The Right Wing Ignorance About Abortion


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Abortion is one of those single topic voter talking points. Meaning, if you don't know anything about politics, you can rest assure you voted correctly because you voted against killing babies. Makes you feel good Christian and what else matters?.....I do not believe in abortion and I argue, there are steps to make abortion unnecessary.

Let's start with "It's a choice". I never recognized the true meaning of "It's a choice" until I met a Lesbian couple I live near. I always saw "it's a choice" as a choice to terminate a human who had no choice. But this girls story was, "The dad had the choice to leave his kid and me to raise him, by law" The DAD had the choice to leave this mom alone to raise a child alone. Today, It's a choice for the dad.

Now. How can we stop abortion...Lets do everything we can do to make Abortion OBSOLETE. Abstinence, condoms, birth control, the day after pill.

The Church is fighting against pills. Which pills, it depends on the Church. I know the Church teaches abstinence. And the Church is also a monthly article of why abstinence doesn't work.

Why are these Churches calling a morning after pill an abortion pill? What is the next step? Saying that women killed children by not having a baby when they have their period? After all, every period is a child that could have been a human...

We also have crime data. Ever since Abortion came into play Crime rates have dropped significantly because a parent that didn't want to be a parent wasn't forced into it.

Now a counter to the Right. The Right claims Christianity and no harm to kids. The Right is the center of the Military Industrial Complex. Here is a VERY SMALL list of people they have killed. I post this in hopes that they are equal to the kids aborted...
We also have crime data. Ever since Abortion came into play Crime rates have dropped significantly because a parent that didn't want to be a parent wasn't forced into it.

Geeeee! And here all this time I thought that because the Supreme Court had overturned so many restrictive State and City gun laws and so many States had passed “conceal carry” & “stand your ground” was the reason crime rates were down. Silly me!!!!! Who’d have thunk it that all we really needed to do was kill more babies? Amazing, absolutely amazing how the left can envision 20 years into the future and know without reservation how a baby born today will turn out socially, huh? Such genius deserves a fucking medal or hilarious laughter,

I’m still laughing!!!!!!!
Geeeee! And here all this time I thought that because the Supreme Court had overturned so many restrictive State and City gun laws and so many States had passed “conceal carry” & “stand your ground” was the reason crime rates were down. Silly me!!!!! Who’d have thunk it that all we really needed to do was kill more babies? Amazing, absolutely amazing how the left can envision 20 years into the future and know without reservation how a baby born today will turn out socially, huh? Such genius deserves a fucking medal or hilarious laughter,

I’m still laughing!!!!!!!

So your argument is "conceal and carry" & "stand your ground" laws are the reason for less violence......

What "BREAKTHROUGH" law changed New York and it's violence rates? I'm pretty sure the laws you stated were FREEDOM RIGHTS before all of this mess, not a fix to a problem.
You post this sh*t yet claim to support Huckabee? Pure comedy.

You can't understand me because of your party bias. You think someone has to OBEY by a GOVERNMENT platform in order to be a part of the party team.

I tend to think on individual topics and think for myself. I don't use party platforms as a way of thinking. THAT WOULD MAKE ME AN IDIOT.
You cannot make abortion obsolete because the default human profile is to be stupid and to fail. When people are rising above the human condition toward high levels of responsibility and morality, then your methods of education and behavior modification become irrelevant.
You cannot make abortion obsolete because the default human profile is to be stupid and to fail. When people are rising above the human condition toward high levels of responsibility and morality, then your methods of education and behavior modification become irrelevant.

"because the default human profile is to be stupid and to fail" ....WELL there is YOUR problem.
You can't understand me because of your party bias. You think someone has to OBEY by a GOVERNMENT platform in order to be a part of the party team.

I tend to think on individual topics and think for myself. I don't use party platforms as a way of thinking. THAT WOULD MAKE ME AN IDIOT.

LOL, you're not talking to Desh here and your stichk is transparent.
LOL, you're not talking to Desh here and your stichk is transparent.

Great argument then kiddo...

cawacko, You have NEVER held a debate about politics with me and never will. Maybe it's time you stop responding to me.

If you want to debate politics then sure, let's do it. Until then, stop trolling like a 12 year old and go to bed.
Isn't is cute how a Anti thinks he is posting "facts"

Here is a fact for him. The highest percentage of abortions occur among blacks. He claims that crime is down because of abortion.

Wonder what he thinks about blacks?
Isn't is cute how a Anti thinks he is posting "facts"

Here is a fact for him. The highest percentage of abortions occur among blacks. He claims that crime is down because of abortion.

Wonder what he thinks about blacks?

That of course is the racist left’s little secret. Promote all out abortion even at taxpayer’s expense and gradually get rid of the black bastards, It’s the left’s ”FINAL SOLUTION.”
Explain why. I put lots of information out there. I'm guessing you didn't take it as input because you know it all already, (R)ight?

it was a specific reference to the statement I obviously know nothing about biology, and you cannot discuss abortion properly if you are ignorant of basic biology.....
So your argument is "conceal and carry" & "stand your ground" laws are the reason for less violence......

The proof is in the pudding Goober. Instead of searching for all of your cut & paste commie propaganda to post, try sometime to research crime rates in America’s States with “conceal carry” laws. You’ll find that crime rates dropped dramatically after conceal carry was instituted. It’s no curiosity Goober, it’s common sense well documented by our founders who knew the ability to “self-defend” creates a more secure population. Killing babies on the other hand never made anybody more secure except racist governments that promote it. It’s their FINAL SOLUTION for ethnic clensing.

What "BREAKTHROUGH" law changed New York and it's violence rates?

DUH!!! Why of course Goober that would have been ”Mayor Rudy Giuliani” who doubled the amount of cops on the streets and mostly turned a blind eye to police brutality

Hey, North Korea and Cuba proved those tactics work, there’s nary a dime’s worth of crime in those places. That’s what your progressive buddies are striving for in America Goober. First they have to take the guns to assure a much lower degree of the possibility of a fucking revolution when they have their cops brutalize Republicans & libertarians on the streets.

I'm pretty sure the laws you stated were FREEDOM RIGHTS before all of this mess, not a fix to a problem.

I’m way more than “pretty sure” Goober that an armed population is a more secure population. Nobody attacks Switzerland, not even terrorist because it’s banks hide your money and every adult male is given free, (by the government), a rifle and a pistol and ammo for both as soon as they come of age and the crime rate is among the lowest in the world Goober, SPLAIN THAT!!!!!
it was a specific reference to the statement I obviously know nothing about biology, and you cannot discuss abortion properly if you are ignorant of basic biology.....

You'll have to forgive the moron, he thinks ethnic cleansing is jerking off too.
Great argument then kiddo...

cawacko, You have NEVER held a debate about politics with me and never will. Maybe it's time you stop responding to me.

If you want to debate politics then sure, let's do it. Until then, stop trolling like a 12 year old and go to bed.

When the fuck did you ever actually "DEBATE" politics with anybody? DUH! cutting and pasting commie propaganda and videos ain't "DEBATING" moron!!!!!