The race card

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Guns Guns Guns

"...Frankly, Cain is "blacker" than Obama in every way imaginable. He does not have a white parent. He has a slight black dialect.. As Obama's presidency has shown, America did not need a black president..."


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¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;811251 said:
"...Frankly, Cain is "blacker" than Obama in every way imaginable. He does not have a white parent. He has a slight black dialect.. As Obama's presidency has shown, America did not need a black president..."


Thats a nice try at smearing the American Thinker cite....but then posting shit out of context is what you pinheads do constantly....
For the record...
[FONT=times new roman,times]10. The "race card": A Cain candidacy not only takes the race card off the table -- it might in fact put it in the Republicans' camp. Frankly, Cain is "blacker" than Obama in every way imaginable. He does not have a white parent. He has a slight black dialect and does not "turn it off" to impress Harry Reid or Joe Biden, nor does he "amp it up" to impress Jeremiah Wright. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]As Obama's presidency has shown, America did not need a black president. What America needs is to just get over the race thing, period. Cain is over it, and I bet he would flat-out tell Obama to get over it, too.

American Thinker....
The Tea Party GOP believes that white people are oppressed in America.

"25 percent think that the administration favors blacks over whites — compared with 11 percent of the general public.
They are more likely than the general public, and Republicans, to say that too much has been made of the problems facing black people."



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Whenever anyone today brings up race the common response is they are using the 'race card.' Does such a card exist? Of course, race like all complicated topic opens a panoply of responses and feelings. Repartee on the Internet is often on the level of school yard rants, 'no, you are!' But in truth racism is still strong and deeply embedded in the psyche of most people. Some time ago I wrote a piece comparing Obama and Palin, when I told (mostly white, upper class) people this bit of satire they imagined the stereotype as grounded in fact, while my play on their racism off key. Weird stuff. This piece (below) confirms something some people know. The rhetorical 'race card' is nothing if not excuse and apologetic.

"The hypothesis for Hehman's paper centered around the possibility that whites’ racial prejudices influenced "how American" they perceived Obama to be, which would in turn predict their evaluations of his presidential performance. Furthermore, Hehman predicted that whites would be the only group in which such racial prejudice would ultimately influence their evaluations of performance and that it would affect only their evaluations of the president. He predicted that when whites evaluated Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., or when African Americans evaluated either Obama or Biden, racial prejudices would not affect their assessments."
But in truth racism is still strong and deeply embedded in the psyche of most people.

I agree! And it's so deeply embedded that some will actually join a political party which panders to blacks, in order to assuage their guilt. What better place to hide, if you are a racist, than behind the policies and practices which purportedly "help" the black community?

There is also a racist problem no one ever seems to want to discuss, which is just as insidious as racism against blacks, and that is blacks who are racist toward white people. Why do we never bring this up, when we discuss racism?
I agree! And it's so deeply embedded that some will actually join a political party which panders to blacks, in order to assuage their guilt. What better place to hide, if you are a racist, than behind the policies and practices which purportedly "help" the black community?

There is also a racist problem no one ever seems to want to discuss, which is just as insidious as racism against blacks, and that is blacks who are racist toward white people. Why do we never bring this up, when we discuss racism?

You mean the GOP, which was founded in order to eradicate slavery (which was in turn defended by your Confederate heroes)?

Post some examples of white people being lynched by black people, why don't you?
I agree! And it's so deeply embedded that some will actually join a political party which panders to blacks, in order to assuage their guilt. What better place to hide, if you are a racist, than behind the policies and practices which purportedly "help" the black community?

There is also a racist problem no one ever seems to want to discuss, which is just as insidious as racism against blacks, and that is blacks who are racist toward white people. Why do we never bring this up, when we discuss racism?

You are truly retarded.