The Path to $911 - (as in, $911 in in legal liability)


"Cypress you motherfucking whore!"
Okay, fucking with Clinton and Sandy Burglar is all in good fun - But note to ABC/Disney: You don't want to fuck with an army hired legal guns of a multi-billion dollar American corporation:

American Airlines Latest to Hit ABC's 9/11 Film -- Legal Action to Follow?

By E&P Staff

Published: September 11, 2006 9:30 PM ET

NEW YORK The controversial ABC film "The Path to 9/11," which concluded its two-day run on Monday night, has been hit for alleged political bias, and fictional or compressed events, but a major corporation has now denounced its treatment in the movie, as well.

The film in both its first part and second part appears to suggest that chief hijacker Atta was flagged as a security risk at Boston's Logan Airport by American Airlines personnel. According to the 9/11 Commision Report that incident occured earlier that morning, in Maine, and the airline was US Airways.

Late Monday, American Airlines released the folllowing statement: "The Disney/ABC television program, 'The Path to 9/11,' which began airing last night, is inaccurate and irresponsible in its portrayal of the airport check-in events that occurred on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

"A factual description of those events can be found in the official government edition of the 9/11 Commission Report and supporting documents.

"This misrepresentation of facts dishonors the memory of innocent American Airlines employees and all those who lost their lives as a result of the tragic events of 9/11."

American said it will have no further comment beyond the statement at this time. But earlier in the day it had sent a letter to those who had contacted the company with the same complaint, inspired by liberal blogger John Aravosis of Americablog. He received a letter which read:

"I think it is important for you to know that ABC had factual errors in its dramatization, and we are looking at possible legal actions as a result. ...Please know this was a tragic incident in our company's history and we hope you will be
sympathetic to our employees and our airline on this day especially. Again, we are outraged by this situation, and we alerted ABC about its gross error. It is very unfortunate."

It was signed by Roger Frizzell, Vice President, Corporate Communications & Advertising, American Airlines.
Well, I hate American Airlines, so I hope they lose. B@stards made me spend the night in the miami airport.
Was Rove listed in the credits ?

LOL thats funny...

i saw the same thing well not that movie but on biography that it was at Portland airport and the guy from the biography said he looked mean and like aterrorist then he felt bad stopping him but didn't then when the plane crashed he remembered the guy was connecting to LA at Logan, and felt bad for thinking he was a terrorist and low and behold he really was...
LOL false outrage turbo-libs make me roll. Did some simpleton miss the in your face disclaimer in the beginning middle and end of the show. LOFL thanks this shits rolls