The Results of Liberal Policy


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Recently Freed Inmate Arrested in Conn. Home Invasion; Woman Killed, Another Wounded
By STEPHEN SINGER Associated Press Writer
The Associated Press - Monday, March 31, 2008


A sex offender recently released from prison brazenly invaded a home, shot two women meeting for morning coffee and abducted one of them, whose body was found about 10 miles away, police said.

Leslie Williams, 31, told police that he entered the unlocked home Sunday morning looking for money and a car, but that when two women inside saw his face, he had no choice but to shoot them, according to an arrest warrant.

Carol Larese, 65, was seriously wounded while her visiting friend, MaryEllen Welsh, 61, was abducted.

According to the arrest warrant, Larese offered Williams $20 and Welsh gave him her car key, but Williams ordered the two into the basement and shot Larese. The warrant does not address the shooting of Welsh.

Larese told police she pretended to be dead, then stayed in her basement for an hour to make sure the intruder had left. She went to a neighbor's home across the street for help.

A Connecticut State Police officer talks with Bristol Police at the scene where the body of home invasion and kidnapping victim Mary Ellen Welsh was discovered in Bristol, Conn., Monday, March 31, 2008. A sex offender released from prison less than a month ago will face charges in the death of a 62-year-old woman abducted while having coffee at her friend's New Britain home, prosecutors said Monday. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)
"She just told me she was shot," Teresa Diters said. "She was all full of blood from head to toe. I was amazed."

Police said they arrested Williams when he crashed Welsh's car about 25 miles away in Watertown after a police chase later on Sunday.

Welsh's body was found in a wooded area of Bristol early Monday, Sgt. Darren Pearson said.

Williams appeared in court Monday but did not enter a plea to charges of criminal attempt to commit murder, robbery, kidnapping with a firearm and other crimes related to the attack on Larese. A judge set bail at $5 million.

Prosecutors said they were preparing to file more serious charges connected with Welsh's death but did not know when that might happen.

Williams' attorney, public defender Todd A. Edgington, said he expected the new charges within the next day or two.

"This stuff is rolling in faster than I can keep up," he said.

Edgington said he asked to have Williams placed in protective custody in prison because he is concerned other inmates might blame him if state officials crack down the way they did after two parolees were charged in a deadly July home invasion in Cheshire. The case led to a temporary ban on parole for all offenders.

Williams was living at two shelters in Hartford after he was released March 4 from the medium-security Osborne Correctional Institution in Somers after serving eight years in prison, authorities said.

Police in Waterbury, where Williams lived before he went to prison, said he was convicted of sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl he knew in 1998.

He was denied parole in March 2006.

Welsh, a nurse, was battling cancer in the past year, but her friends had helped take care of her, said neighbor Albert Carrier.

"She was a very, very good person, beautiful person to be neighbors with," Carrier said. "She was like part of my family."

It is THIS, Asshat, that I was talking about, in "For Gonzo, the Sequel". You, changing the subject to the "Quest for Riches" does NOT help. And if Gonzo was referring to ME when he says "God, make my enemies look ridiculous", I would ask him, is THIS, ABOVE, RIDICULOUS? And I would also say, "At least you believe in God!"
No, Asshat, I DON'T believe that Money and Power, and The Hunt and Chase FOR it, is the most important thing. I wasn't even TALKING about that. THAT is the PROBLEM with Liberalism, you miss the WHOLE POINT! Most Conservatives in America are not Donald Trump! They are either Middle Class, or Working Poor people in the Heart of the Nation, that are TIRED of Liberal Policies like Pulling Babies out of Mommy, stabbing their brains with the head still inside, and making up a NAME FOR IT, OTHER THAN MURDER! They are TIRED of Liberal Policies that RELEASE VIOLENT CRIMINALS EARLY, BECAUSE THE ANIMALS WILL BE "UNCOMFORTABLE" WITH OVERCROWDING, and "We must understand them". They are TIRED of Liberal Policies that tell Parents that The Schools, and Abortion Clinics, can teach and do things to their kids without THE PARENTS KNOWLEDGE! They are TIRED of Liberal Policies that say it's OK for SOME people to be Hateful and Bigoted and Anti-American, if they are a Left-Wing Ultra-Liberal, as long as they give Pretty and Flowery, Yet Meaningless Bullshit Speeches!

I don't like it, when Americans are put out of work, and I don't like outsourcing. I MYSELF, have probably lost work because of it, in the past. But what do you Liberals want to DO, turn America toward Communism, and FORCE companies to do what YOU (or, rather, Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama) want them to do? And anyway, I was referring more toward the CULTURE of Victimhood, and NOT taking RESPONSIBILITY for ANYTHING.
Once again, this weekend, a 30 yr.old Urban Animal, with prior convictions for Drug Sales, Armed Robberies, and mort recently, a SEXUAL ASSAULT ON A FIVE YEAR OLD GIRL. The Animal, Leslie Williams, an African-American piece of Human Feces, killed this church-volunteering, loved-by-all-her-neighbors 62-yr.old White woman, with NOMORE THOUGHT THAN STEPPING ON A BUG.

It is THIS kind of behaior, asshat, that I was referring to, when I talk about Class Warfare, turning Rich against Poor, White against Black, etc., and it it THIS kind of thing that HAPPENS, when you have the Liberal Culture of Victimhood, which Barack Obama and his Party subscribe to. Where you have Repeat Offenders, Serial Rapists, Repeat Child Molesters, and LIBERALS WANT TO KEEP LETTING THEM OUT OF JAIL. Liberals say "We must UNDERSTAND them" "We must UNDERSTAND that they had a rough childhood." Even though I know MANY Black, White and Brown young men and women, who grew up in places like Fort Apache, Bronx, New York, or Detroit, Michigan, where junkies lay dead in the hallways, and thre's a Murder or Rape every DAY, and yet these kids, the ones who WANT to GET OUT, DO GET OUT. I KNOW that some kids have a very rough life. But we had a little thing once called the Depression, ALL OVER AMERICA, and people, kids and adults, were STARVING, but they DID NOT COMMIT the KINDS, and AMOUNT of crimes that todays criminals do. Why? Well, one reason began in the 60's. Instead of taking RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONE'S OWN ACTIONS, a New Kind of Parenting became popular, where you become "best freinds" with your child, instead of a PARENT, and EVERYTHING they do WRONG can be explained away, as either the PARENT'S fault(not enough love), or "Environmental Factors", but NEVER the Child's Fault, NEVER "rub their nose in it", hold them RESPONSIBLE, which is the way CHILDREN WERE RAISED FOR CENTURIES. But in the 60's, we had a lot of people doing drugs, getting "mellow", and basically, being LAZY. Foregoing the DIFFICULT part of Parenting, like DICIPLINE!

NOW, FINALLY, after three recent Home Invasions, followed by the Rape and Murder of a Beloved Mother, her 2 daughters, by WHITE MEN, this has NOTHING to do with race, FINALLY, even the Liberal "soccer moms" are forcing the Democrat Legislature to change the "Convict-Freindly" Laws they have been passing for the last 40 years, afraid to hurt the "feelings" of the Murerers, Rapists, and Armed Robbers.