The right's criticism of moderators ignores a bigger point


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Personally, I thought they were harder on Trump than Harris. But, I'd also note that they did NOT fact check every single exaggeration and untruth - it seemed to me that they focused only on the true whoppers, which were Trump's (cat eating, baby execution).

But so what? Let's take it at face value, and say that Trump had a tougher time because it wasn't a friendly environment.

Like, really? You want the job of world leader & CIC, and a few extra fact-checks along w/ a tough opponent gets you to melt down? And that's what he did. From the time Harris brought up his rallies, he became rattled and never found his way back. He was angry, defensive and at times off the rails.

What we saw last night was one candidate who was disciplined and had the temperament for the job she's trying to get, and another candidate who is clearly the opposite on both counts. If Trump can't handle a couple of somewhat unfriendly moderators - how is he going to deal w/ the real problems of the world, and real adversity?
your point is absurd in that you claim she showed the right temperament - isn't that easier when you are being coddled.

How would she react if she was openly questioned as he was? you are sure she would of kept her composure? Must be nice not having to be sure since you are coddled.