The rights plan for America.


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you cannot keep on shifting income from labor to capital without having an excess capacity and a lack of aggregate demand and there is no way to create demand with supply side economics. That’s what has happened. We thought that markets worked. They’re not working. The individual can be rational. The firm, to survive and thrive, can push labor costs more and more down, but labor costs are someone else’s income and consumption. That’s why it’s a self-destructive process.” Why capitalism is killing America. The wealthy will gladly see America Die for their increased wealth.

Unfortunately, this awareness that Adam Smith’s ideal of capitalism is being ignored by today’s conservatives is proof why Piketty’s forecast for this century is certain to come true. Adam smith did say that at times wages aren't dictated by the market that when it is broken business sets wages. and that is exactly what is happening now.

In short, the trend is guaranteed to get worse, not better. America, democracy, capitalism and the global economy are heading for disastrous collapse. An elite group of just 85 of the wealthiest billionaires already have more wealth than the 3.5 billion poorest half of the world population. Read that again. Do you think that this is a good thing.
This is what the right offers this country, in 2016 as they have in decades past ,have marketed their philosophy with the language of hate. They have created a monster that can consume them and they can't control. There only long term hope for a future is to take away as many segments of the population that is populated with a majority of democrats, They have done this in every state that they are controlling now, It's a national program and I do agree with them ,they are willing to poison our republic by stopping the ability of people to vote while they see their epitaph slowly closing in on them , The epitaph is one word "Demographics"
Nice copy and paste job. Well done.
Not quite, A lot of the regresives will be looking themselves in the face and trying to find excuses for their stupidity. The idea that their beloved regressive part only exists for the increased wealth of the few.
republicans are doomed
Yup, they can hang on for a bit by taking away the votes of democrats, but their hate message will be remembered by the people they have spit on and as those population sectors , takes over this countries population. The fact is there is nothing that is better for this country then to get rid of the hate party.
A conservative party will come back and may be smart enough to look back at what destroyed the regressive party ,you can't have a party who's sole purpose is the move all the increased wealth of this rich country into the hands of the top few. The Republican name will be to poisoned by that time , they will need a new name, something like the Christian Patriot party. Or some other twist on their historic make believe history.
they will be meaningless

they will be replaced by a moderate dem like party

right wing fools will be meaningless
they will be meaningless

they will be replaced by a moderate dem like party

right wing fools will be meaningless

The conservative party of 2016 is poison ugly but there is are reasonable conservative values that need representation and will find a party to represent them. It literally will have almost nothing to do with the direction the regressive are going in now.
If you desire prosperity by seeking employment from others then you are doomed. It is businesses jobs to cut labor and be as efficient as possible. A business owes its customers it owes the worker nothing. Time was most people were entrepreneurs. But they got lazy and hitched their fortunes to others. Too bad. Fuck em. I will be just fine. I don't give a fuck about the Republican Party. Truth is for me personally it matter little who is in the White House. I will ALWAYS thrive and succeed. That others do not is their problem not mine. Those of you who feign concern about others would gain a bit more credibility with me if you actually did a bit more than whine on a little trafficked message board.
If you desire prosperity by seeking employment from others then you are doomed. It is businesses jobs to cut labor and be as efficient as possible. A business owes its customers it owes the worker nothing. Time was most people were entrepreneurs. But they got lazy and hitched their fortunes to others. Too bad. Fuck em. I will be just fine. I don't give a fuck about the Republican Party. Truth is for me personally it matter little who is in the White House. I will ALWAYS thrive and succeed. That others do not is their problem not mine. Those of you who feign concern about others would gain a bit more credibility with me if you actually did a bit more than whine on a little trafficked message board.

fuck you very much you evil sociopath
name them
I totally understand you position but it always hasn't been this way and this is in no way the conservative party of our parents. There is no part of who they are now that has any redeeming value, they have to go.
If you desire prosperity by seeking employment from others then you are doomed. It is businesses jobs to cut labor and be as efficient as possible. A business owes its customers it owes the worker nothing. Time was most people were entrepreneurs. But they got lazy and hitched their fortunes to others. Too bad. Fuck em. I will be just fine. I don't give a fuck about the Republican Party. Truth is for me personally it matter little who is in the White House. I will ALWAYS thrive and succeed. That others do not is their problem not mine. Those of you who feign concern about others would gain a bit more credibility with me if you actually did a bit more than whine on a little trafficked message board.
Why would anyone care if they had credibility with you, a crown prince of bullshit. I know how close people are at all time from loosing it all and being on the street, and hero your no exception.
Something about the clown prince, he is a typical regressive, thinks he has all the answers, wraps himself and the American flag and bible ,both totally foreign to who they really are." I love America" ,what a laugh there isn't anyone worse for this country then this pretender.
I totally understand you position but it always hasn't been this way and this is in no way the conservative party of our parents. There is no part of who they are now that has any redeeming value, they have to go.

see you cant cant name any
see you cant cant name any
Well the Conservative concept of adhering to the values of the tried and true past is good just for balance but I do have to admit when any conservative value is implemented by 2016 Conservative, it gets real ugly fast.
the right hates democracy

they used to admit it until I outed their stupid fucking lie filled traitorous asses
If you desire prosperity by seeking employment from others then you are doomed. It is businesses jobs to cut labor and be as efficient as possible. A business owes its customers it owes the worker nothing. Time was most people were entrepreneurs. But they got lazy and hitched their fortunes to others. Too bad. Fuck em. I will be just fine. I don't give a fuck about the Republican Party. Truth is for me personally it matter little who is in the White House. I will ALWAYS thrive and succeed. That others do not is their problem not mine. Those of you who feign concern about others would gain a bit more credibility with me if you actually did a bit more than whine on a little trafficked message board.
You say a lot of stupid shit ILA but that was over the top stupid. Think you can get it done all by yourself? Good luck with that. The lesson I have learned in life I learned from a great business leader. You get things done with people. You want shitty people who produce minimum effort with no loyalty, pay as little as you can get away with. You want to accomplish great things? Well you'll need great people to get it done and if your not willing to pay what the market will bear for the best you need, again, good luck with that.