The PUMA problem persists

It does appear a bit odd. The TV news here is showing clips of a couple of dozen pro-Hilary protestors outside of the Denver Convention still arguing vociferously that Hilary should run and claiming that they will vote for McCain over Obama.

I know that people involved in politics make a massive emotional investment in what they do - hell, I've spent three decades pounding the streets for my own candidates, but there has to be some rationalism in there somewhere.

Politics is not loyalty to one individual ... is it?
It does appear a bit odd. The TV news here is showing clips of a couple of dozen pro-Hilary protestors outside of the Denver Convention still arguing vociferously that Hilary should run and claiming that they will vote for McCain over Obama.

I know that people involved in politics make a massive emotional investment in what they do - hell, I've spent three decades pounding the streets for my own candidates, but there has to be some rationalism in there somewhere.

Politics is not loyalty to one individual ... is it?

For whatever reason while individuals may vote straight party line on most of a ballot party affiliation seems to come less into play for the Presidential candidates.
The PUMAs are a fringe minority group of individuals that crave attention and the media just eats it up and gives it to them. They're like any other fringe minority group, only interesting because they're so few and so batshit looney.