The Republican Party is Turning Into a Cult

Like Ted Haggarty's cult?

That was totally uncalled for! :mad:

All I ever done was lecture my congregation on the virtues of personal salvation, and the evils of gay sex.

In spite of what ya heard in the Libtard media, I only engaged in man-love….sweet, intoxicating man-love…. so that I would have first-hand experience with the devilry my fellow Christians and I are up against.

Spiritual warfare requires me to know my enemy, Son...

“The enemy is like a wild animal, crouched, ready to spring into an opening.”

Genesis 4:7

Warmest Regards,

The Republican party pretty much turned into a cult with that soothsayer following Reagan.

Whether a cult or not that is when they left their conservative ways.
And started melding with Religion.
That was totally uncalled for! :mad:

All I ever done was lecture my congregation on the virtues of personal salvation, and the evils of gay sex.

In spite of what ya heard in the Libtard media, I only engaged in man-love….sweet, intoxicating man-love…. so that I would have first-hand experience with the devilry my fellow Christians and I are up against.

Spiritual warfare requires me to know my enemy, Son...

Warmest Regards,


Yeah, up close and personal! wink wink, Ted!
it cracks me up how the dems have the power now....yet instead of actually wisely using that power for good....they are obsessed with repubs and now repubs are a cult.....

how cute!
it cracks me up how the dems have the power now....yet instead of actually wisely using that power for good....they are obsessed with repubs and now repubs are a cult.....

how cute!

And what just happened in the last eight years, yurt? or the Clinton years?
Evil and dangerous are two different words.

Lets remember the last time these people felt out of control they did some crazy assed things.
We need to buy guns a liberal black man is president!

Open carry in all 50 states!

Obama has been the best thing for gun sales in 50 years.