The Only Bigots Are The LGBT When It Comes To The LGBT

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
It's the LGBT that doesn't want to accept themselves for what they are, try and shame everyone else for what we are while attempting to rob everyone else of the right to be what we are which clearly reveals who the only bigots here are. They have the nerve to further lie by attempting to label anyone else the bigot.

Refusing to accept someone for what they are not and will never be is not bigotry, it's common sense. Refusing to surround yourself with compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers is common sense.

There is no such thing as a homophobe when it comes to every heterosexual on the planet because a natural repulsion is not an irrational fear.

Only phonies and radical officials / WEF useful idiots attend such a garbage excuse for a parade when again not one of them has a valid reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman. If you ask them that question they will desperately scramble to try and make anything else the issue because again all they do is compulsively and obsessively lie and deceive.

Cowardly officials don't stand up to this because this fringe minority of WEF members and useful idiots who have a monopoly over our main stream media which they still use to try and slander and criminalize anyone standing against the LGBT hate group and their sick behavior.

Even Pierre Poilievre is willing to throw us all under the bus for this garbage while even claiming to support this soon to be short lived mockery the LGBT has made of marriage. Thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage since marriage was created proves that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions because thanks to heterosexual unions we all even exist thus is worth honouring. If it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective imbeciles and there is quite obviously not anything worth honouring. One quite obviously never did and never will equal the other no matter how compulsively and obsessively the LGBT hate group lies and deceives.

Officials these days are such cowards, it's a disgrace.

You have every right to be furious with officials throwing you under the bus and wasting your tax dollars in support of this LGBT hate group forcing lies and deceptions upon the public. Turn up the volume on this masterpiece video of which it starts off with me exemplifying anger and for genuine reason and explains quite thoroughly who the only bigots are when it comes to the LGBT. It's great theater and free of charge made with my love for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet (made a few years ago). I was born heterosexual but the LGBT seems to think that heterosexual means homosexual guinea pig because the LGBT are the bigots and their trans sickos are proof.

There is only one kind of heterosexual 101 fact step right up for a real education


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
This is a weird thread. Spetch is trying to justify his homophobia by pretending it does not exist. Then he does a long paragraph proving that is exactly what he is.