The Real Joe Biden Showed Up Today


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Biden picked himself up this afternoon. His speech in North Carolina was exactly the Joe Biden the country needs to see but who stayed home last night.
There will be more chances to see this Biden in the coming days. Bank on it.


'When you get knocked down, you get back up': Biden tells supporters after shaky debate performance​

In comments that came as close as any to addressing his stumbles against Trump in last night’s debate, Biden acknowledged that he is indeed old, but believes he can still beat the former president in the November election.

“I know I’m not a young man, to the state the obvious. Well, I know I don’t walk as easy as I used to, I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth,” the president said.

He went on:

I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. I know, like millions of Americans, I know, when you get knocked down, you get back up.
Biden then made plain that he believed he can still do the job:

Folks, I give you my word as a Biden, I would not be running again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul I can do this job. Because, quite frankly, the stakes are too high.

People have had bad debates and still won elections. Reagan wasn't great in his first debate with Mondale and Obama wasn't great in his first debate with Romney. But both those two were operating from a stronger position of strength (meaning it was easier to come back from).

Biden's age has been a big achilleas heal and last night played right into it. On top of that, many people don't follow politics on a daily basis like we do. Most people will have no idea about his speech today but they know about his performance last night.

It's possible he could do a 180 and get his second wind so to speak and look stellar from here on out and last night will be but a blip. There's a lot of wishing in that though if that's your desired outcome.
Biden picked himself up this afternoon. His speech in North Carolina was exactly the Joe Biden the country needs to see but who stayed home last night.
There will be more chances to see this Biden in the coming days. Bank on it.

That was Even more embarrassing than last night....
Biden picked himself up this afternoon. His speech in North Carolina was exactly the Joe Biden the country needs to see but who stayed home last night.
There will be more chances to see this Biden in the coming days. Bank on it.

Well, that comment nicely reflects a difference between Trumpers, who see only what they want to see, and normal people.
I take that as evidence that he did not get the treatments for the debate, that he was sabotaged because the Regime wants him gone.

I am also seeing as predicted Jill being raked over the coals.
Biden picked himself up this afternoon. His speech in North Carolina was exactly the Joe Biden the country needs to see but who stayed home last night.
There will be more chances to see this Biden in the coming days. Bank on it.

So what you're saying is Joes mental status is erratic and unpredictable. I agree.