The single most enlightening document for those trying to understand the Republicans.

Yes it is and the participant were obviously filled to the brim with Fox lies.

these people are clucking chickens and someone has let the Fox loose on them
Democrats can also be divided into 3 groups, neo-socialist communist, neo-socialist fascist and freeloaders.
Wasnt anything new in there, but I guess it's a nice, concise overview.

Kinda have to have live in a cave not to realize it.
Another post from Truth Detector with no substantive argument and no effort whatsoever? I'm caught completely by surprise!!!

Lazy ass.
Democrats can also be divided into 3 groups, neo-socialist communist, neo-socialist fascist and freeloaders.

I always find it interesting and strange, that liberal/Democrats are always trying to explain the right, always pigeonholing Conservatives into what they
imagine are our beliefs....through their eyes, from their perspective...from their biased point of view......
How many times have we been told we want dirty water and dirty air, that we starve children, that we deny Blacks of civil rights, that we deny science,
that we 'hate' government, etc.....if one crazy person shoots another, he or she is automatically assumed to be a right wing gun nut that don't want any
sort of background checks for gun ownership....if some nut paints a sign denigrating blacks, they automatically assume his politics and every Republican
is called racist....

But then its just a astounding to us that
they deny Obamas socialist agenda
their continuous war on those that become successful and have more they have
they deny progressive taxes are Marxist
they deny they use government to build dependency on gov.
dependency based on food stamps, welfare, racism, promises of amnesty for illegals, free health care, etc...
they deny the country is fast reaching a point of bankrupcy
they deny redistribution of the wealth is anti Capitalist

Thats not OUR view of the left, its undeniable reality....they either deny the obvious or redefine facts....

I only red the "key finding' of the report....and its true to a degree....there are groups of people that hold to all those claims, but the simple
fact is, it is not accurate to say the entire body of Conservatives holds to each and every claim I'm sure that any such essay by the right describing
ALL lefties, Democrats, and liberals would be just as inaccurate...
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Another post from Truth Detector with no substantive argument and no effort whatsoever? I'm caught completely by surprise!!!

Lazy ass.

Another post from Essence with no substantive argument and no effort whatsoever? I'm caught completely by surprise!!!

I always find it interesting and strange, that liberal/Democrats are always trying to explain the right, always pigeonholing Conservatives into what they
imagine are our beliefs....through their eyes, from their perspective...from their biased point of view......
How many times have we been told we want dirty water and dirty air, that we starve children, that we deny Blacks of civil rights, that we deny science,
that we 'hate' government, etc.....if one crazy person shoots another, he or she is automatically assumed to be a right wing gun nut that don't want any
sort of background checks for gun ownership....if some nut paints a sign denigrating blacks, they automatically assume his politics and every Republican
is called racist....

But then its just a astounding to us that
they deny Obamas socialist agenda
their continuous war on those that become successful and have more they have
they deny progressive taxes are Marxist
they deny they use government to build dependency on gov.
dependency based on food stamps, welfare, racism, promises of amnesty for illegals, free health care, etc...
they deny the country is fast reaching a point of bankrupcy
they deny redistribution of the wealth is anti Capitalist

Thats not OUR view of the left, its undeniable reality....they either deny the obvious or redefine facts....

I only red the "key finding' of the report....and its true to a degree....there are groups of people that hold to all those claims, but the simple
fact is, it is not accurate to say the entire body of Conservatives holds to each and every claim I'm sure that any such essay by the right describing
ALL lefties, Democrats, and liberals would be just as inaccurate...

That's because Liberals love to wallow in group think and really are THAT stupid.

But dumber still are those who take their bullshit seriously or take their moronic advice.
I only red the "key finding' of the report...

And yet, you see fit to judge and lay out this whole bitch-fest. You're the one making assumptions based on limited information, and you're not even smart enough to not admit it. Dumbass.
It's long, but it's extremely detailed and revealing. I suggest it to anyone, on any side, who doesn't understand the Republican Party...which is to say, I suggest it to everyone:

I study all parties and I see that the Republicans and the Democrats want the same thing in general, Corporate corruption aside. But today we have this god like worship of Corporations like we Americans rely on them for survival.

The book of a TRUE Republican is the Bible. The book of the New Republican/Libertarian/Tea Party wave is the Magna Carta.
I study all parties and I see that the Republicans and the Democrats want the same thing in general, Corporate corruption aside. But today we have this god like worship of Corporations like we Americans rely on them for survival.

The book of a TRUE Republican is the Bible. The book of the New Republican/Libertarian/Tea Party wave is the Magna Carta.

Actually Goober, the book of a “TRUE” Republican, i. e. Constitutional Republic promoter, Classic Liberal, true conservative, libertarian, (small l) is the Constitution especially the Bill Of Rights.

All of that British Magna Carta bullshit of particular rights and privileges for elitist Tory snobs and the absents of gun rights is hardly a valid model for American Republicanism.