the psycology of who wins



How psychopaths take over

Sometimes being mad is a good thing. An Oxford scientist suggests we should all learn to act a little crazy
By Kevin Dutton

Topics: History, Neuroscience, Psychopaths, Life News

My father was a market trader in London. I used to help him when I should have been at school. “You’ll learn more on the stall than you ever will in a classroom,” he used to say. And in my case he was probably right. One evening, after shutting up shop, we went to an Indian restaurant for dinner. As we were paying the bill, Dad said: “Kev, if there’s one thing I want you to remember in life, it’s this: Persuasion ain’t about getting people to do what they don’t want to do. It’s about giving people a reason to do what they do want to do. Watch and learn.”

He picked up a spoon and tinkled it against his glass. Suddenly, the room fell silent. Dad got to his feet.

“I’d just like to thank everyone for coming,” he announced. “I’m aware that some of you hail from just around the corner and that others have made the journey from much further afield. But I want you to know that you are all most welcome, and that it’s very much appreciated. Oh, and that there’s a small reception in the King’s Arms across the road after you’ve finished. Thanks once again, and see you in the pub!”

With that, he started to clap … as did everyone else – a restaurant full of strangers whom we’d never seen before, who’d never seen each other before, all applauding wildly because they didn’t want to be seen to be the gate crashers.
this is how the republican party can find so many willing to flat out lie.

No fact is a fact unless they like what it infers
This is why they can find so many people willing to kill our democracy by cheating in elections.
Far more in the population than most realize.

Understanding JUST HOW MANY sociopaths there are in the population shows how the republican party structure can opperate the way it does.

They are run by predomanately sociopaths
Carl Rove is a sociopath.

Dick Cheney is a sociopath

Grover Norqist is a sociopath.

They have no human feelings like normal human beings.

Lies are better than facts becuase facts cant be controled.

So you LIE about every fact you dont like to muddy the water and make it harder for the regular Joe to discern the true facts.

No more , no more.

Your secret has been found out.

Your done.

Good bye to the people who have stolen the name of a once great party and in so doing tried to distory this country.

You will not win
Our culture encourages and rewards greed, gives incentives to white collar crime, and lionizes unearned privilege. We're getting exactly what we deserve, based on the warped priorities we've demonstrated.
It has been twisted to this by a whole big marketing push.

Remember when you played say baseball as a kid and the main thing you were told was " Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, Its not wether you win or lose its how you play the game".

It has been turned into "win at any cost".

Guess who did that bit of marketing mayhem on us?

Powerful sociopaths
there is a huge frequency of sociopaths in the world.

they are mostly men.

3 in 4 out of 100 are men

1 in 4 is a woman.

which party is the party of the most men?

the republicans.

that means they have a higher rate of socipaths than the general population.

Democratic party has more women than men.

That means the Democractic party has FEWER sociopaths than the general population.

And fewer yet more sociopaths than the republican party.

One party has the most sociopaths and one party has fewer than the population.

the republican party is the party of sociopaths