The rapture


All the Christians will be gone right?

I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT! It'll be awesome!

Crime will be down 90%, since people will know that they can't just rape and kill twenty people, pray to God, and it'll be alright. They'll just rot in prison. No Republicans will be elected at the next election. We'll have taken care of the population bomb. Global warming will cease.

Christ, it's amazing to think how many problems having no Christians would solve.

We can build our empire with SATAN!

Grind, thank you for the website. I haven't seen a decent new horror movie in some time. And that site scared the beejeebies out of me.

True insanity and sanctioned by god.

The insanity is people who assume things like a pre millennial tribulation rapture are "sanctioned by God". There are 3 biblical eschatological possibilities, though Dispensationalists claim there is a 4th. The most historical one held by the church at large is Amillennialism. The pre-trib-rapure view being a modern day perversion of Historical Premillennialism. The view became popular due to the Left Behind series, but is in no way considered the “mainstream” view of historical Christianity. The other view is Postmillinialism which held sway mostly in the 16th century, but has seen a bit of resurgence.
I was just reading about how awful Left Behind was, and remembering how stupid it was from when I read it.

And I thought about writing a deconstruction story of it, where all the Christians in the world just randomly dissapeared overnight, and having the resulting world a be a utopia of peace and prosperity, pointing out all the ways that Christians negate all the goodness there is about the world.

Instead of having the UN take over things and making the capitol of the world a new Babylon for some reason (there is significant "new world order" paranoia in Left Behind).
The insanity is people who assume things like a pre millennial tribulation rapture are "sanctioned by God". There are 3 biblical eschatological possibilities, though Dispensationalists claim there is a 4th. The most historical one held by the church at large is Amillennialism. The pre-trib-rapure view being a modern day perversion of Historical Premillennialism. The view became popular due to the Left Behind series, but is in no way considered the “mainstream” view of historical Christianity. The other view is Postmillinialism which held sway mostly in the 16th century, but has seen a bit of resurgence.

Amillennialism, good old St. Augustine, what a crazy dude!

3 possibilities, I thought the Bible was inerrant? How can there be 3, there should be only one. I wonder why the Biblegod clouds himself in mystery?
He sure doesn't make it easy on Christians. They have to figure out what is real and what is heresy and things g in and out of style in Christianity!
What was declared a heresy at one time is coming back into vogue now!
Imagine that!
Did any of you know... The Rapture is not found anywhere in The Bible?

....strange, but true!

No it's not.

Dispensationalist have done quite a bit of creative interpretation of the bible, but the doctrine is still widely accepted and found in biblical literalist churches. In that way, they are sort of like constitutional originalists - they only take things literally when it's convenient for them.
Oh we can all take the easy route and point out all the things that aren't in the Bible can't we?

Have you ever thought that while those poor scribes weren't all preoccupied stoning dirty menstruating women, and people who ate fish on the wrong day, their time was monopolised slaughtering innocents or keeping plagues of locusts from the door or even wandering round the Negev desert led by some directionless lump?

Well, just think on in future.
they insta ban you if you go against their doctrine. I got banned cause I said jesus was a pacifist and wouldn't support the iraq war.
they insta ban you if you go against their doctrine. I got banned cause I said jesus was a pacifist and wouldn't support the iraq war.
I'm pretty sure I'd get banned rather quickly.

"I grew up in one of your insane churches, and later converted to Buddhism."

Would likely break the rules.