The Tea Party is all Slogans and Phrases!

Not only does the Tea Party use slogans and phrases, but the republican party uses them too! They are all talk and no substance! An example, No Child Left Behind?!! They did not fund it and it failed too! In short, the tea party and the republican party talk a good game, with no substance, agenda, or plans!

Sorry for attacking the messenger but it just screams out... Ken is all cartoons!

Some GREAT TEA Party slogans!

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Common Sense 2020
by LukeAmerica2020
The second wave of Tea Party Protests is rapidly approaching. Currently, more than 2000 Tax Day Tea Parties are scheduled for April 15th, in cities large and small, coast to coast. These patriotic gatherings will range in size from a few dozen to as many as 10,000 in larger cities.

While many of us are beginning to plan the day and make our signs, a lot of folks are looking for ideas for their slogan. We’ve explored every nook and cranny of the world wide web culling through endless photos of signs from the numerous protests in March to bring you some of the very best slogan ideas.

BTW, that first wave of Tea Party Protests was barely covered by the MSM. This tax day concerted effort across the entire nation will get the attention of the media and our ‘non-representing representatives’ in DC. And, it is important to note that the press (print, Web, and television) tend to focus on the signs.

Below are 101 interesting (and alphabetized) slogans to get you started. But, remember these protests do not necessarily favor one political party over the other, so make a careful choice for your slogan.

Plus, we’ve also got an instructional video for you that details how to construct a protest sign on a budget.

Boston Tea Party – December 16, 1773
223 Slogan Ideas … (updated 2009-04-13)

• $11 Trillion and climbing – Now that’s a lot of change!
• 3 Simple Words: WE THE PEOPLE
• Andrew Jackson was Right: No to Bank Nationalization
• April is the month when the green returns to the lawn,
the trees and the IRS.
• Armed and Dangerous … WITH MY VOTE
• Bailouts + Debt = fiscal child abuse
• Born Free, Taxed to Death
• Can We Bankrupt The Country? YES WE CAN
• Can We Lay Off Congress?
• CAP (your income) & TRADE (your freedom)
• Cap and Trade = Trap and Raid
• Capitalism is NOT the problem; Ivy League politicians ARE
• Cut Government Spending; Fire a Politician
• Cut Taxes, Not Deals
• D.C. = District of Corruption
• DC: Find Another Country to Pillage and Plunder
• DC: If You Have Time To Read My Sign,
Try Reading Some Legislation!
• DC: The Longer You Stay, The Less You Remember About US
• Debt is the problem; how can it be the solution too?
• Don’t Bail Out The Boat: FIX THE LEAK
• Don’t Tax Me Bro
• Don’t Tread On Me
• Don’t spread the wealth; spread my work ethic
• Don’t Mortgage my Child’s Future
• Don’t Mortgage my Grandchildren’s Future
• Don’t Mortgage the Future
• Don’t Stimulate … Liberate
• Down With Tyranny! Up With Liberty!
• Economics for Dummies AND Congress:
Spend Less Than You Earn
• End The Fed
• Equal OPPORTUNITY not Equal Distribution !!!
• Et tu, Sacramento?
• Fair Tax or No Tax
• Fix the Economy, Not Bankrupt OUR Children, Stupid
• Foreclose the White House
• Fraud is NOT a Right!
• Free Markets, Not Free Loaders!
• Freedom Works – Bailouts Hurt
• Give Us a Break Before WE Are Broken
• Give us liberty; not debt
• GOD Only Requires 10%
• Government Doesn’t Create Jobs … They Cremate Jobs
• Got Money?? Don’t Let the Government Know
• Green House Gases: Our money being burned in Washington
• Help Me Mr. Obama, They Want Me To Work and Stuff!
• High Taxes + Big Government = SLAVERY
• Honest Change for America: The Constitution
• HONK for Capitalism
• HONK … If I’m paying your mortgage
• HONK … If you don’t like the word TRILLION$
• HONK … If you pay my neighbor’s mortgage
• HONK … If You’re Fed Up With Both Sides of the Aisle
• HONK … If you’re paying my health care
• HONK … If you’re paying my mortgage
• HOPE FOR CHANGE (with pictures of pennies)
• How about a 90% Tax on Congressional Salaries
• How can You not Know Where the Billions of My Dollars Go?
• Human’s First
• I AM an American and I VOTE
• I Am Not Your ATM
• I Voted for Change, Not more Taxation
• I Voted for Obama, Not Debt for Our Children
• I Want My Country Back!
• I Will Keep my Freedom, my Guns, my Money.
• I Will Not Grab My Ankles
• If Dependence Is Your Idea Of HOPE,
You Can Keep The CHANGE.
• If Everyone Paid Taxes … We Would All Be Equal.
• If You Think Health Care is Expensive Now,
Wait Until it’s Free
• If YOU Voted Yes to Spending,
Consider This Your Going Away Party
• If You’re Not OUTRAGED, You Aren’t Paying ATTENTION!
• If You’re Not Outraged, You’re Not Paying Taxes!
• If Your Reps Vote “Tax and Spend”,
Kick ‘em Out in 20 10
• I’ll keep my freedom, you keep the Change
• I’ll Pay For My House, You Pay For Yours
• Ignore Your Rights and They WILL Go Away!
• I’m taking back my COUNTRY: One Politician at a Time
• Impeach Congressional Socialists!
• Instead of Apologizing for America, Apologize TO America
• Is This What You Voted For?
• It’s not a stimulus bill, it’s a strangulation bill.
• It’s Your Obligation to Fix The Country
• Join Our Cause: Restore the Republic
• Just say NO … to Socialism
• Justice Trumps Fairness
• Keep Your Bailout; I’ll Keep My Freedom
• Keep Your Hands Out of MY Piggybank
• Keep Your Kool-Aid; I Drink Tea
• Knowledge is POWER – Ignorance is Weakness!
• Land of the FREE
• Let the markets work
• Let US keep our money; YOU keep the CHANGE
• Liberty is All the Stimulus We Need
• Liberty: A Stimulus We CAN Afford
• Liberty: All the Stimulus WE Need
• Limited Government Under GOD
• Make Way For Liberty
• Money Only Grows on ACORN Trees
• More Government for The People =
Less Freedom of The People
• More Taxes = Less Jobs
• My Piggy Bank is NOT Your Pork Barrel
• Netizen Warriors, Not Dependent Whiners
• Next Time, Read the Bill Before You Sign It
• No Bonus for Freddie and Fannie Executives
• No More Bailouts
• No Public Money for Private Failure
• No Spending Without Deliberation
• No Spending Without Deliberative Representation
• No Taxation Without Deliberation
• No Taxation Without Deliberative Representation
• No Taxation without Representation!
• No more public money for private failure
• No to American Socialism
• No Way, Not Today, I Can’t Pay … Any More
• O Dow, Where Art Thou
• Obama has a Crisis of Competence
• Obama … Commander and Thief
• Obama – Pelosi – Reid: The Axis of Taxes
• Obamanomics: Trickle up poverty
• Obamanomics: Chains You Can Believe In
• Oh … Now I See … Change Means Socialism
• Our Congress is a Toxic Asset
• Party Like It’s 1773
• Patriots Are On The March
• Pay for Your OWN Mortgage
• Politicians Lied and the Economy Died!
• Pork the Other (Red) Meat
• Power corrupts; Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely
• Print Me a Trillion While You’re At It
• Proud Owner of AIG and General Motors
• Read My Lipstick; No More Bailouts
• Read My Lipstick; No New Taxes
• Read my teleprompter: NO MORE BAILOUTS
• Read the 10th Amendment – Power to the States!
• Redistribution just means less for everyone
• Remember Us: WE THE PEOPLE
• Repeal the Legislative Pork or Your Bacon is Cooked
• Repeal the Pork or Your Bacon is Cooked
• Restore the Republic, Revolt Against Socialism
• Revolution is Brewing
• Revolution is Brewing … At the POLLS
• Revolution: Part 2
• Reward Responsibility, Not Irresponsibility
• R.I.P. Free Market Economy
• S. Save; O. Our; S. Sovereignty
• Save Trees; Stop Printing Money
• Save the children – Stop spending their money
• Say No To $lavery
• Scorn In The USA (Sung to Born in the USA)
• Silence IS Consent
• Sleep? I’ll Sleep When Conservatives Run Congress
• Socialism By Any Other Name Still Stinks
• Socialism Kills
• Socialism is Incorrect Change
• Socialism: Because Everyone Else Deserves Some Of
• Socialism: Your Tax Dollars at Work,
for Those Who Won’t.
• Socialists Don’t Need no Stinkin’ Budget
• Socialized health is NOT FREE
• Solve Problems; Don’t Sweep Them Under the Table
• Solve Problems; Don’t try to Buy Them
• Special Interests Get the Pork; We Get the Beans.
• Stimulate Business, Not Government
• Stop Bankrupting America
• Stop Giving to Charity: Just Send it to Washington
• Stop Punishing Success; Stop Rewarding Failure
• Stop Taxation Without Representation
• Stop The Looting
• Stop THEIF !!!
• Subprime Bailouts are NOT in the Constitution
• Tax and Spend Brings the End
• TEA = Taxed Enough Already
• TEA = Tyranny Elimination Army
• Tea has Value, Dump the Politicians!
• Tea Party Today: Tar and Feathers Tomorrow
• The Answer is Lower Taxes. Next question?
• The Answer to 2009 is 1776
• The Constitution is NOT FOR SALE!
• The Government is Stealing From ALL OF US
• The Very Small List: Things Government Does Well
• The buck stops in the voting booth
• The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.
• This is our pay, so we do have a say!
• Trickle Up Poverty
• Truth, Justice and Real Transparency in Washington
• Two words for our elected officals: VOTING BOOTH
• United States of France
• USA 1776 – 2008: RIP
• Wake Up America, Before Your Liberty is Gone
• Wake Up America, Stop the Insanity!
• Wall Street Got a Bailout; All I Got Was The Bill
• We ARE American Patriots
• We Don’t Want No Stinkin Socialism !
• We Don’t Want Pork, We Want Liberty
• We have had enough; Stop rewarding failure
• We have to be just as vocal as the other side, or nobody’s going to listen to us.
• WE The People: YOU Our Servants
• We Work Hard So You Won’t Have To
• Welcome to France
• What part of nO don’t you understand?
• What Would Jefferson Do?
• What’s in YOUR wallet? OUR MONEY!!
• What’s in Your Wallet. Wait a Sec … That’s MY Wallet !!!
• When Taxes Rise, Freedom Dies
• Where is John Galt?
• Where’s My Bailout?
• Where’s The Fence?
• Who is in charge? WE ARE!
• Who Will be Left to Bailout the Government?
• Will Work for Lower Taxes
• Work Harder: The Government Needs Your Cash
• Why Should I Pay for YOUR Bad Decisions?
• Yes We Can: Stop the Bailouts and Earmarks!
• You Can’t Borrow to Prosperity
• You Can’t Multiply Wealth by Dividing it
• You Can’t Spend Your Way Out of Debt
• Your Mortgage is NOT My Problem
• You ONLY have the Rights You are Willing to Fight For
• Your Pork Broke My Piggy Bank
Do you like my cartoons?

Sorry for attacking the messenger but it just screams out... Ken is all cartoons!


A picture is worth a thousand words!!!
The adage "A picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the idea that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. It also aptly characterizes one of the main goals of visualization, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly.

A picture is worth a thousand words!!!
The adage "A picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the idea that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. It also aptly characterizes one of the main goals of visualization, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly.

The little guy on the left is Kenneth, off to kindergarten. How tragic.
The Tea Party is all Slogans and Phrases!






ad nauseam
