the social contract and it's obligations

I put this in the philosophy section because I don't want the subject to devolve in to left wing/right wing finger pointing.

Many have said that there are certain obligations because of the 'social contract', so I wanted to put this out so that anyone can post what they believe is the social contract and it's obligations in society, both individual as well as the governments obligations in it.

I put this in the philosophy section because I don't want the subject to devolve in to left wing/right wing finger pointing.

Many have said that there are certain obligations because of the 'social contract', so I wanted to put this out so that anyone can post what they believe is the social contract and it's obligations in society, both individual as well as the governments obligations in it.

I think it means that in return for each person to receive benefits of a society it must give something back in return. Simple description.
Rousseau: "If then we discard from the social compact what is not of its essence, we shall find that it reduces itself to the following terms—

"Each of us puts his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will, and, in our corporate capacity, we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole."
I put this in the philosophy section because I don't want the subject to devolve in to left wing/right wing finger pointing.

Many have said that there are certain obligations because of the 'social contract', so I wanted to put this out so that anyone can post what they believe is the social contract and it's obligations in society, both individual as well as the governments obligations in it.


Those who live in a society are obligated to never infringe the rights of others. This means respect of property - real and personal - and respect of physicality - you may not assault or molest others. These are the most basic obligations.
I put this in the philosophy section because I don't want the subject to devolve in to left wing/right wing finger pointing.

Many have said that there are certain obligations because of the 'social contract', so I wanted to put this out so that anyone can post what they believe is the social contract and it's obligations in society, both individual as well as the governments obligations in it.

The main obligation is that each individual should be, as much as is possible, responsible for themselves and their families. That's the best thing we could do to have a healthy society. The only obligation the govt should have is stay out of peoples way, provide for the commons defense of the people and provide a place for the people to redress their grievances with other citizens.
I put this in the philosophy section because I don't want the subject to devolve in to left wing/right wing finger pointing.

Many have said that there are certain obligations because of the 'social contract', so I wanted to put this out so that anyone can post what they believe is the social contract and it's obligations in society, both individual as well as the governments obligations in it.

Isn't anyone allowed to understand the social contract is designed to create every tomorrow arriving midnight to noon the same rotation society sets rules noon to midnight same day tomorrow arrived already here?

All this is based upon longitudes 0 and 180. 23 longitudes making 24 time zones per rotation life evolving regardless the relative time facts say living is too difficult to navigate personally alive as living eternally separated daily balancing into the new total sum here.

Add to those 23 longitudes come how ever many latitudes of opposing season temperate zones daily same as ancestries have the average of 5 generation gaps making up everyone alive day in and day out changing from one generation gap as arrived to ancestral positions every next generation that came from their children.

Now philosophies suggesting evolving has happened other ways and both theologies and theories won't do physical absolutes in series parallel positions as exactly been evolving since inception of common DNA changing chromosomes per ancestor added.

Philosophy paves the avenues of ideas working reverse psychology within social mantras of group thinks protecting human rights to believe life isn't self evident adapting as displaced daily.

I just pointed out how every reality regardless manifested destiny or Divine Intervention rewrite their mission statements about every 4 to 9 generation gaps as lifetimes starting the ideologies aren't the generation ancestors alive around ending them.

but their is direct links of generation gaps between the two event horizons that sustained the behavior daily.