their methods of increasing credit spending (thus boosting the economy and "bringing the American Dream to All") work the best.

But, yes, we are paying for all those years of house-of-cards economic policies. Considering the challenges ahead, to include the high probability things will continue to get worse for several years before we can engineer an upswing, it makes me wonder if the republicans losing bid for the presidency under McCain was not a calculated bit of long-term strategic planning.

You think the Rs didn't want to be in office during the worst of the recession?

It would explain why McCain picked Palin. lol
Well if they do that they will lose about half of their followers. About half of their followers ally with the extremist side of the party. Not the old core republican values.

That's why I said it would be painful. If they continue to promote the views of right wing extremist this nation of sensible people will reject them and the Republican party will become even less tenable as a national party.

If they reject them now, it hurts them in the short run but then they can begin to build new ideas and solutions to problems that will help them to build a winning coalition.

The day of white southern conservatives having disproportionate control of Government via divisive racial politics is over and Republicans must adapt to this new reality or face the consequences.
Dude, the 'old' republican values are held BY the extremists now. Didn't you know that it was the 'centrists' and neocons that hijacked true conservative values?

I would have to ask you to Elaborate on that. What are "True Conservative Values"? Because every time I'm heard some one on the the political right say this they usually don't understand the difference between a conservative and a reactionary and what they mean by a "True Conservative" is actually a far right political reactionary and not a conservative at all.

Now if by your statement you mean that within the Republican party traditional republican plutocrats have been co-opted and replaced within the party mainly by southern/rural white social reactionaries, then by and large I support your statement. If that's not what you mean, then you simply don't know what you're talking about.
Oncelor your a glutton for punishment. I don't even get my comedy from fox any more but thanks for the update.
The republincans are welcome to keep digging the whole deeper. The idiocy of their stance will be obvious when the numbers come in. The Real Recession will be for 2 qtrs under bush and if the first qtr is bad it just sets Obama up with a lower bar to skip over. Republicans get ready for 8 yrs of a classy teflon (to moronic commets) Obama shoveling anti-Nazi legislation down your throat.