The Slave Issue.


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Before the horse was hitched to the plow ,man used a captured slave.

The horse would eventually free the slave from the plow but allowed the slave to be used for other reasons ;in turn allowing his master to contemplate better his surroundings and through the gift of reason create a better world ,for himself and the slave as well.

Slavery was the inevitable slow and tortuous path that would in time allow man to escape from the bonds of barbarism to the clear light of reason; and a civilization based on ethics ,justice and human dignity.

But in recent years a very insidious form of human exploitation has emerged ,that allows one group to gain financial and legal advantages at the expense of another.[AFFIRMATIVE ACTION]

This legalised form of social coercion is widely accepted as an attempt to

remedy the wrongs of the past ,inflicted upon a legally deprived racial entity, by granting special rights and privileges to their descendants,living now ;and sails under the rubric of civil rights.

The effect has been to deny employment and other social rights and benefits of american citizenship to those who are more qualified ,as evidenced by test scores and achievements ;and also by experience ,to a less qualified racial minority based on nothing more that skin color.

This is a subtle but devasting form of human exploitation ,that clearly needs to be addressed.But has as yet been seriously immune to criticism.
All this goes against my stated beliefs ,that when slavery was a necessary part of human development ,there was a general upward direction in man's progress as a result.

What we have now is a form of coercion ,that deprives the qualified and talented of their economic rights and rewards the less gifted ,thereby causing a downward movement in human progress.
Before the horse was hitched to the plow ,man used a captured slave.

The horse would eventually free the slave from the plow but allowed the slave to be used for other reasons ;in turn allowing his master to contemplate better his surroundings and through the gift of reason create a better world ,for himself and the slave as well.

Slavery was the inevitable slow and tortuous path that would in time allow man to escape from the bonds of barbarism to the clear light of reason; and a civilization based on ethics ,justice and human dignity.

But in recent years a very insidious form of human exploitation has emerged ,that allows one group to gain financial and legal advantages at the expense of another.[AFFIRMATIVE ACTION]

This legalised form of social coercion is widely accepted as an attempt to

remedy the wrongs of the past ,inflicted upon a legally deprived racial entity, by granting special rights and privileges to their descendants,living now ;and sails under the rubric of civil rights.

The effect has been to deny employment and other social rights and benefits of american citizenship to those who are more qualified ,as evidenced by test scores and achievements ;and also by experience ,to a less qualified racial minority based on nothing more that skin color.

This is a subtle but devasting form of human exploitation ,that clearly needs to be addressed.But has as yet been seriously immune to criticism.

Last time I checked, black folk were NOT the major players in the Wall St. debacle, were NOT in charge of the corporations that down sized and out sourced jobs, were NOT major players in the S&L scandal, Enron, etc., etc.

So if you've got a problem with your wallet and/or job bunky, don't go bitch'in to Al Sharpton about it! ;)
Blacks represent a huge surplus population in this country. They along with millions of Latinos are creating problems ,if they go unsolved ,will destroy this country. The housing market crash and that also brought down wall st. was primarily caused due to the demands of Al sharpton and others in the liberal party, to grant blacks and latinos easy mortgages, knowing they would default.
When blacks and latinos started moving next to hardworking whites ,the whites ran, and so they too compounded the problem.
Blacks represent a huge surplus population in this country. They along with millions of Latinos are creating problems ,if they go unsolved ,will destroy this country. The housing market crash and that also brought down wall st. was primarily caused due to the demands of Al sharpton and others in the liberal party, to grant blacks and latinos easy mortgages, knowing they would default.
When blacks and latinos started moving next to hardworking whites ,the whites ran, and so they too compounded the problem.

Ahh, and yet another David Duke wanna be trying to put a pseudo-intellectual spin on his racist clap trap!

Pity this bigoted bumpkin with a wolf's spine (an insult to wolves) didn't do his homework.....the housing martket crashed because when President Carter said that the loans that were being made to low income whites should be given to ALL Americans, and bankers started abusing the system to then mix in the bad loans with the good financial packages that they then sold these falsely inflated packages to each other as sound items on the national and international exchange. It was FRAUD done by the banks, not "blacks and latinos"...and last time I checked, all the corporate heads with their hands out for loans from the American taxpayer (white, black, latin, asian) to bail them out of their own chicanery didn't look like Jesse Jackson!

Again, black folk were NOT the major players in the Wall St. debacle, were NOT in charge of the corporations that down sized and out sourced jobs, were NOT major players in the S&L scandal, Enron, etc., etc.

So if you've got a problem with your wallet and/or job bunky, don't go bitch'in to Al Sharpton about it!