the recessionistas were correct

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
damn it

unemployment is over 478,000 (over 400,000 is considered a recession)

the people that got paid for selling the sub-prime mortgages got their rewards but lost their jobs and are suffering with the rest of the unemployed (except for those with golden parachutes)

greenspan predicts more unemployment and further financial difficulties but claims that it was not his fault

seems that he expected the banks would avoid over committing themselves

i think that congress critters on both sides of the aisle are responsible

but, bushco really screwed the pooch
Toppy has been very scarce on this board since his "recessionistias" have been proven right. Wonder if he was avoiding conversations like this one...
Hey DQ, I will be up in Pebble Beach in a couple of weeks if you want to meet up. It's my treat sir. Otherwise please stop laying claim to conditions we already know happened
It was not my pleasure at all.
But I do take some pride in being proven correct.

You ain't seen nuthin yet folks.
It was not my pleasure at all.
But I do take some pride in being proven correct.

You ain't seen nuthin yet folks.

They didn't listen to you either huh? Darn! LOL You got that right about you ain't seen nothing yet!

Don't let everyone know you have gold...... whooops! :cof1:
Takes 2 consecutive gtrs of negative GDP for an official recession. We haven't had 1 yet. The recessionista's are the revalation of the wussification of America.
It will never be and has never been lower than HS graduates nor has it ever been lower than regular degrees.
Again your as dumb as there is on this board. Ok you are against education, looks like your against reading as well.
Hey DQ, I will be up in Pebble Beach in a couple of weeks if you want to meet up. It's my treat sir. Otherwise please stop laying claim to conditions we already know happened

i would like to but am laid up right now

i do not get out much anymore

sorry about the redundant posts

i cannot sit at my computer very long anymore

while the vicodin helps, the pain sucks