The race is officially over if mccain loses florida


on indefiniate mod break
Don't buy the media hype to keep you engaged. There is virtually no way mccain can win without florida, and he is currently down 16% with 10% precincts reporting.

This is your Grind news update.
well if he loses ohio he can still pull of a miracle. but if he loses florida he can't even pull a major miracle off. it's the nail in the coffin.
Southern Ohio is pretty much Northern KY. Which no suprise it looks like McCain will win. Mconnel is still very iffy though, it looks to be close.
Fox news calling Ohio for Barack.

Hmm they took it back I guess they are retarded.
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Obama's ahead in MISSISSIPPI!

With 1% of precincts reporting.

Virginia is also doing a little worse than expected, but I think that's just because the Obama precincts aren't reporting heavily yet. And why wouldn't they be reporting? Because they were packed with voters waiting to vote Obama.
Yeah, just like I was predicting. As the precinct count in Virginia gets higher and higher, Obama's vote percentage increases. I think he'll manage to win by 1% or 2%.