The questions I want put to McCain over and over



What effect on foriegn deplomacy will your lack of emotional control have on America?

Have you sought any pshycological help for you inability to control your temper?

What is it that makes you get so angry and unable to control your outbursts?

Why should Americans elect you president when you are not capable of remaining clear headed and calm in a tense situation?

If they can ask Obama Over and over again about a fucking flag pin then why not these questions.
he mocked Grassley to his face and used a profanity to describe him. Grassley stood and, according to two participants at the meeting, told McCain, "I don't have to take this. I think you should apologize."
McCain refused and stood to face Grassley. "There was some shouting and shoving between them, but no punches," recalls a spectator, who said that Nebraska Democrat Bob Kerrey helped break up the altercation.
Former senator Bob Smith, a New Hampshire Republican, expresses worries about McCain: "His temper would place this country at risk in international affairs, and the world perhaps in danger. In my mind, it should disqualify him."
In 2007, during a heated closed-door discussion with Senate colleagues about the contentious immigration issue, he angrily shouted a profanity at a fellow Republican, John Cornyn of Texas, an incident that quickly found its way into headlines.

What effect on foriegn deplomacy will your lack of emotional control have on America?

Have you sought any pshycological help for you inability to control your temper?

What is it that makes you get so angry and unable to control your outbursts?

Why should Americans elect you president when you are not capable of remaining clear headed and calm in a tense situation?

If they can ask Obama Over and over again about a fucking flag pin then why not these questions.

Questions about McCain's temper are fair game. It's interesting to see (above) how a true partisan would phrase those questions.

Maybe there can be a side debate held for extreme partisans like Desh and Jollie.
The nomination of a beleaguered John Tower to become defense secretary was already in trouble when Sen. Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, a conservative Democrat who later became a Republican, helped doom it by voting against Tower. A furious McCain, believing that Shelby had reneged on a commitment of support, accosted him, got within an inch of his nose and screamed at him. News of the incident swiftly spread around the Capitol.
Did you even listen to the last debate between Hil and Obama?

They were more pointed than the ones I sugested.
Come on Desh don't stop now. You can find more! Notice you don't even source where you found these quotes from because we all know the websites you go to. Keep it up though champ!
Yeah I was going to say, she did SOURCE it right at the beginning. It will be interesting to see if ANY of this sways the independents that could go either way in this election.
When it comes time for the debates, the dems need to hire behavioral Psychologists to go over the instances where he has lost it and find his triggers. Then at the debates those triggers need to be worked. Make him lose it on national TV. Shit if I were running the campaign I would do whatever it took to have him come at my candidate. This is a weakness that can be exploited by people trained to do just that.