The philosophy of WM


Over the years I've been a socialist, a libertarian, a liberal, and now I'm a collectivist cockbreath, but this is what I can remember that I've never changed on:

Proportional representation
Free trade and support of immigration
Opposition to the death penalty

I've been pretty much everything except for someone who opposes those things.

So I'm going to start a party, the Free Proportional Death Party. Anyone want to join?
I stupidly called myself a communist for like 2 seconds while I was 12.

After I actually started learning about politics, I identified more with the liberals than the conservatives. I actually still have an old shirt that said: Proud Liberal.

And once I really had a chance to study history and political theory in depth, I realized the limitations of the modern liberal philosophy. Ever since then I have called myself a libertarian. Within the libertarian movement I am a moderate, but I argue as an anarcho-capitalist or a minarchist depending on how I'm feeling that day.

But overall I believe I do manage to fulfill my primary value in a political belief system: Consistency.
I never was a serious socialist. Most of the time whenever I was a socialist I was trying to deal with the problem of having competition and at the same time fixing the inequality problems in our current world. I eventually realized that my Utopia was ridiculous.

My rhetoric changes more than my actual beliefs.