The Sequestorr Farce


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Has anybody here seen or heard anything on the TV news channels about the fact that the so-called sequester was originally an idea that originated in the White House by Barrack Obama and the fact of the matter is that the so-called sequester doesn’t cut a single dime of REAL SPENDING? The fact is the so-called sequester only reduces the PROJECTED INCREASE in future spending by 2% and the government will still spend more money this year than it spent last year even if the sequester goes into effect. Has anybody noticed the national TV news media report those facts and the fact that 2% of what government plans to increase spending is like pissing in the ocean.

Oh! That’s right Fox News has been reporting those facts for weeks now. How come we never hear any of those truths on the other TV channels? How come all we hear on MSNBC is Obama’s propaganda trying to scare Americans and trying to blame the so-called sequester that he himself invented on Republicans to piss off American voters and get them to give him back a completely Democrat controlled Congress in the mid-term elections next year.

Is Obama and his mouth piece MSNBC underhanded scumbags or what????