The REAL Unemployment Rate


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The troll post a picture of his political God and embellishes it with BIG government statistical lies and propaganda.

The troll has so much faith in his preposterous lying post that he bans everybody at JPP that will disprove his lies and expose his sickening leftist partisan worship of the neo-commie in the White House.

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is not predicated on the candidate’s mastery of or allegiance to facts.

His views on things like immigration or international trade are just not supported by any relevant statistics. So when The Donald called into CBS’ Face the Nation on Sunday and claimed that Americans are living in a “false economy,” where the unemployment rate is actually 40% rather than the 5.1% as reported by the Labor Department, you’d be forgiven for believing this was just another Trumpian whopper.

But actually, this view can be supported by actual statistics. If you use the broadest definition of unemployment, the ratio of people over the age of 16 with jobs to the overall 16-and-over population, the Labor Department says that 40.6% of the population is unemployed.

The U.S. Labor Department said Thursday that the unemployment rate was 5.3 percent in June—but does that rate tell the real story?

Bernie Sanders Says 'Real' Unemployment Rate Is Actually 10.5 ...
Jul 6, 2015 ... Vermont U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders undermined a key Obama administration talking point Monday when he said the actual unemployment rate ...