The Republican Rock & The Hard Place


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Looks to me like the Republican half of the Duopoly Dictatorship has their asses between a rock and a hard place. Obama has them over a barrel and they’re starting to crack like Humpty Dumpty. If they don’t vote to raise taxes on Obama’s “wealthy” middle class and upward, Obama will be able to blame them for going over the cliff. If they do vote for Obama’s tax hike on Obama’s wealthy middle class and upward, and the economy tanks even further than it already is, Obama will still have the upper hand because the Tea Party will crucify the Republicans that voted for it in the next election, but if the economy actually improves whichever way the Republicans go, Obama gets all the credit and the Republicans look like the idiot uncle in the attic.
Looks to me like the Republican half of the Duopoly Dictatorship has their asses between a rock and a hard place. Obama has them over a barrel and they’re starting to crack like Humpty Dumpty. If they don’t vote to raise taxes on Obama’s “wealthy” middle class and upward, Obama will be able to blame them for going over the cliff. If they do vote for Obama’s tax hike on Obama’s wealthy middle class and upward, and the economy tanks even further than it already is, Obama will still have the upper hand because the Tea Party will crucify the Republicans that voted for it in the next election, but if the economy actually improves whichever way the Republicans go, Obama gets all the credit and the Republicans look like the idiot uncle in the attic.

Quite the bed the GOP made for itself. I wouldn't want to have to lay in it.