The Republican Party is Dead; Only the Name Survives the Deceased


Verified User
People are talking about how the Republicans might do in the elections this November. I say they can't win because the Republican party no longer exists. Those who claim to be the Republicans aren't. The party is dead. Only the name survives.

This is not the party of Abraham Lincoln. Ronald Reagan was far to liberal for today's Republicans. What is left of what the Republicans is the Ku Klux Klan wing, neocons like Dick Cheney, and those who are against the kind of people who think. The party is owned by corporate puppets that apologize to British petroleum. The party is led by Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.

Republicans are only concerned about the deficit when they are out of power and spend like mad when they are in power.

Republicans need to take responsibility. They need to stand for something more than empty slogans. There are no ideas there anymore. It's all about their own self interest. So Republicans cannot possibly win because Republicans no longer exist.


My my hey hey,
the GOP is here to stay
It's better to cut taxes
Then it is to pay
My my hey hey

Now in the red
but once the black
We fucked up this
and blamed Democrats
but once it was gone
we didn't give a rats ass
when your in the red
but was in the black

Our powers gone
but we won't go beggin
This is the story
of Ronnie Reagan
it's better to sell out
then it is to change
Our powers gone
but we won't go beggin

Hey hey my my
the GOP can never die
We'll count on your ignorance
When we sell our lies
Hey hey my my.
only idiots run around claiming that one of the two major parties are dead, when BOTH parties hold 99.9999 percent of all publicly held seats and those seats are essentially broken down as a statistic dead heat between the two parties
People are talking about how the Republicans might do in the elections this November. I say they can't win because the Republican party no longer exists. Those who claim to be the Republicans aren't. The party is dead. Only the name survives.

This is not the party of Abraham Lincoln. Ronald Reagan was far to liberal for today's Republicans. What is left of what the Republicans is the Ku Klux Klan wing, neocons like Dick Cheney, and those who are against the kind of people who think. The party is owned by corporate puppets that apologize to British petroleum. The party is led by Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.

Republicans are only concerned about the deficit when they are out of power and spend like mad when they are in power.

Republicans need to take responsibility. They need to stand for something more than empty slogans. There are no ideas there anymore. It's all about their own self interest. So Republicans cannot possibly win because Republicans no longer exist.




That's great news!

So you're supporting the democrats right?

You're supporting Obama?
This wouldn't be the be the first opposition party that the Dims outlived--remember the Whigs? A useful opposition party can at least prevent the Dims from destroying the country, as the Whigs did from 1830-1854, and the GOP has done ever since. If the time has come where the GOP is unable to save America from the Dims, then it is time for a new political party. I certainly will agree that it has largely been ineffective at driving new policy, and that it did not manage the budget under Bush, as it now criticizes Obama for not doing...

Republicans could win control of the House of Representatives in elections in November, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs acknowledged on Sunday.

"There is no doubt there are enough seats at play that could cause Republicans to gain control, there is no doubt about that," Gibbs told NBC's "Meet the Press" talk show when asked whether the Democrats would maintain their majority in the House.

All 435 seats in the House are up for grabs in the November 2 election as well as 36 of the 100 seats in the Senate.

Must suck for democrats hearing your own White House Press Secretary say it on national TV.
My my hey hey,
the GOP is here to stay
It's better to cut taxes
Then it is to pay
My my hey hey

Now in the red
but once the black
We fucked up this
and blamed Democrats
but once it was gone
we didn't give a rats ass
when your in the red
but was in the black

Our powers gone
but we won't go beggin
This is the story
of Ronnie Reagan
it's better to sell out
then it is to change
Our powers gone
but we won't go beggin

Hey hey my my
the GOP can never die
We'll count on your ignorance
When we sell our lies
Hey hey my my.

And meanwhile, back at the ranch, assinine Libertarians will be running around singing nursery rhymes while the country circles the bowl and they try adding a verse to the song that incorporates "WHOOOOOOOSH" in the ending...

And meanwhile, back at the ranch, assinine Libertarians will be running around singing nursery rhymes while the country circles the bowl and they try adding a verse to the song that incorporates "WHOOOOOOOSH" in the ending...


Man,,,,,,,, that made a lot of sense.

What a great defender of liberty!

Great points notusaloyaltotheend!
People are talking about how the Republicans might do in the elections this November. I say they can't win because the Republican party no longer exists. Those who claim to be the Republicans aren't. The party is dead. Only the name survives.

This is not the party of Abraham Lincoln. Ronald Reagan was far to liberal for today's Republicans. What is left of what the Republicans is the Ku Klux Klan wing, neocons like Dick Cheney, and those who are against the kind of people who think. The party is owned by corporate puppets that apologize to British petroleum. The party is led by Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.

Republicans are only concerned about the deficit when they are out of power and spend like mad when they are in power.

Republicans need to take responsibility. They need to stand for something more than empty slogans. There are no ideas there anymore. It's all about their own self interest. So Republicans cannot possibly win because Republicans no longer exist.



Yeah, I think the voluntary libertarian desertion and the GOP attempts to remove that influence have left the party without a brain. Well, the brain is now controlled by the neocons though, they may soon lose control. Cheney and his wing are bastards, but they are not stupid, like the Palin-Bush being-stupid-is-a-virtue/social conservative wing or what is left of the racists.

And listen to all the retards (yurt, webbway) completely mangle the point. The point is not that the GOP, as it now exists, has no power or will hold no power in the short run. The point is that it has gone through a change and the result is some hideous beast, with idiot limbs and an evil brain. The GOP is moving towards the cliff and I am starting to wonder if the Cheney wing really has much control. The poisons Rove fostered in order to remove the libertarian influence may prove too strong.

If anybody will save it, it will be Republicans like 3d (who got the point). First they need to tell the idiots to either stfu and move to the back or leave. Then, you can go after the Cheney wing. If the idiots were put in their place, then the libertarian influences might return. But the GOP can't continue to let the likes of Limbaugh and Beck continue to pretend that they are running things.

You might as well let some drug addict and a guy that cannot seem to shoot straight run things, oh wait...
The GOP as it exists now would not nominate Eisenhower to be their candidate. Goldwater would have a hard time getting the party's nomination. That being said, I remember the Democratic party being declared dead after the 94 election. Not so much. Americans are to complacent with the two parties. What needs to happen, but won't, is the independents need to get behind a third party and vote for that party. Right now, the independents swing elections and they have little or no choice in who the parties nominate, all they do is vote for the person that offends them the least in general elections. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
The GOP as it exists now would not nominate Eisenhower to be their candidate. Goldwater would have a hard time getting the party's nomination. That being said, I remember the Democratic party being declared dead after the 94 election. Not so much. Americans are to complacent with the two parties. What needs to happen, but won't, is the independents need to get behind a third party and vote for that party. Right now, the independents swing elections and they have little or no choice in who the parties nominate, all they do is vote for the person that offends them the least in general elections. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Technically, Ike could get nominated, because his own nomination in 1952 was a compromise. The people who didn't like the Mormon, or perceived radicals such as Paul, Brownback, etc. (read, Sen. Robert Taft), or perceived ineffectual sellouts such as Giuliani (read Thomas Dewey and perhaps his 1948 running-mate, Earl Warren), latched onto Ike, and then Stassen offered Ike his support and agreed not to run in that primary. This time, those forces rallied behind McCain, although many people still did accuse him of being a sellout.
the Republican party isn't dead, it's merely able to espouse the evil it has advocated all along. Liberalism and goodness is what is dead. We have lost the fight to the forces of darkness; hopefully another species will come along in 100 million years to rectify our imsatke. They will make especially sure to eliminate all conservatives.
the Republican party isn't dead, it's merely able to espouse the evil it has advocated all along. Liberalism and goodness is what is dead. We have lost the fight to the forces of darkness; hopefully another species will come along in 100 million years to rectify our imsatke. They will make especially sure to eliminate all conservatives.
The GOP as it exists now would not nominate Eisenhower to be their candidate. Goldwater would have a hard time getting the party's nomination. That being said, I remember the Democratic party being declared dead after the 94 election. Not so much. Americans are to complacent with the two parties. What needs to happen, but won't, is the independents need to get behind a third party and vote for that party. Right now, the independents swing elections and they have little or no choice in who the parties nominate, all they do is vote for the person that offends them the least in general elections. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
That won't happen and I'll tell you why. Say what you want to about our two party system but it's worked well for over 200 years now. The reason is it works well is that neither party is a static "Conservative/Liberal" party. They are both dynamic and evolving. Since both major parties are coalitions of often disparate interest what will happen is that new political coalitions would be absorbed or co-opted by the major parties. You all ready see that happening with the Libertarian and Tea Party coalitions, for example.
That won't happen and I'll tell you why. Say what you want to about our two party system but it's worked well for over 200 years now. The reason is it works well is that neither party is a static "Conservative/Liberal" party. They are both dynamic and evolving. Since both major parties are coalitions of often disparate interest what will happen is that new political coalitions would be absorbed or co-opted by the major parties. You all ready see that happening with the Libertarian and Tea Party coalitions, for example.
Just what I said. The parties will nominate who they ALWAYS nominate and the rest of us will be stuck. We will never get a fiscally conservative republican that does not believe that the constitution should be amended to keep queers from marrying, and women from aborting. We will never get a seriously pro-business democrat who does not believe that that women should be able to abort children until the last month, and that tax cuts and guns are bad. I want a pro business, flat taxer who believes that gun ownership is a fundamental right and that the ninth amendment encompasses much more than the enumerated rights. I want someone that supports the right of consenting adults to marry and that the federal government cannot withhold benefits because both people in the relationship have the same genitalia. I want a pro military candidate that does not support jumping into combat unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. Is all this too much to ask?
Just what I said. The parties will nominate who they ALWAYS nominate and the rest of us will be stuck. We will never get a fiscally conservative republican that does not believe that the constitution should be amended to keep queers from marrying, and women from aborting. We will never get a seriously pro-business democrat who does not believe that that women should be able to abort children until the last month, and that tax cuts and guns are bad. I want a pro business, flat taxer who believes that gun ownership is a fundamental right and that the ninth amendment encompasses much more than the enumerated rights. I want someone that supports the right of consenting adults to marry and that the federal government cannot withhold benefits because both people in the relationship have the same genitalia. I want a pro military candidate that does not support jumping into combat unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. Is all this too much to ask?
Sorry Socr but that's niave. It will never happen. Everyone has issues that are important to them that they would love to see either of the major parties solidly and consistantly represent. You're right, that will never happen and I think it would be niave to have that sort of expectation of the major parties.

I mean, for example, I would view a "flat tax" as an agressive, hostile and even violent move by the upper classes against my best financial interest and I would be willing to fight like hell, to protect that interest against such regressive forms of taxation that penalize me financially while funneling money upwards towards those who need it the least.
That won't happen and I'll tell you why. Say what you want to about our two party system but it's worked well for over 200 years now. The reason is it works well is that neither party is a static "Conservative/Liberal" party. They are both dynamic and evolving. Since both major parties are coalitions of often disparate interest what will happen is that new political coalitions would be absorbed or co-opted by the major parties. You all ready see that happening with the Libertarian and Tea Party coalitions, for example.

I am calling bullshit on the bolded portion. The two party system has repeatedly screwed this country for the past 50 years (at least). The public is largely responsible because we continue electing the same types of morons to public office and expecting different results. The two parties are masters of the wedge issues... they use them to rally 'their' side and infuriate the 'other' side.

Bottom line... saying that the two party system has 'worked well' is absurd. The two party system has completely failed us for at least the last fifty years.