The Republican Party - GOP history

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Every year on this date the residents of Ripon, Wisconsin—population 7,630—recall a historic gathering on February 28, 1854, when several dozen local people converged on the town’s simple one-room wood-frame schoolhouse to forge a new political party.

Called together by Alvan E. Bovay, a local political activist, these pioneers cut a wide swath across the American political spectrum. Some were members of the moribund Free Soil party, which had formed in 1848 to oppose the extension of slavery into the Western territories. Others were “conscience Whigs,” who shared the Free Soilers’ distaste for slavery. Still others were disgruntled Democrats, who opposed the Whigs on most economic policy questions but also found slavery socially and politically unacceptable.

These odd political bedfellows were driven to common cause by a bill in the United States Congress, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, designed to organize the last unsettled parts of the Louisiana Purchase. The bill, drafted by Senator Stephen Douglas, Democrat of Illinois, explicitly broke with the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which established the 36’30” parallel as a dividing line between free and slave territory in the Louisiana Purchase area.


It was far from clear on February 28, 1854, that the citizens of Ripon, Wisconsin, were founding a new party. It would take six years and many a firestorm to harden voters’ commitment to the fledgling organization and to attract a majority of Northern votes to the antislavery position.

But in November 1860 a prairie lawyer from Illinois carried the party’s banner to victory, and American politics would never be the same.
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If a '.uk' is preceded by a '.ac' that means it is an academic institution.

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