The Strange Hates & Loves Of The Parasite Class


Verified User

1. The Democrat Party hates the U.S. Constitution.

2. The Democrat Party hates the rule of law.

3. The Democrat Party hates freedom of speech.

4. The Democrat Party hates hate speech.

5. The Democrat Party hates physically attractive women.

6. The Democrat Party hates white men.

7. The Democrat Party hates Christians.

8. The Democrat Party hates national sovereignty.

9. The Democrat Party hates secure borders.

10. The Democrat Party hates fair elections.

11. The Democrat Party hates commonsense.

12. The Democrat Party hates self-defense.

13. The Democrat Party hates global warming.

14. The Democrat Party hates discrimination.

15. The Democrat Party hates the Founding Fathers.

16. The Democrat Party hates the death penalty.

17. The Democrat Party hates Third World starvation.

18. The Democrat Party hates war.

19. The Democrat Party hates overpopulation.

20. The Democrat Party hates babies.

Democrats hate babies more that they hate everything else on my partial list of Democrat Party hatreds.

NOTE: Democrat Party love is doublespeak for hate!

1. (a) The Democrat Party loves democracy.

2. (a) The Democrat Party loves the law of men.

3. (a) The Democrat Party loves censorship.

4. (a) The Democrat Party loves special laws that punishes hate speech.

5. (a) The Democrat Party loves ugly women.

6. (a) The Democrat Party loves black men.

7. (a) The Democrat Party loves Muslims.

8. (a) The Democrat Party loves the United Nations.

9. (a) The Democrat Party loves illegal aliens.

10 (a) The Democrat Party loves voter fraud.

11 (a) The Democrat Party loves free public education.

12 (a) The Democrat Party loves tyranny.

13 (a) The Democrat Party loves environmental scams.

14. (a) The Democrat Party loves special privileges for special groups.

15. (a) The Democrat Party loves Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky.

16. (a) The Democrat Party loves murderers.

17. (a) The Democrat Party loves feeding Third World parasite with tax dollars.

18. (a) The Democrat Party loves United Nations wars.

19. (a) The Democrat Party loves euthanasia.

20. (a) The Democrat Party loves killing babies.

Killing babies is not only profitable it is the sole reason the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death now defines the world’s beliefs.

NOTE: For the umpteenth time: The XVI Amendment finances the Culture of Death.

There would be no culture of death if Supreme Court judges did not despise the U.S. Constitution so much. Do not fall for the lie that says Supreme Court judges are decent honorable men and women because they are on the Supreme Court. If you believe horseshit like that you must believe they were not like this guy before they got to the High Court.

The judge's interest in abortion could be explained partly by a Federalist report that Orrick not only was appointed by Barack Obama, "the most extreme proponent of abortion ever to hold the White House," but also was a top fundraiser, bundling at least $200,000 for Obama, according to Public Citizen reports.

Abortion-linked judge stuns courtroom by banning pro-life side's key evidence
In baby-body-parts-for-sale case, prevents testimony about 'heart beating outside of body'
WND Staff By WND Staff
Published October 12, 2019 at 7:27pm

You can bet that one day a Democrat president will reward Orrick with a seat on the SCOTUS.

Note that federal judges are the people that allowed the Chicago sewer rat to legislate with executive orders and regulations. Federal judges condone Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi and her committee chairmen when they trash the rule of law.

Democrat judges not only legislate they use their authority to disallow testimony and evidence that challenges every part of Socialism’s agenda.

Connect https to the rest of the link and watch the videos if you want to learn why Judge Orrick blocked them. I, too, would not let a jury hear the horrors Planned Parenthood engages in if I was making money off of killing babies and selling their body parts:

https ://

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It didn't take long for the Russian Bots to fire up the same old propaganda farms again- since they worked so well in 2016 and no one did anything to stop them!


The Founding Fathers of the U.S. had a well-documented affinity for the Roman republic, evidence of which is prevalent in American representative government and civic architecture.

Trump takes heat for tracing US 'cultural and political heritage' to ancient Rome
by Ellie Bufkin
October 16, 2019 06:45 PM

It is no wonder they are pissed off. Nothing angers a Democrat more than the truth:

1. The Democrat Party hates the U.S. Constitution.


1. (a) The Democrat Party loves democracy.