The Surge Worked


and the war is won, badly embarrassing the Democrats. The voters don't even care about the war anymore. John McCain was right all along, and the Democrats are getting nervous, because the voters are starting to see they were rooting for defeat all along, but McCain stood his ground, and won the war, almost single-handedly.

9 US Soldiers Killed in Iraq in 2 Days
January 9, 2008 03:35 PM EST *

BAGHDAD — Nine American soldiers were killed in the first two days of a new American drive to kill al-Qaida in Iraq fighters holed up in districts north of the capital, the U.S. military said Wednesday.

Six soldiers were killed and four were wounded Wednesday in a booby-trapped house in Diyala province, where joint U.S.-Iraqi forces were driving through a difficult web of lush palm and citrus groves, farmland and fertile river bottoms.

The military also announced that three U.S. soldiers were killed and two were wounded Tuesday in an attack in Salahuddin province. The operation began Tuesday.
I think he gets crushed because of your line of thinking and it will be sweet. He wins the bible thumping cons. The 35% left who are republicans. Independents are amoung the 70% who haven't wanted their thousands of dollars each person spent on this war since mission accomplished if not sooner.
Whew this thread reeks of uber patriotism...

Actually read what you wrote, the success in Baghdad has freed up more troops to pursue Al Qaeda out of Baghdad.
Well, now that the surge has worked, I think its about time we packed up and headed out of Iraq.
Obviously we haven't finished the job, enjoying some good news doesn't mean you prematurely give up.
The success or failure of the surge depends not on the casualty statistics of American forces but on whether the promised political reconciliation that the surge was supposed to provide "breathing space" for actually occurs. Political reconciliation has not happened. At all. And the folks at the Pentagon put the likelihood of it ever happening at a 50-50 shot at best. Here's General Kimmet, reading from a prepared statement (and therefore presumably vetted) on Tuesday:

2008 and beyond will be a success, the surge will be a success, if the gains in security can be translated into gains in stability…if I had to put a number to it, maybe it’s three in 10, maybe it’s 50-50, if we play our cards right.

Those aren't very good odds.
The success or failure of the surge depends not on the casualty statistics of American forces but on whether the promised political reconciliation that the surge was supposed to provide "breathing space" for actually occurs. Political reconciliation has not happened. At all. And the folks at the Pentagon put the likelihood of it ever happening at a 50-50 shot at best. Here's General Kimmet, reading from a prepared statement (and therefore presumably vetted) on Tuesday:

Those aren't very good odds.
Wow look at that someone has actually focused on the reason for the surge. It was to give the government a chance to come together and begin governing. That has not happened at all. Suni's and Shi'a are no closer now to governing together than they were when the surge started.