The Republican budget: An assault on the middle class


New member
The article is longer and if you can read it, it shows exactly how GOP policies are murdering the middleclass.

Strong countries need a thriving middle class, but in America today, the people who have to work for a living are getting squeezed. Republicans in Congress are poised to vote this week on a plan to make it even worse, selling out the middle class to enrich the already rich.

With their latest budget, Republicans are stacking the deck for special interests -- and whether you're a student, parent, commuter or senior citizen, Republicans will force you to pick up the costs so that special interests get their tax breaks.

In Washington, too many people speak in vague hyperbole. So let's look at the numbers in the GOP budget and see exactly how its priorities would affect real Americans. Many economists predict that this budget will lead to a loss of more than 3 million jobs, according to the Economic Policy Institute.
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Let's see, the CBO has identified millions of future job loses from Obama's programs and now millions more from the Republican's budget, so we should be a third world country just in time for Hillary to take over the White House and finish the nation off, huh?
Let's see, the CBO has identified millions of future job loses from Obama's programs and now millions more from the Republican's budget, so we should be a third world country just in time for Hillary to take over the White House and finish the nation off, huh?

Im not defending obama but truth is truth, he has gained jobs not lost them.
The article is longer and if you can read it, it shows exactly how GOP policies are murdering the middleclass.

Strong countries need a thriving middle class, but in America today, the people who have to work for a living are getting squeezed. Republicans in Congress are poised to vote this week on a plan to make it even worse, selling out the middle class to enrich the already rich.

With their latest budget, Republicans are stacking the deck for special interests -- and whether you're a student, parent, commuter or senior citizen, Republicans will force you to pick up the costs so that special interests get their tax breaks.

In Washington, too many people speak in vague hyperbole. So let's look at the numbers in the GOP budget and see exactly how its priorities would affect real Americans. Many economists predict that this budget will lead to a loss of more than 3 million jobs, according to the Economic Policy Institute.

Middle class, schmiddle class, let 'em eat cake!
Middle class, schmiddle class, let 'em eat cake!

Without the middleclass the USA fails, without the middleclass the rich get poorer, wthout the middleclass the military fails and on and on. The middleclass has always been america and what the rest of the world aspired to

Middle class, schmiddle class, let 'em eat cake!

The 'let them eat cake' attitude by Republicans will eventually cost them their heads.

"Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", supposedly spoken by "a great princess" upon learning that the peasants had no bread. Since brioche was made from dough enriched with butter and eggs, making it more expensive than bread, the quote supposedly would reflect the princess's obliviousness as to the condition of the people.
Without the middleclass the USA fails, without the middleclass the rich get poorer, wthout the middleclass the military fails and on and on. The middleclass has always been america and what the rest of the world aspired to

democrats run the gov. and have been running it for awhile.....its Democrat policy that is fucking up the economy, get a clue.

Obama couldn't even get ONE, not one, Democrat to vote for the 2 budgets he proposed..., 2 out of 5 years....and

no budget gets passed without the Senate (Democrat) and President (Democrat) supporting it.

How'd the Republicans do all of that by only holding one house of government for the last 31/2 years and none of the houses of government the 2 years before that? And if the Republicans did all of that some time before that, when? And if it's true, how come Democrats never fixed it during all of those years when they controlled the federal government? Oh! That's right, your map is just more of the childish blame game partisan pissing contest, huh?
Without the middleclass the USA fails, without the middleclass the rich get poorer, wthout the middleclass the military fails and on and on. The middleclass has always been america and what the rest of the world aspired to

The middle class is not doing well under Obama it is shrinking.