The Problem With Obama....

There are many troubling things about Barack Obama, as President of the United States. He is an attractive black man who speaks well, but that is about all I can find he has going for him. There is far more against him than this, but it seems the left is mesmerized by him, to the point of absolutely ignoring obvious flaws.

No, I don't mean the flaw of his father being a Muslim or his middle name being Hussein, although those things worry me as well. If a radical Islamofascist wanted to seize control of the US through elective power, they certainly wouldn't come out and tell us that is their plan, would they? Of course they wouldn't! They would misguide us into believing they were completely harmless, nothing to fear, and they would lull us into a false sense of security by renouncing Islamic views or their Muslim lineage, and tell us what we wanted to hear, in order to gain power. I'm not saying this is what Obama is up to, but he could be, we just don't really know for sure.

In fact, there is very little known about this man, he only recently became a member of Congress, and his past is questionable at best. Associations with people like his pastor, and Bill Ayers, as well as his wife's vitriolic comments about America, lead me to wonder where this guy is coming from, and where he would lead us as a nation. But these are not the things that concern me the most, even though they are very alarming in of themselves, there is something else.

Researching his policy positions on various issues, I find it hard to determine where he stands on virtually anything. It appears that he simply says whatever the crowd he is speaking to wants to hear. One day he is for something, the next day he is opposed to it. One day he advocates one thing, the next day he is advocating the opposite. He is simply all over the board on the issues, trying to cover all his bases and 'please all the people, all the time' and it just can't be done, according to Abe Lincoln.

Another thing is his 'reactionism' to petty political attacks. He spends an enormous amount of time and energy addressing things that have been said about him or his wife, as if he has a need to defend himself constantly. You really can't be a leader and govern effectively if you allow every thing that is said about you interfere with your message. Reacting to the preposterous does nothing but call more attention to it, and distracts from your message.

Yes, a lot of things scare me about Obama, but his complete lack of leadership skills is probably what frightens me the most. If we were electing a person to host American Idol, I could maybe overlook some of these flaws, and go along with the Obamamaniacs, but that is not what we are doing. We are electing a President of the United States, the Leader of the Free World, the most powerful job in the world. This man is wholly unqualified to hold that job, but he has managed to convince a great number of people that he is the man for them.

Now liberal pinheads, it doesn't really matter to them, if they could have found Osama Bin Laden, they would have nominated him! Anything to sling shit in the face of Bush, including embracing our most devout enemy, they really don't care. In their liberal bubble world, they are incapable of understanding threat, and fear nothing. They think this is all a big game, a farce, something to crack jokes about over double-lattes at Starbucks. They will not fully realize the danger and threat of Islamofascism until some Taliban or alQaeda thug is sawing off their mother's head in the living room, and then, their only concern will be who will clean up the bloody mess. I guess we will have to get Ted Kennedy to sponsor a bill for that, when the time comes, because the liberals will not stand for having to clean up the carnage themselves.

The thing about it is, Liberals lack the political power to elect a president by themselves. There simply aren't enough, and they can't find enough ways to cheat and win, so they must depend on unsuspecting dupes out there, who are too ignorant to do any real research, and just accept things at face value. The Libs will prey on these people, push their buttons, plant their seeds, and attempt to persuade them that Obama is the second coming of Christ himself, if that is what it takes. And sadly, we have enough stupid Americans, that, coupled with the Liberal idiots, could possibly elect Obama. Especially given the fact he is running against McCain, who is pretty much a Liberal himself. Hell, if they keep the Obama drum beat going, McCain may even vote for him!
"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
There are many troubling things about Barack Obama, as President of the United States. He is an attractive black man who speaks well, but that is about all I can find he has going for him. There is far more against him than this, but it seems the left is mesmerized by him, to the point of absolutely ignoring obvious flaws.

No, I don't mean the flaw of his father being a Muslim or his middle name being Hussein, although those things worry me as well. If a radical Islamofascist wanted to seize control of the US through elective power, they certainly wouldn't come out and tell us that is their plan, would they? Of course they wouldn't! They would misguide us into believing they were completely harmless, nothing to fear, and they would lull us into a false sense of security by renouncing Islamic views or their Muslim lineage, and tell us what we wanted to hear, in order to gain power. I'm not saying this is what Obama is up to, but he could be, we just don't really know for sure.

In fact, there is very little known about this man, he only recently became a member of Congress, and his past is questionable at best. Associations with people like his pastor, and Bill Ayers, as well as his wife's vitriolic comments about America, lead me to wonder where this guy is coming from, and where he would lead us as a nation. But these are not the things that concern me the most, even though they are very alarming in of themselves, there is something else.

Researching his policy positions on various issues, I find it hard to determine where he stands on virtually anything. It appears that he simply says whatever the crowd he is speaking to wants to hear. One day he is for something, the next day he is opposed to it. One day he advocates one thing, the next day he is advocating the opposite. He is simply all over the board on the issues, trying to cover all his bases and 'please all the people, all the time' and it just can't be done, according to Abe Lincoln.

Another thing is his 'reactionism' to petty political attacks. He spends an enormous amount of time and energy addressing things that have been said about him or his wife, as if he has a need to defend himself constantly. You really can't be a leader and govern effectively if you allow every thing that is said about you interfere with your message. Reacting to the preposterous does nothing but call more attention to it, and distracts from your message.

Yes, a lot of things scare me about Obama, but his complete lack of leadership skills is probably what frightens me the most. If we were electing a person to host American Idol, I could maybe overlook some of these flaws, and go along with the Obamamaniacs, but that is not what we are doing. We are electing a President of the United States, the Leader of the Free World, the most powerful job in the world. This man is wholly unqualified to hold that job, but he has managed to convince a great number of people that he is the man for them.

Now liberal pinheads, it doesn't really matter to them, if they could have found Osama Bin Laden, they would have nominated him! Anything to sling shit in the face of Bush, including embracing our most devout enemy, they really don't care. In their liberal bubble world, they are incapable of understanding threat, and fear nothing. They think this is all a big game, a farce, something to crack jokes about over double-lattes at Starbucks. They will not fully realize the danger and threat of Islamofascism until some Taliban or alQaeda thug is sawing off their mother's head in the living room, and then, their only concern will be who will clean up the bloody mess. I guess we will have to get Ted Kennedy to sponsor a bill for that, when the time comes, because the liberals will not stand for having to clean up the carnage themselves.

The thing about it is, Liberals lack the political power to elect a president by themselves. There simply aren't enough, and they can't find enough ways to cheat and win, so they must depend on unsuspecting dupes out there, who are too ignorant to do any real research, and just accept things at face value. The Libs will prey on these people, push their buttons, plant their seeds, and attempt to persuade them that Obama is the second coming of Christ himself, if that is what it takes. And sadly, we have enough stupid Americans, that, coupled with the Liberal idiots, could possibly elect Obama. Especially given the fact he is running against McCain, who is pretty much a Liberal himself. Hell, if they keep the Obama drum beat going, McCain may even vote for him!

That's some good trolling there, Dix. Keep up the good work. The rest of you knuckleheads take notes (I'm looking at you indisputable and webbway). This is how its done.
I recall seeing hundreds, if not thousands of hate-filled screeds regarding George Bush's alcohol and drug use and Rush Limbaugh's drug dependency.

How come there are no leftists spewing hatred and bile on their Savior, Lord Obama, who said "Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. . . . "

quote from Dreams of my Father

Is there a double standard on the nutroot fringe?
Yeah I know he is black and not a republican. but I feel he is less dangerous to the USA than the only other one with a snowflakes chance in hell of winning.

I will vote for Obama in Nov.
Or I guess I should say against McSame.
Another useless exercise in hyperbole, distortion & delusion.

How much time did you waste on that, Dix? Them's a lot of words to say pretty much nothing...
I find it interesting, you can all find plenty of things to say to bash me, but you can't defend your support of Obama, or tell us why you are voting for him, other than he's not the republican. You can't tell us what he promises that you would possibly be voting for, other than "hope" and "change" and those are nice words that don't mean squat.

Let's face the truth here, it really wouldn't matter if Obama was a card carrying Islamofascist, allied with Bin Laden, you would still vote for him over a Republican, right? Obama could nominate his dog as his VP, and you wouldn't even flinch, you'd still go right along and vote for him and chuckle about having the first dog VP in history, wouldn't you?
I find it interesting, you can all find plenty of things to say to bash me, but you can't defend your support of Obama, or tell us why you are voting for him, other than he's not the republican. You can't tell us what he promises that you would possibly be voting for, other than "hope" and "change" and those are nice words that don't mean squat.

Let's face the truth here, it really wouldn't matter if Obama was a card carrying Islamofascist, allied with Bin Laden, you would still vote for him over a Republican, right? Obama could nominate his dog as his VP, and you wouldn't even flinch, you'd still go right along and vote for him and chuckle about having the first dog VP in history, wouldn't you?

considering the nearly 8 last years, the fact that Obama is not a Republican should be enough to get anyones vote.

But he does appear clean and neatly dressed.
Obama gave a very detailed speech on foreign policy just yesterday. He has given detailed proposals on energy, new job creation, education, immigration & pretty much every other issue. If you'd listen, or merely go to his website, you'd learn something; instead, you have your ears filled with toilet paper, and all you hear is him spending an "enormous" amount of time defending himself against attacks on him & his wife (one of the most extreme exaggerations I've heard in awhile). I don't have time to educate you, and frankly, I don't care to.

I also find it ironic that someone who voted twice for a candidate who spent 20 years drinking his way through one business failure after another, had a partial ownership of a baseball team handed to him because of his name and then a short stint as governor of a state with one of the weakest executive positions, where his daily agenda included a nap & a game of Nintendo, is lecturing us about Presidential "qualifications."
did Dixie ever mention going to college.
Marijuana is recommended by doctors for pain, relaxation, glaucoma. Indisputable how tight are your balck Hitler boots?