The Parasite Class & Wars


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Basically, no military will ever attack another nation whose retaliatory capabilities are far superior to its own.

It is a lot cheaper for the armed forces to train for war during peacetime than it is to lose a war.

If that axiom is true than refusing to modernize our nuclear arsenal is a blueprint for losing wars:

After a push from far-left senators, the Biden administration is delaying the modernization of America's nuclear weapons stockpile.

Multiple sources told the Washington Free Beacon that the White House is ordering the Department of Defense to explore extending the lifespan of America’s land-based nuclear arsenal. The decision marks an about-face for the Biden administration, which had previously committed to nuclear modernization efforts. Some Democrats have pushed the administration away from modernization, citing cost and concerns that it would escalate global tensions.

But military leaders are calling for nuclear modernization to counter efforts from Russia and China. Admiral Charles Richard, head of Strategic Command, said China's nuclear arms are expanding at a "breathtaking" rate. Commercial satellite images released in July show the construction of two massive nuclear silo fields in the Chinese desert. Russia is constructing the heaviest ballistic missile in the world, which could enter service as early as 2022.

Note that parasite senators from two leading parasite states are demanding budget money so they can increase funding for their welfare programs —— that includes support financially the illegal aliens pouring thru open borders Biden & Company refuse to close.

The Biden administration’s order follows a request from Sens. Jeff Merkley (D., Ore.) and Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), who lead the contingent of Democrats opposed to nuclear modernization, to cut investment in modernization from the budget. In the coming months, an independent group of scientists will review the Minuteman III missiles, which were first deployed during the Vietnam War.

White House Gives in to Liberal Push to Stall Nuclear Modernization
Jack Beyrer
August 12, 2021 4:59 am


Finally, have you ever asked yourself why Democrats always cite the cost whenever they oppose defending the U.S.A. against Communist countries?


On the other hand, parasites cannot throw enough money at every parasite scam they dream up:

If that axiom is true than refusing to modernize our nuclear arsenal is a blueprint for losing wars:

It is also a blueprint for making United Nations bureaucrats a nuclear power by way of China:

Dr Rick Fisher: Joe Biden is Refusing to Confront China’s Race to Nuclear Superiority
by Two Mikes
August 26, 2021

Basically, Chicoms know they cannot enforce worldwide Communism on ideology alone. Working in tandem with United Nations bureaucrats is the incremental tool they need.

Remember this. U.S. membership in the U.N. never gained respectability among the American people, nor among freedom-loving people everywhere, while China’s admission to the U.N. in 1971 automatically gave Communism/Socialism the cloak of respectability the U.N. provided just it did with the Soviet Union in 1945.



Finally, China in the catbird seat will dramatically increase the amount of money American taxpayers will pay to fund:

The ugliest document ever written, the U.N.’s 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is the most devious compendium of institutional morality ever devised. That is why Obama preached positive Rights for the United Nations as opposed to “negative” Rights in our Bill of Rights. His positive Rights is nothing more than justifying tax dollars being collected by government Good Samaritans, while not one negative Right in the Bill of Rights forces someone else to pay —— as the U.’N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights aimed for.
The literal meaning of perestroika is "reconstruction", referring to the restructuring of the Soviet political and economic system, in an attempt to end the Era of Stagnation. ... Perestroika and its associated structural ailments have been cited as major catalysts leading to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Glasnost was taken to mean increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union (USSR). Glasnost reflected a commitment of the Gorbachev administration to allowing Soviet citizens to discuss publicly the problems of their system and potential solutions.

I’m retired and I have season tickets.
Basically, no military will ever attack another nation whose retaliatory capabilities are far superior to its own.

It is a lot cheaper for the armed forces to train for war during peacetime than it is to lose a war.

If that axiom is true than refusing to modernize our nuclear arsenal is a blueprint for losing wars:

After a push from far-left senators, the Biden administration is delaying the modernization of America's nuclear weapons stockpile.

Multiple sources told the Washington Free Beacon that the White House is ordering the Department of Defense to explore extending the lifespan of America’s land-based nuclear arsenal. The decision marks an about-face for the Biden administration, which had previously committed to nuclear modernization efforts. Some Democrats have pushed the administration away from modernization, citing cost and concerns that it would escalate global tensions.

But military leaders are calling for nuclear modernization to counter efforts from Russia and China. Admiral Charles Richard, head of Strategic Command, said China's nuclear arms are expanding at a "breathtaking" rate. Commercial satellite images released in July show the construction of two massive nuclear silo fields in the Chinese desert. Russia is constructing the heaviest ballistic missile in the world, which could enter service as early as 2022.

Note that parasite senators from two leading parasite states are demanding budget money so they can increase funding for their welfare programs —— that includes support financially the illegal aliens pouring thru open borders Biden & Company refuse to close.

The Biden administration’s order follows a request from Sens. Jeff Merkley (D., Ore.) and Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), who lead the contingent of Democrats opposed to nuclear modernization, to cut investment in modernization from the budget. In the coming months, an independent group of scientists will review the Minuteman III missiles, which were first deployed during the Vietnam War.

White House Gives in to Liberal Push to Stall Nuclear Modernization
Jack Beyrer
August 12, 2021 4:59 am


Finally, have you ever asked yourself why Democrats always cite the cost whenever they oppose defending the U.S.A. against Communist countries?

On the other hand, parasites cannot throw enough money at every parasite scam they dream up:

With our current nuclear arsenal we can retaliate against any nuclear attack and decimate our enemy. They can kill us all 3x and we can kill them 4x. If it slips to them killing us 4x and us killing them only 2x, does it really make a difference?
Across from California pizza.

He’s hacked!

As I was writing the control they were deliberately changing the info as I was typing.
I corrected and set up the machine a odd way. The worker Guatemala or San Salvador.
Was telling me deesnoogoo. He knows what’s good. I left the machine running and
approved. What do you do? Twiddling your thumbs.

She lives across the street. Ask her where the moon sets?

I got a beanie on my head. What’s my name!
Where the sun set? I didn’t do anything wrong.
It is also a blueprint for making United Nations bureaucrats a nuclear power by way of China:

Forget about the U.N. and China, the little fat guy with a bad haircut is modernizing:

The Biden Effect: Just In – North Korea Reportedly Restarts Activities at Yongbyon Nuclear Reactor; Site Has Been Shut Down Since 2018 When Trump Showed Strength
By Julian Conradson
Published August 30, 2021 at 7:30am