The Reparation Hustle Is A Dance Step Like The Twist


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Dems dredge up 'reparations' issue from 30 years ago
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/19/2019 @ 8:51 pm

Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst; every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in; but this attempts to stride beyond the grave, and seeks to pursue us into eternity. Thomas Paine

NOTE: Democrat opposition to repealing the inheritance tax defined Socialism as a tyrannical religion, because it, too, will follow you into the grave, and it does so without claiming God as an ally.

Bishop Sutton personifies the two main scams parasites use to get tax dollars. Sutton is a black race hustler, and a cleric who pursues reparations into eternity. “It is for the children” is the only thing missing from his bullshit:

Incidentally, the reparation hustle cannot exist with the XVI Amendment. Carlson should have asked Bishop Sutton who will pay reparations after the Income tax is repealed?

Fox News host Tucker Carlson challenged Episcopal Bishop of Maryland Eugene Taylor Sutton on the issue of slavery reparations during Wednesday night’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Sutton appeared before the House Judiciary subcommittee earlier Wednesday and suggested that white people “need” reparations for their souls and to “be able to look” black people “in the eye.”

“I’m actually talking to my white brothers and sisters,” he said. “You need more than we do. You need this for your soul. You need this to be able to look black persons in the eye and say ‘I acknowledge the mistake and I want to be part of the solution to repair that damage.'”

“What does that do to your soul, to know that some of the benefit that you get from your white skin and background is not accrued to everybody?” he asked later during the hearing.

Carlson began the discussion by saying Sutton’s contention “struck” him “as the antithesis of the Christian understanding of guilt, which is that God judges each person based on his or her choices, not on the choices made by his ancestors.”

“Absolutely, but that quote, I definitely was not referring to the eternal significance of people’s souls for eternity,” said Sutton. “That was not my whole statement there. I talked about the souls of black folk and the souls of white folks, which is to say all of us have a stake in this.”

The bishop pointed out that his diverse diocese all voted to affirm his statement and that reparations are not “a check given to all black persons.”

A great big attaboy to Carlson for this one.

At which point Carlson had a suggestion for a place to start:

I’m aware of that but let me ask you this. So your diocese has about $51 million in assets. It has shrunk. There are far fewer episcopalians than there were a generation ago, as you well know and I know as one of them. So why not sell some of your properties and put that money toward reparations? If the diocese really does support this issue so much. Why not pay for it?

NOTE: Teachers’ unions have more money than God, and it came from tax dollars. A few years ago the University of California’s pension fund reportedly had 50 BILLION dollars in its coffers, and that is only one state’s university system albeit the largest one. I am guessing that the total amount of money controlled by education industry pension funds exceeds two TRILLION DOLLARS. Surely, they can donate a few bucks to the cause.

“This is what we are studying,” Sutton responded. “We affirmed the principle of it last month, and we will spend the next year or several years figuring out how to do that. We do know that money is involved, but that is a final step.”

Responding to Tucker’s question about how someone who “didn’t commit a crime” could “be culpable for it,” Sutton contended that “guilt” is not the issue, but rather “responsibility.”

The Fox News host said he has no problem “looking African-Americans in the eye” because he never supported slavery or Jim Crow laws and treats everyone as individuals. “I don’t bear any guilt for this, I don’t, but you seem to think I do, why?”

After Carlson later pointed out the fact that the current billions in welfare given to African-Americans “isn’t working,” Sutton referenced continued problems such as “mass incarceration” and “underfunded school systems.”

“I would like to see some of the $51 million in your diocese go toward that,” said Tucker.

To which Sutton responded: “Stay tuned.”

Episcopal Bishop Says Whites ‘Need’ Reparations For Their ‘Soul,’ Tucker Wants To Start With $51 Million In Church Coffers
10:15 PM 06/19/2019 | Media
Scott Morefield | Reporter

I have a few observations that black parasites never mention. I will start with Liberia:

Liberia began as a settlement of the American Colonization Society (ACS), who believed black people would face better chances for freedom and prosperity in Africa than in the United States. The country declared its independence on July 26, 1847. The U.S. did not recognize Liberia's independence until February 5, 1862, during the American Civil War. Between January 7, 1822, and the American Civil War, more than 15,000 freed and free-born black people who faced legislated limits in the U.S., and 3,198 Afro-Caribbeans, relocated to the settlement. The settlers carried their culture and tradition with them. The Liberian constitution and flag were modeled after those of the U.S. On January 3, 1848, Joseph Jenkins Roberts, a wealthy, free-born African American from Virginia who settled in Liberia, was elected Liberia's first president after the people proclaimed independence.

Not too many former slaves headed for Africa after the Civil War set them free. In fact, many Africans living in all-black countries in Africa chuck their freedom and head for white welfare countries at every opportunity.

Incidentally, open borders could work for black Americans in one respect. If thirty-five million black Americans decided to immigrate to one or two countries in Africa, they could takeover the entire continent in no time at all —— the same way it happened with European settlers and Native Americans. Substitute non-existent racism for religious intolerance and you have the same ingredients that prompted European whites to come to the New World.

Black Americans are more advanced than the overwhelming majority of native Africans. If societal evolution brought on by a mass migration to Africa repeats the New World paradigm, black Americans and their descendants could soon be living on, and dominating, a continent without white people to contend with. (Whites are already leaving some parts of Africa.)

Once established in Africa, black American expatriates could then demand reparations from the black descendants of the people who sold them into slavery in the first place. Blacks demanding reparations from blacks can hardly be considered racist.

Next, assume each descendant of the original slaves is given a thousand dollars (reparations hustlers never tell us the actual amount they want). Those Americans who are half white and half black should only get $500. I am sure Bishop Sutton would agree that fair is fair. Frankly, I would not give them a penny because most ½ & ½ Americans already have government jobs which is more lucrative than reparations.

Let me close with:


Welfare state programs prove that parasites always demand more. So it is fair to say that the first reparation payment will grow an grow like Topsy.
Black Americans are more advanced than the overwhelming majority of native Africans. If societal evolution brought on by a mass migration to Africa repeats the New World paradigm, black Americans and their descendants could soon be living on, and dominating, a continent without white people to contend with. (Whites are already leaving some parts of Africa.)

If this idiot had any brains he would emigrate to an all-black country in Africa.

Black teen shoots at cars, allegedly shouts ‘I don’t like white people in my hood’: report
By Chris Perez
July 31, 2019 | 12:18am |

Instead of going to jail for a few square blacks he could shoot up an entire continent and get paid for it:

Once established in Africa, black American expatriates could then demand reparations from the black descendants of the people who sold them into slavery in the first place. Blacks demanding reparations from blacks can hardly be considered racist.
Free college for any person who is poor

the reparations actually being asked for DONT involve just people of color.

they are aimed at the poor of all colors folks

pretty damned open minded of black people huh
Free college for any person who is poor

the reparations actually being asked for DONT involve just people of color.

they are aimed at the poor of all colors folks

pretty damned open minded of black people huh

It's not free.