The psychological roots of authoritarianism and fascism


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Psychologist Michael Milburn has studied the childhood antecedents of rightwing ideological rigidity. His research confirms that the harsher the parenting atmosphere people were exposed to as young children, the more prone they are to support authoritarian or aggressive policies, such as foreign wars, punitive laws and the death penalty.

“We used physical punishment in childhood as a marker of dysfunctional family environment,” Milburn said. “There was significantly more support for the capital punishment, opposition to abortion and the use of military force, particularly among males who had experienced high levels of physical punishment, especially if they had never had psychotherapy.” I was intrigued by that last finding.

derp derp

it is so obvious that authoritarians migrate to the left. Only on the left will you be able to achieve a government powerful enough to push your views
Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were far right wing.
Try this:

Describe the following for a Leftist government, say one that is Socialist or Communist

Style or type of government used, economic system(s) used, and importance of the state.

Now, describe the same things for a Rightist government that is Fascist.
Try this:

Describe the following for a Leftist government, say one that is Socialist or Communist

Style or type of government used, economic system(s) used, and importance of the state.

Now, describe the same things for a Rightist government that is Fascist.
Amazing you know almost nothing about history yet lie about having an MA is history.
Try this:

Describe the following for a Leftist government, say one that is Socialist or Communist

Style or type of government used, economic system(s) used, and importance of the state.

Now, describe the same things for a Rightist government that is Fascist.
You're describing the horseshoe theory.
Psychologist Michael Milburn has studied the childhood antecedents of rightwing ideological rigidity. His research confirms that the harsher the parenting atmosphere people were exposed to as young children, the more prone they are to support authoritarian or aggressive policies, such as foreign wars, punitive laws and the death penalty.

“We used physical punishment in childhood as a marker of dysfunctional family environment,” Milburn said. “There was significantly more support for the capital punishment, opposition to abortion and the use of military force, particularly among males who had experienced high levels of physical punishment, especially if they had never had psychotherapy.” I was intrigued by that last finding.

Yes, that's the general consensus. Would a strict Evangelist upbringing tend to place a child on the Left or the Right politically ?
Yes, that's the general consensus. Would a strict Evangelist upbringing tend to place a child on the Left or the Right politically ?

I think everyone secretly wants the big daddy to take care of them. Some want the big daddy to be kind and caring, some want the big daddy that beats and whips.
I should read that classic work on totalitarianism by Anna Arendt, if I ever have the time.
Classical Liberals like me are for small limited Federal gov't.

Leftist "Liberals" are the opposite, they are for massive intrusive gov't that regulates and permeates even the tiniest of human interactions and activities.

It's supporters attacked 15 year old Nick Sandman for "smiling". It's like "prison rules". :palm: