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Obama's foreign policy is again being questioned, only this time it's over the qualifications of the people he's appointed to carry it out.

In the latest instance, the president's nominee to be America's next ambassador to Argentina admitted during a Senate hearing that he's never been to the country.

"I haven't had the opportunity yet to be there," Noah Bryson Mamet, also an Obama political contributor, told lawmakers.

The admission was the latest awkward moment for one of Obama's diplomatic nominees.

Obama bundler George Tsunis, who was tapped for ambassador to Norway, recently bungled key facts about the Scandinavian country during his Senate hearing.

Like many diplomatic nominees spanning many administrations, Mamet's background is in politics and policy, rather than foreign service.

He is the founder of political consulting firm Noah Mamet & Associates, and used to work for former House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt.

He also was a bundler for Obama and the Democratic Party in the 2012 cycle, collecting at least $500,000, according to

Obama's nominee to Norway, George Tsunis, had a few cringe-worthy moments during his hearing.

He at one point referred to Norway's president, though the country is a constitutional monarchy -- with a king, a prime minister, and a parliament, but no president.